PYHA Board Meeting:Monday, June 17, 2017 at the Iceplex

Meeting called to order by Sara Faatzat 6:28 p.m.

Attendees:Sara Faatz, John Tyrell, Patrick Ryan, Jude Liptak,

Beth Stephan, Lesley Kerins, Liz Varva, Leslie Turner, John(Smitty)


  1. President:
  2. Meeting called to order.
  3. Approved May minutes with minor changes. Beth to post to PYHA website.
  4. Sara welcomed/introduced Smitty.
  5. Smitty/Henry requested that the ice bill be paid by the 5th of the following month after ice time is used.
  6. Smitty/Henry discussed the discount at the Pro Shop. In the past there has been a card that needed to be presented to get the discount. Discussed ways to make it easy for the Prowl members and Iceplex to get/give the discount.
  7. Smittyrequested that any ideas/issues/concerns for Henryshould be presented to Smitty, then Smitty will discuss them with Henry.
  8. Discussed child supervision and ways to prevent any issues. Sara discussed first a warning then the child not being allowed at the Iceplex.
  9. Sara will email Smitty about ice time requests for the fall.
  10. Patrick discussed the locker room buildout and the Letter of Commitment for the Iceplex stating that the Prowl will maintain the buildouts.
  11. Smitty discussed the rink being closed the end of the summer for maintenance.
  12. Smitty reported that there will be no home game ice time 11/4.
  13. Discussed Admirals players coming to practice. Brooke would like to attend a board meeting.
  14. Jude discussed 2 players/rink workers would like to help coach. Discussed paying for their Safe Sport and volunteer fees. Tabled til next meeting.
  15. Sara discussed the 2 and 2 challenge. The last 2 years we have been gold status. Last year with the $250 Prowl bought pucks/bags. Patrick recommended buying helmets this year. The sticks Prowl currently has will be cut down for younger/smaller players.
  16. Sara discussed the ice contracts.
  17. Sara discussed the need for a budget. The board voted to have Patrick as the interim treasurer. Leslie and Lesley will help with Membership.
  18. Discussed the need to transfer $ into house from travel to cover administrative costs from previous year(s).
  19. Sara/Lesley reported that StasJirov has agreed to do sessions. Lesley will set up the registrations.
  20. Sara discussed the registration announcements. They should be live within the next few days.
  21. LTP parents are requesting assessments.
  22. No update on jerseys.
  23. Jude discussed monthly dinners. He will look into it and report back next meeting.
  24. Sara discussed picking a date in August for the coaches meeting.
  1. Hockey Programming:
  1. John reported the upcoming dates for the fall season.
  2. Discussed projected numbers for next year.
  3. Discussed getting list of Iceplex LTP players for fall season.
  4. Sara/Patrick discussed adding a 2nd LTP session. Potentially having ½ LTP and ½ skills session.
  5. Discussed week night Midget games. Sara will talk to Va Beach. Looking at Tues from 6:10-7:10 LTP and 7:20-8:20 Midget games.
  1. Administration:
  2. Lesley reported status of registrations.
  3. Sara will send out an email about upcoming registrations and Hockey U/LTP.
  4. Lesley/Sara discussed the individual board emails. Lesley will set it up and Sara will pay for it and get reimbursed.
  5. Leslie discussed the bylaws and errors. She will email a corrected copy to the board members. Can change the bylaws by ¾ vote of the board. Leslie updated the website.
  1. Marketing:
  2. Patrick discussed golf tournament. Auction went well. Patrick has the expenses/profit info. He bought a square under the golf expenses. Liz will send pictures to Patrick.
  3. No update onCrerar grant.
  4. No locker room buildout update.
  5. The tri-fold is on hold.
  1. Fiscal Growth

a. Jude discussed advertising on jerseys.

b. Jude discussed advertising on helmets. There are several concerns such as those players who play in

tournaments can’t have sticker on helmets. And can’t require players to have

advertisement stickers on their personal helmets.

c. Jude discussed advertisements on shells.

d. Jude discussed LTP members moving into the house program getting jerseys paid

for by Prowl.

e. Jude discussed upcoming fundraisers. Discussed 1st Tuesday of the month. Sara

will talk to the manager at Chipotles.

f. Jude discussed doing auctions at future events. Discussed each team being

responsible for a basket.

g. Jude discussed ideas such as a hockey moms night out, LazerRush(Sara will talk to

Wayne), and themed parties such as Mardi Gras and Olympics.

  1. Treasurer:
  2. No report.
  3. Sara will call Paul about access to the accounts.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the HRIceplex