Q.1 What Do You Understand by the Term Visual Communication ?

Q.1 What Do You Understand by the Term Visual Communication ?


Q.1 What do you understand by the term ‘Visual Communication’ ?

Ans. : Visual communication is the communication of ideas through the visual display of information. Primarily associated with two dimensional images, it includes: art, signs, photography, typography, drawing fundamentals, color and electronic resources.

Q.2 What are the perspective of Image analysis used in Visual Communication ?

Ans.: According to Paul Martin Lester there are six major perspective of image analysis in visual communication. It could be understood as Personal Perspective, Historical Perspective, Technical Perspective, Ethical Perspective, Cultural Perspective and Critical Perspective.

Q. 3 What do you understand by the term ‘Composition’?

Ans.: Composing is arrangement of different elements within the frame in a deliberate and usually attractive or artistic way.

Q.4 In this lesson why do we have chosen point as an object?

Ans.: It has been chosen for easier understanding because the point is the simplest graphical element possible, which has only existence but hardly any dimension.

Q.5 Why do a line between the upper left hand corner and the lower right hand corner gives a feeling of downward movement?

Ans.: This is because it has a direct relation to our habit of reading a text from the left to the right. Moreover our eyes move along with the line.

Q.6 What is ‘Two Point Perspective’?
Ans.: When you photograph two sides of a cubical object for example a building from a distance the horizontal lines diverges in two points opposite directions. This is an example of Two Point Perspective.

Q.7 What is the impact of Circular Composition?
Ans.: Circular composition gives a feeling of circular movement as our eyes move continuously from one element to another in a circular manner.

Q.8 What are the three different properties of an element that can be balanced in a frame?

Ans.: In a frame two elements can be arranged in such a manner that one counterbalances the other. This can be done in terms of shape, shade or color.

Q.9 How can you compose a vertical object in a horizontal frame effectively?

Ans.: Composing through an arch or any other opening can help composing vertical object in a horizontal frame. This also gives a perception of depth by creating a relation between the foreground and the background.

Q.10 How can we alter perspective?

Ans.: Perspective can only be changed with the change of camera position. Moving the camera either in horizontal or vertical axis can do this.