QCAR Unit Plan– developed from QCAR documents including Essential Learnings, Syllabus and Scope and Sequence – Lyn Wallace
BelmontStateSchool / Unit Title: Year 1 Music Term 3 / KLA(s): MU1.1, 1.2 / Year Level:1 / Duration of Unit:
Term 3
Identify Curriculum
Ways of Working / Knowledge and Understanding / Core Content
- Practise songs using interpretive skills and technical skills
- Present songs to an audience - class
- Respond to songs and describe initial impressions
- Reflect on learning to identify new understandings
- Beat and time values are used to create rhythmic patterns
- Pitch and intervals are used to create melodic phrases
- Familiar sound sources
- Tone colour – of familiar sound sources
- Loud/soft music
- Fast/slow music
- Understanding what “beat” and “rhythm” mean
- Understand “rhythmic pattern”
- Listening Skills
- In-tune singing (inc. correct starting pitch)
- Song repertoire with limited and extended pitch range
- Experience rhythmic and melodic phrases with
- Part Work- sing song +keep beat
-movement ostinato
- Q&A Songs – sing response to a sung question
- Tone colour
- Comparatives – high and low notes
- Inner hearing
- Simple improvisation
- 2 & 4 beat metre – hearing accented beats
- Recognise song from melody
- Introduce “ta” & “ti-ti” – aurally and written
- Rhythmic patterns: , ,
Context for Learning / School Priorities
- Music involves singing, playing instruments, listening, moving, improvising and composing by using the music elements to express ideas, considering particular audiences and particular purposes, through sound.
- Front ending assessment
- Covering all Essential Learnings
Develop Assessment / Year 1 Music, Term 3 / Make Judgements
Type of assessment / What will be assessed / When will it be assessed / Purpose of assessment / Assessable elements
- Individual performance
- Individual performance
- Individual performance
- Individual performance
- Individual performance
- Observation of class activity
- Reading
- Individual performance
- Individual performance
- Observation
- Song + beat
- Difference between beat and rhythm
- Song + rhythm
- Echo 4- and 8-beat patterns
- Simple improvisation –create a 4-beat rhythm for class to echo
- Movement ostinato – while singing song
- Reading and performing known rhythms
- Correct starting pitch
- In-tune singing –sml
- Responds to activities and performers related to Opera Music
- By week 2
- By week 3
- By week 4
- By week 5
- By week 6
- By week 7
- By week 7
- By week 9
- By week 9
- by week 9
- Can child sing a song and keep beat simultaneously?
- Can child identify between beat and rhythm?
- Can child sing a song and clap rhythm simultaneously?
- Can child listen to & repeat an 8 beat pattern?
- Can child create a 4-beat rhythm?
- Can child maintain a simple movement ostinato while singing known song?
- Can child read, say and clap known rhythms?
- Can child begin song with given starting pitch?
- Can child sing s-m-l song in-tune – with correct intervals?
- Does child show interest in musical activities related to opera style and respond positively to visiting performers?
- Knowledge & understanding
- Knowledge & understanding
- Presenting
- Responding
- Creating
- Presenting
- Presenting
- Presenting
- Presenting
- Responding
QCAR Unit Plan / Sequence Learning / Year 1, Term 3
Learning Experiences / Adjustments for need of Learners / Resources
- a repertoire of songs individually using a two–three note range
- a repertoire of songs of extended range within a group, at a steady tempo, with clear pronunciation of the text, in the appropriate style
- songs learned in class individually while simultaneously performing a steady beat
- songs that are simple and easier to learn and songs that are more challenging and that, through practice, will extend vocal abilities
- melodic contour of extreme high and low sounds, gradually narrowing the distance between the sounds
- accompanied and unaccompanied songs.
- rhythms on untuned classroom percussion instruments from notation, using correct playing technique
- music that reflects and promotes respect for cultural diversity
- music that reinforces learning and practises skills, concepts and elements
- activities that cultivate attentive listening as performer and audience.
