Purposes of this assignment:

  • Commercial/Promotional vs. News/Informational Writing
  • Text to appear on screen vs. text to be read aloud
  • Following a format
  • Getting introduced to Inception/Expression
  • On-camera presentation

You are writing and presenting the “Your Weekend” segment to air Friday, March 10.

Identifythree orfourappropriate items… Write a segment of 1:10-1:20, informing your audience about the items you have chosen.

Start with an intro on camera - introduce yourself and the segment

Script Full Screen graphics for each of the events, with text (copy) to go along with each.
Script yourself back on camera in between each event – for at least one sentence
Finish with an on-camera close, including your name

Note: Select a variety of events (not all dances or all speeches or allsports), happening on a variety of days from Friday-Sunday.

Your FP graphics should be set up this way:


1st Line: EVENT NAME

2nd Line: TIME DAY (not date)

3rd Line: PLACE

4th line in the template should be cleared out and left blank






Make this more than just reading off the screen or reading the University Calendar –if you choose a play, include something about the plot; if you choose a sporting event, include the teams’ records or past history against each other.

This segment is informative, not persuasive or commercial. If an event has a fee or ticket price, do not include detail on the prices -- that is too much like a commercial. Do not urge the audience to do something or take action. Don't report that something will be "lots of fun" -- or "everyone will have a great time" –those are empty phrases not based in fact. Also, don’t use phrases like “our team” or “hopefully they’ll win.”

You will be recording these segments ON CAMERA during Thursday’s class.
You must file your script into Inception by130pmTHURSDAY, so that it can be printed and downloaded. Your slugis Your Initials Your Weekend: LPYour Weekend
You should come to the studio by1:55pm Thursday dressed to be on camera.
No t-shirts, no hats. No neon/lime green or plain white or plain black. Fix hair and wear makeup. Jeans are OK for this – you will only be seen from the hips up.

Inception Instructions

You can access Inception, open your Story and write words from any computer that is connected to the ISU network. The web address is casit-inception.ad.ilstu.edu. You will add simple production cues to the script. Click the Production Cues button and choose Cam 3. Click again to choose Reporter and add your name. Click again and choose CG Expression Read to indicate each time you want the graphic to appear on screen. Click again and choose Cam 3 for the times you want to be back on camera.
In order to add the FS graphics, you will need to access Inception from a TV-10 computer. With your script open, click on the M (MOS) button under Tools. A window will pop open in the lower right of your screen. If the preview screens are blank, or you get an error message, then you are not connected yet. Click on the Options button in the lower part of new window. Then type the routing number in the first field of the box that opens. Get out of that box. Then the preview screens should fill in.
You will need a LOWER THIRD first – this is where you type YOUR NAME and YOUR WEEKEND. All caps – and spelling counts! Click Add to Story. You’ll see an MOS item appear in your script window.
Then you will need a FULL SCREEN – this is where you type information for your first event, following the format above. All caps – and spelling counts! Click Add to Story. You’ll see another MOS item appear in your script window.
Do that FULL SCREEN again – for each event. Every time click Add to Story.
If you need to correct something on one – click on the MOS item in the script window, and it will re-open. You can also pull those MOS items up and down if you need to change the order.
Finally – go back into your script and click the Production Cues button and choose CG Expression (it’s pretty far down the list). Put this within your script – each time you want a new Full Screen CG to be on the screen.
And make sure to SAVE your script often as you’re working – and when you’re done.
I will print a copy of your script, to use for grading - -but you may print your own copy, to hold as you read – if you want.

Did you meet the deadline? 1 pt. Did you meet the allotted time? 1 pt.

Item Selection 4 pts

Writing 5 pts
Informative, not persuasive; interesting, clear

Slides 5 pts
Set up the right way

Performance 4 pts
Energy/enthusiasm; speaking clearly and not too quickly

You will lose one point for each misspelling in the on-screen portion (the Full Screen CG part) – so check your work CAREFULLY! Then check it again.
You can also lose a point for not dressing appropriately