PYM 201 Christian Education for Adolescents

Spring 2013, (Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:00-9:50 a.m.)

Nick Tomeo

(513) 244-8482 [office] (513) 251-7757 [home]

Office: WM #131


An in-depth examination of young people ages eleven through twenty one and their culture in preparation for teaching settings. Appropriate teaching skills will be practiced and a mentoring relationship established. Prerequisite: PCE 110


Creative Teaching Methods by Marlene LeFever

Bible by God (Bring your Bible to each class.)


It is an art to teach adolescents well. One must develop relationships with youth, as well as develop the skill of using a variety of styles and methods to teach. These skills must be used before, during, and after the class is taught. This course prepares the student to reach out to teens and to teach teens with skill, concern, and a respect for the Word of God.


1.  The student will participate in demonstrations of various teaching methods and


2. Each student will teach a lesson based on selected Scriptural passages in the classroom, using a variety of appropriate learning activities.

3. Each student will be able to pass tests on the theories and principles of educating adolescents as discussed in class.

4. Each student will also read about and report on strategies that can be used to connect with a variety of adolescents with Scripture and the Love of Christ.


1.  Work turned in late, will automatically lose points grades--at least 1 letter grade up to 1 week late, 1-2 weeks late = at least 2 letter grades, etc. Excused absences may affect this policy.

2. Students are responsible for knowing what is in the syllabus. Students are also

responsible for finding out what goes on in class during absence, i.e. information, assignments, assignment changes, etc.

3. Staple all assignments of 2 or more pages

4. All assignments must have student’s Box number on the front

5. Any information discussed or mentioned in class may appear on a test.

6. Missed Quizzes will not be made up.

7. Cell phones must be turned off prior to class. Texting at any time during class is considered inappropriate, disrespectful and will result in a grade penalty.

8. Be mindful that leaving or preparing to leave before class is dismissed is distracting and rude. It is expected that courtesy will be the norm and not the exception.

9. Do not bring laptops, iPads, etc. to class.

10. Print up the “Fill in the Blanks” class notes from moodle and bring to every class.


1. 2 tests. (20% each)

2. Quizzes and daily work (20% total)—cannot be made up or turned in late

3. You will be graded on attendance (10%). 0-1 unexcused absence = A, 2-3 = B, 4 = C, 5 = D, 6 = F

More than 6 absences will result in being dropped from the class with an “FA.” If the absences are due to illness or family tragedy, talk to me by the following class, and I will work with you.

Late arrival to class will affect your grade.

4. Each student will teach Bible studies from scratch to the class, using a variety of methods (3-4 learning activities, handouts, etc.). You will be given 30-40 minutes (20%) Teach the lesson as if you are teaching college students.

5. Photo voice project (10%)

6. Lab: “Health and Safety Intervention Skills” course—One day event—date TBA

This semester, a course covering First Aid, CPR, dealing with blood borne pathogens, etc. will be offered on campus. This course will be required as a lab course for CE for Adolescence. Lab fee will be charged to student bill.

Note: Students who require academic accommodations due to any documented physical,

psychological, or learning disability should request assistance from the Academic Support Director, Marie Reeves, within the first two weeks of class. The Academic Support Office is located in the lower level of the Worship and Ministry Building (room 153). You may also contact the office by phone (244-8420).

The Professor has the right to change the course plans as he feels necessary

Assignment Schedule

(Bring a Bible to class each day!)

Chapters mentioned in this schedule are from LeFever’s book


25 Chapter 1—Creativity

Type up an 8 question multiple-choice test, based on this chapter. Each question should have 4 selections. Indicate correct answers on a separate piece of paper.

Bring syllabus to class, on this day.

30 Chapter 2—Creativity

List and explain the 5 step process of creativity in your own words.

Take and score the teacher building test on pp. 24-26. Report your score.


6 Chapter 3—Creativity

Take and score the “How Creative are you?” test on pages 52-55 and report your score

13 Chapter 8—storytelling

What are 10 principles you found to be helpful in this chapter? (Use complete sentences)

15 First Aid Course (Afternoon—required)

20 TBA

27 Photo Voice assignment due


March 2-10 Spring Break

13 Chapter 9—Discussion

Write a reaction paper (2 pages double spaced) on this chapter.

20 Midterm

21 Youth Ministry Summit (Thursday)

27 Chapter 4—Drama (quiz)


3 Chapter 5—Roleplay (quiz)

10 Chapter 7--Simulation Games

17 Chapter 10—Case Studies

Write the 10 most important things that were said in this chapter.

24 Chapter 11—Creative writing

Come up with 3 creative writing learning activities for a high school Sunday school class on the subject of “Spiritual Disciplines”


1 Chapter 12—Joyful noises

13-16 Finals