- perform repertoire learned in class using the comparatives faster/slower, softer/louder, higher/lower
- begin to read and write simple 4-beat rhythms
- play a simple rhythmic ostinato while the class sings a known song
- play a simple rhythmic accompaniment to a known song
- imitate eight-beat rhythmic and melodic patterns
- sing a song learned in class while clapping the rhythm
- sing a simple song as a canon within the class, adding appropriate actions to each phrase of the song
- sing a well-known song learned in class in tune and expressively
- sing a known song while maintaining a steady beat (e.g. swaying, walking, playing a percussion instrument)
- recognise ascending and descending phrases
- Participate in an audience – assembly items, Belmont Idol, Visiting performers – Queensland Opera Company
- By process
- By outcome
- By pace
- By proximity
Human voice
Percussion instruments
Assorted props relevant to songs
Singing/story books
Song signature cards
Rhythm cards
Recorded music
Computer- Powerpoints and Youtube
Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning and assessment
Anecdotal notes, checklists, individual performance, observation, written tests
BelmontStateSchool / Assessment Rubrics
YEAR 1, Term 3 / Music 1.1 - Students aurally and visually recognise and respond to Level 1 core content in music they hear and perform.
Music 1.2 – Students sing a repertoire of songs of limited pitch range and play instruments, individually and with others, including simple rhythmic and melodic two-part music.
Task / A / B / C / D / E
Sing song and perform beat / Moves confidently and accurately, only on the strong pulse of the music while singing the song. / Moves confidently on the strong pulse of the music with general accuracy while singing the song. / Moves mostly only on the strong pulse of the music, with only minor, occasional errors while singing the song. / Moves on the strong pulse about half of the time while singing the song. / Occasionally moves on the strong pulse, but usually makes random movements or does not move while singing the song.
Difference between beat and rhythm
(identify) / Student is confident and consistent in distinguishing rhythm from beat. / Student is consistent in distinguishing rhythm from beat. / Student is able to distinguish rhythm from beat. / Student is sometimes unsure when distinguishing rhythm from beat. / Student is unable to distinguish rhythm from beat.
Sing song and perform rhythm / Confidently performs and demonstrates understanding of rhythm while singing the song. / Able to perform and demonstrate understanding of rhythm while singing the song. / Is usually able to perform & demonstrate understanding of rhythm while singing the song. / Performs rhythm inconsistently while singing the song. / Is unable to perform rhythm without assistance from the teacher while singing the song.
Echo 4 & 8 beat patterns / Student consistently echoes 8-beat patterns correctly and fluently. / Student consistently echoes 8-beat patterns correctly and fluently. / Student consistently echoes 4 & 8 beat patterns correctly. / Student inconsistently echoes patterns correctly, or is not confident with 8-beat patterns. / Student is unable to echo patterns.
Simple Improvisation
(create 4-beat pattern) / Can confidently improvise a difficult 4-beat pattern, with a rhythm consistent with the given beat and tempo. / Can confidently improvise a 4-beat pattern, with a rhythm consistent with the given beat and tempo. / Can improvise a simple 4-beat pattern, with a rhythm consistent with the given beat and tempo. / Improvises using speaking voice and/or inappropriate rhythm and tempo. / Unable to improvise or does not attempt the task.
Movement Ostinato while singing / Student can sing song and confidently keep a simple rhythmic ostinato throughout the song. / Student can sing song and confidently keep a simple rhythmic ostinato throughout the song. / Student can sing song and keep a simple rhythmic ostinato throughout the song. / Student can sing song and keep a simple rhythmic ostinato throughout the song with a few errors. / Student has difficulty keeping a simple rhythmic ostinato throughout the song.
Reading and performing known rhythms / Student can confidently read, clap and name known rhythms with no errors. / Student can read, clap and name known rhythms with no errors. / Student can read, clap and name known rhythms with few errors. / Student inconsistently performs and names known rhythms. / Student has difficulty reading, clapping and naming known rhythms.
Correct starting pitch / Always able to find correct starting pitch without assistance. / Able to find correct starting pitch. / Able to match correct starting pitch with teacher. / Sings at different starting pitch to teacher. / Unable to move voice up or down.
In-tune singing- sml / Able to consistently sing in-tune, with expression. / Able to sing in-tune, with expression. / Able to sing in-tune on most occasions. / Able to sing in-tune sometimes. / Not used singing voice.
In-tune singing – extended range / Able to consistently sing in-tune, with expression. / Able to sing in-tune, with expression. / Able to sing in-tune on most occasions. / Able to sing in-tune some-times or only using sml. / Not used singing voice.