PVA Membership Meeting Minutes

PGSLC, Room 124

7:30 PM


Attendees (18) are listed on the last page.

Opening & Roll Call

The meeting was officially called to order at 7:35 PM by 1st Vice President Henry McCallum with a silent prayer for two deceased individuals, Ki, Haynes and Cedric Walker of Nike & New Balance. The following officers were absent at roll call: George Harris (came later), Tim Baker (came later), Barbara Smith, George Banker and Alisa Harvey.


As attendees entered the meeting, they signed in and were given copies of the Annual Meeting minutes from September 16, 2012 and were allotted time to read them. Therefore, Henry asked for a motion to approve the minutes. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Barbara Smith, Treasurer, was absent so no Treasurer’s Report was made.

Committee Reports

Officials’ Report

Dr. Bill Price, Officials Chair, reported that six different clinics were held and 200 officials attended, where 115-120 have returned their tests. Over 600 tests are in backlog, of which 75 belong to PVA. Some holders go with the badges so he will be sending them out in the mail. Close to 200 officials have been certified the National level, there is a new database for officials, cannot upgrade it yet. On the budget, there are no items for the officials. Jan Price also reported that she has the Rules Books.

Membership Report

Herb Nichols, Membership Chair, reported that over 2,406 members have registered at this point. Last year there were over 5,200 members. Some Masters Club memberships have doubled.

Women’s Track & Field

There will be a clinic held on March 14, 2013. So far over 140 members have signed up.

Masters LDR

Nancy Betress reported that several people are coming to the Cherry Blossom LDR. The American Women’s Championship has earmarked $14,400 to the Top Ten Women on April 7. There will be a press release coming out in 2 days. USATF has already sanctioned this.

Youth Report

Quentin Wilson, Youth Chair, reported that the PVA Zonal Nationals had 1,400 athletes, twice the size it has ever been. The Indoor Season and the Cross Country seasons were great. The schedule is ready for the Outdoor season.

Masters Report

Jerry Booken-Weiner, Chair of the Local Committee, reported on the meet in Los Angeles a week ago. There were 150 participants and a lot were in the stands. Oscar Peyton and Tom Jones beat the 11/12 children in their race. Jerry also reported on the upcoming 3-day Masters Meet to be held here. Ninety officials have signed up and bib numbers and medals have arrived. Spectators will be free and the meet will be web-cast.


Tim Baker, Chair of the PVA Law & Legislation Committee, passed out the following information:

The PVA Law & Legislation Committee has agreed to the following By-laws amendment to Article 7 (Meetings of the Association). We will be voting on this at our Membership Meeting on March 13, 2013 at the Wayne K. Curry Sports & Learning Complex at 7:30 PM.


A. An amendment to these By-Laws must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at a regular quarterly meeting of the Association. The amendment must first be presented to the Law & Legislation Committee for proper form before publication in the meeting announcements. The amendment may be amended at the meeting.

If we are going to vote on the Bylaw change to one meeting a year, the notice has to be published in the meeting announcement. Here is the proposed Amendment from the Law & Legislation Committee:


Meetings of the Association: Regular meetings of the Association shall be held within the geographical area of the Association, ((at least quarterly)) once a year. Sports Committees will hold at least two (2) meetings a year. Meetings may be called at any time by the majority vote of the Board. The membership must be given at least three weeks prior notice of the meeting on the Association web site.

Reason: With the exception of the election meeting, other regular meetings are very sparsely attended. Since much of the work of the Association is done through the Sports Committees, it was felt that there would be increased membership involvement by requiring these committees to meet at least twice a year.

Tim reported that changing the regular meetings from quarterly basis to one meeting per year. He feels that this will stimulate the Sports Committees to do more of what they are currently doing. The Committees should give monthly or bi-monthly reports. He also raised a motion that Executive meetings should be held online. The motion was carried to make the above change in the by-laws.

Budget and Website

USATF is trying to drive membership to the website. There are two glitches with our website. One is that we do not have an updated budget on the website. The other is that we have not sent out enough Email Blasts. Then discussion continued on the proposed budget which was handed out at the meeting.


($88,000) Expenditures

Championships Operations

$ 5,000 Indoor$16,000 Convention

$10,000 Outdoor$17,000 Administration

$ 5,000 LDR(Gran-Pre)$10,000 Outreach (Athletes’ Support)

$20,000 JO

$ 5,000 Banquet

2013 Projected Income

  1. Membership$45,500
  2. JO Indoor$ 5,000
  3. Master National Championship$15,000
  4. Association Indoor$ 500
  5. JO Outdoors$15,000
  6. Association Outdoors$ 2,000
  7. Banquet$ 2,000
  8. Sanctions$ 3,000


The 2013 budget should appear along with the 990 form. The budget needs to be accepted so that it can be published, but it needs to be broken down more. The Officials also need to be added to the budget. It was stated that Championship clubs who host a championship must be members of PVA. It was also explained that the Gran-Pre would allow some subsidy to be available for prizes. Note that we are now over the budget for the 990 EZ FORM and we must use the 990 FORM.

Tim Baker moved that the budget be approved and posted on the website.

Jan Price moved and Jerry Booken-Weiner seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Attendees (18):

Tim Baker, Anthony Battle, Elenora Battle, Nancy Betress, Jerry Bookin-Weiner, Craig Chasse, Ronald Clarke, George Harris, Faye M. Howell, Thomas A. Jones, Henry McCallum, Herb Nicholls, James Pearce, A. Jan Price, Gabriel Sabharwal, William D. Price, Quentin Wilson, Jay Wind

Submitted by,

Faye M. Howell, Secretary

Potomac Valley Association