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Job Title: Library / Acquisitions/Cataloguing Support Librarian
Responsible To: / Support Services Librarian (Lin Workman)
Responsible For: / N/A
Position Purpose: / This job exists to:
Work with the Acquisitions and Cataloguing Librarian with data input and cataloguing. Maintain processes for reserves, requests and inter library loans; design and prepare library displays; provide customer service through circulation desk duties.
August 2010
Organisation Context:
Library Manager
Support Services Librarian
Cataloguing Support Librarian
Important Functional Relationships:
Library customers
Archive customers
Community organisations / Internal
Library staff
Archive staff / Committees/Groups
Customer Services team
Cataloguing team
Interloans team
Displays team
Key Result Areas:

The position of Acquisitions/Cataloguing Support Librarian encompasses the following Key Result areas.

q  Acquisitions/cataloguing

q  Reserves, requests and Inter library loans

q  Displays

q  Customer Service / Circulation Desk

The requirements in the above Key Result Areas are broadly identified below:

Jobholder is accountable for / Jobholder is successful when
1 Acquisitions / Cataloguing
q  Entering and receiving orders on database as directed by Acquisitions Librarian
q  Barcoding new items
q  Cataloguing library materials / ·  Orders are entered on system within three days of orders being placed.
·  Invoices are checked and items are barcoded within 5 days of receipt.
·  Records on the database comply with the library’s cataloguing policy and cataloguing standards.
·  Records are updated regularly and systems are in place to manage the workflow.
·  Errors on the library database are corrected when identified.
2 Reserves, requests and inter library loans
q  Checking reserved items daily, updating the records and maintaining the operating procedures.
q  Entering item requests on the requests system, advising selection staff and responding to customers
q  Processing requests for Interloans by customers and libraries using the VDX system. / ·  Reserves are checked daily and 90% of reserves are satisfied within two months of receipt
·  Requests are entered and selection staff receive notification of their requests daily, and customers are responded to within 2 months
·  The VDX system is accessed and updated and Interloans receipts and requests are processed and returned daily.
·  Accurate records of all transactions are maintained and customers are able to be advised of the status of their interloan request at any time
3  Displays
q  Cooperating with the Team Leader Customer Services and the Community Outreach Librarian to design and produce in-house displays
q  Co-ordinating with community for display bookings
q  Maintaining notice boards and pamphlet stands / ·  Library displays are attractive, stimulating and current.
·  A calendar of events, displays and bookings is maintained
·  The calendar of events is agreed with the Team Leader Customer Services and the Outreach Librarian.
·  Community groups are satisfied with equipment and service
4 Customer Service / Circulation Desk
q  Providing friendly efficient service to Borrowers
q  Responding to customer queries
q  Maintaining desk processes / ·  Service is acceptable to users
·  Customers are greeted appropriately & phones are answered according to library policy.
·  All processes cleared by end of shift and messages passed onto next shift.
·  Routine enquiries dealt with in person & others directed to appropriate officer.


The above performance standards are provided as a guide only. The precise performance measures for this position will need further discussion between the jobholder and manager as part of the performance management process.

General Duties:

q  To provide the best possible service to the public, promote good customer and public relations and to promote a good image of the Library and the Council.

q  To undertake work to a consistently high standard, appropriate to the needs and expectations of the customer.

q  To encourage a harmonious atmosphere by co-operating with and endeavoring to assist other library staff.

q  To work as part of a team by contributing and co-operating to achieve the library’s priorities.

q  Any other tasks that may be required by the manager to support effective library services.

Person Specification:


q  Library and Information or relevant tertiary qualifications (or working towards)

q  Microsoft operating systems

q  Experience in responding to customer enquiries

q  Design and presentation skills for displays

q  Qualifications and experience in Library Cataloguing and Classification,

q  Knowledge of library management system operations

q  Knowledge of books and reading and excellent general knowledge

Key Job Competencies

q  Creativity, lateral thinking and ideas generation

q  Attention to detail

q  People and Customer Service skills

q  Computer literacy/Information technology

q  Teamwork

q  Time management

Manager Date

Position Holder Date

C:\Users\julies\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZBEK2738\Acquisitions_Cataloging Support Librarian JD.docx