PYHA Board Meeting:Monday,November 2nd, 2015 at the Iceplex

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

Attendees: Sean Nix, Wayne Petitto,

Mark Smith, Beth Stephan, Nadia Boller, Stan Mason

John Tyrrell, Sara Faatz


  1. Approved Octoberminutes. Beth to post to PYHA website.
  2. Voted to do a Lazer Rush fundraiser. Wayne discussed the specifics of the fundraiser. Lazer Rush would reserve several evening of 4-5 hours each for the use of the PYHA with no facility costs to the PYHA. Lazer Rush would print tickets at PYHA cost. The ticket would admit the user entry to Lazer Rush during the specific dtimes/dates. All proceeds would benefit PYHA. PYHA would be responsible for selling the tickets.
  3. Sean discussed player moves between House and travel. Voted to say no overall but to look at each situation on an individual basis if they come before the board. If the player is allowed to move from house to travel the fees for both programs will be required to be paid in full with no proration. Discretion is given to the board on financial requirements on a case by case basis given special circumstances.
  4. Sean discussed the need for goalie helmets. Voted to buy 2 goalie helmets with the grant monies.

2.Hockey programming:

  1. Discussed current jerseys and options for next year.
  2. John discussed LTP ice times changing due to rink ice time changes. Sara will update the website with the changes.
  3. Mark reported that the pucks with the Prowl logo have been ordered.


  1. Sara discussed the Combine. Sean will contact Mike Satterly to discuss the date.
  2. Sara discussed Try Hockey for Free. Dates/times will be on November7th, from 6-7p. There are 18 skaters signed up and she is anticipating about 30 skaters. Flyers were handed out at an Admirals game sand at the Halloween free skate at the Iceplex. Volunteers will be needed. John Tyrrell will be on the ice. Beth Stephan will be point of contact. The rink will be donating the skates.
  3. Sara reported that Travel team pictures will be Thursday, November 5th abd house pictures will be Monday, December 12/14, wit Wednesday December 16th available if need be.
  4. Sara reported that there will be an upcoming Can drive. Info to follow.
  5. Sara reported that there will be discounted Admirals tickets offered at the red level. Details to follow.


a.Nadia discussed printing costs and quantities. Voted to leave the printing decisions up to Nadia.


  1. Voted to have Stan Mason take over voting travel contact person with travel hockey check writing authority.
  2. Discussed fall house payments.
  3. Stan discussed travel budget.


  1. John discussed LTP and changes to ice times. Sara will update the website with the changes.
  2. John reported a new facebook page is up under Peninsula Prowl. John will handle all friend requests as they come in.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

Next meeting tentatively scheduled forDecember at 7:00pm at the Iceplex.