Putnam High School

Putnam High School

Psychology – 2015-2016

Grades 11 & 12

Ms. Zablonski –

Course Description: Psychology is the study of human behavior from infancy to old age. This course is an introduction to psychology and its principles and processes. It is broad in scope and focuses on physiological processes, sensation versus perception, memory, motivation, personality theories and disorders. You will learn to understand yourself and others better.

Course Objectives:

Students will be able to…

·  Describe the field of Psychology

·  Apply psychological theories to present day issues

·  Analyze case studies

·  Understand why people behave as they do

·  Explain and examine the mechanisms of sensation and perception

·  Investigate and analyze states of consciousness

·  Understand how humans learn

·  Understand the changes and developments of the individual in the life cycle

Essential Questions:

·  Unit 1 – Psychological Perspectives

Ø  How can various perspectives enhance my understanding of human behavior?

Ø  What connections can be made between society and psychological understanding?

·  Unit 2 – Behavioral Neuroscience

Ø  Why do I do what I do?

Ø  How much behavior is influenced by nature and nurture?

·  Unit 3 – Sensation and Perception

Ø  Do my expectations guide my perceptions?

·  Unit 4 – States of Consciousness

Ø  Do my expectations guide my perceptions?

Ø  What is an ethical study?

·  Unit 5 – Learning

Ø  How do humans learn?

Ø  How do we process information?

·  Unit 6 – Development

Ø  What makes me similar to others?

Ø  What makes me unique?


·  Primary sources, articles, textbook selections, etc.

Required Materials:

·  Binder (solely used for this course)

·  Notebook/Loose-leaf paper

·  Pens/Pencils/Highlighters

·  Textbooks

·  Agenda

Grading Policy:

Homework – 10%

Quizzes – 15%

Classwork – 20%

Class Participation/Discussions – 25%

Tests/Projects – 30%

Course Format:

This course will focus heavily on classroom discussions and debates. Therefore, it is imperative that you come to class prepared to actively participate in the conversation at hand. Students will practice their analytical and critical thinking skills through individual reflection and working in small groups. Inquiry will be a major part of every assignment and discussion – you must be an active player in your learning.

Extra Help:

I am available for extra help before and after school, any day. Please be sure to let me know at least a day in advance if you will be stopping by to insure that I will be in the classroom.