Module 3Pretest
Purpose: Thepurpose ofthis pretestistohelpeachstudentdeterminehowmuch of thematerial inModule3is known before startingthestudyofModule 3.
Directions: Readeachquestion belowanddo asdirected.Theanswer toeach sentencemayincludemorethanoneword orphrase.There are sixty questions.
1-20: Dothefollowing: 1) highlighttheverb or verbphraseineach ofthe followingsentences,and 2)highlight belowwhether theverb tenseformed intheprior sentenceisformedfrom thepresenttense,presentparticiple, pasttense, or thepastparticiple.
DIAGRAM 21, 25,27, 29, 31,33
1. Wewill bebuildinga newlibrary.
2. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
3. Weusuallyemploythebestcontractor available.
4. (present) (present participle) (past) (past Participle)
5. I havewritten toevery contractor inthestate.
6. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
7. The architectsare drawingthe plans.
8. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
9. Iwrotealetter tothepresident ofthecollege.
10. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
11. Iwill beginthe planningprocess.
12. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
13. Writers havecompleted allthe articles.
14. (present) (Presentparticiple) (past) (past participle)
15. Shallwe attempttowrite all thebuildingspecifications?
16. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
17. I nowenlist allstaffin this project.
18. (present) (present participle) (past) (pastparticiple)
19. I dowrite everymonth.
20. (present) (present participle) (past) (past participle)
21-40: Eachsentencebelowcontains averbalas asingleword or as aphrase.
Dothefollowing: 1) highlighttheverbalformin eachsentence,and2) highlight below whether theverbal (word or phrase) intheprior sentence is participle/participial,gerund/gerundial, or infinitive.
21. Havinggoodmannersis animportantasset.
22. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
23. A computingprogram willbeofvalue.
24. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
25. Tolearntheoperations ofthepersonal computer is aworthwhilegoal.
26. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
27. Attendingcomputer classes,apersonslowlylearns theskills.
28. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
29. Confused bysomanysystems,acomputer studentmuststudycarefully.
30. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
31. As astudent,Idesiretolearn computer programming.
32. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
33. Learninghightechskills hasbeenveryrewarding.
34. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
35. Failingis notaword in our vocabulary.
36. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
37. Tohavelearnedcomputer skills will beits ownreward.
38. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
39. Preparedforafuture in technology,Iwill begin.
40. (participle/participial)(gerund/gerundial)(infinitive)
41-60: Highlightthecorrectverb in eachsentence.
41. Our swim teamhas (swam) (swum) everyday.
42. Our team(ate) (eaten)there lastweek.
43. The oldrope(broke) (broken) with theweight.
44. Hasthedramacoach(chose) (chosen) thecastfor theplay?
45. Theentire studentbody(came) (come)tothefirstgame.
46. Thewater buckethadbeen(drank) (drunk) dry.
47. Sport cars are (drove)(driven) more often.
48. Thatfamily has (flew) (flown) south everyyear.
49. Thebasketballteamwas (saw) (seen) ontelevision.
50. Theselessons shall never be(forgot) (forgotten).
51. Theicecoldwater (froze) (frozen) myhand.
52. Thegoldmedal was (gave) (given) to thewinner.
53. Allthechildren(went) (gone) totheplayground.
54. Our citypopulationhas(grew) (grown) bytwentythousand.
55. Hasthathorse been(rode) (ridden) before?
56. IwishI had(know) (known) thesethings before.
57. Yesterday,I(spoke) (spoken) totheclass.
58. Her scarf was (stole) (stolen) atrecess.
59. The team(wore) (worn) their gamejerseys onFriday.
60. I have(wrote) (written) forty-eight exercises.
Punctuation Sheet 3: Commas Used in Direct Address, with Interjections and Interrupters,in Dates and Addresses, and for Clarity
Rule 5: Use commas to set off a name when used in direct address.
1. Mr. Philpott this is my favorite student Thomas.
2. Ma’am I believe you’re standing in the wrong line.
3. Mrs. George I just don’t get this problem!
4. If I were you Nichola I would leave that dog alone.
- Aw Dad he’s only bitten me a couple of times so far.
Rule 6: Use commas to set off mild interjections and other words that interrupt the flow of the sentence.
6. Hey where are you going with that baby?
7. It was in addition the one job Melissa hated most.
8. There is I believe nothing more I can do for you at this time.
9. Heavens I hope she isn’t planning to come here!
- I believe however I may have a solution to your problem.
Rule 7: Use commas in dates and addresses.
11. I live at 2235 East Wadsworth Avenue Denver Colorado 10209
12. Have you actually lived in Colorado ever since July 19 1989?
13. Yes and before that I lived at 45 East Rochester Way HamlintonHereforeshire England
14. On January 14 I hope to be able to move to Barstow California.
- I have your address down as 321 South Acoma Street Englewood CO 80110.
Rule 8: Use commas where necessary to reduce confusion.
16. What this is is a contraption you can wear on your head to render you invulnerable to any threat.
17. When I walked in the bedroom was on fire.
18. Whatever you do do it out of my hearing.
19. To be or not to be that is the question.
- What it was was an overgrown groundhog with extra-long teeth.
Rules 5-8 Combined
21. Oh by the way Matt I have your wallet here.
22. I will however continue to love you.
23. Whatever you decide to do do it quickly.
24. The address I’m looking for is at 245 West Chestnut Street Fairbanks
Alaska 93457
25. On July 4 1776 the American Colonies declared their independence.
26. Alan came in confidence beaming from his eager face.
27. Really Karina I think you should think this matter over very carefully.
28. I say my good man if I were you I should move a bit away from that viper residing behind your foot.
29. Ryan came in peace symbols sewn all over his jacket.
30. Kathy I’m so glad you could be with us today!
Rearranging Kernel Ideas
As you practiced combining kernel ideas, you also rearranged words in different positions. If you read some of your sentences aloud, you probably noticed that by moving words or phrases to different positions, you created a different emphasis or impact. DO ON PAPER!!!!!
Exercise 1:
Emphasize key words or phrases in the following sentences by rearranging. The first three sentences include hints in bold.
1. Little Robin inched her way courageously to the haunted house on a stormy night.
2. I waited alone for twenty minutes.
3. Ms. Pumpkin stopped abruptly and stared at Herman.
4. Nothing is more beautiful to me than a quiet evening in Wisconsin.
5. Dr. I. Pullem reached into Shelby's mouth and forcefully grasped her wisdom tooth with his pliers.
6. As lightning streaked across the sky, Arnold screamed and hid under the bed.
7. It pleased Uncle Dick to eat the pickled herring from my refrigerator.
8. Mr. Samuel Puzatero screamed with delight when he found the missing Brinks' money bag.
9. I felt like a millionaire as I boarded the ship for Transylvania.
10. Sliding down the banister in the old people's home, Maggie McDunna ripped her bloomers.
11. The fire broke out after midnight.
12. Nellie Fox was one of the greatest second basemen in baseball history.
13. I enjoy making beef tongue in a special raspberry gravy.
14. Enrico stubbed his toe while jumping in the vat of grapes.
15. The hot air balloon was tossed about wildly in the turbulent weather.
Rearranging Words Out of Their Normal Order
Another way to create impact is to rearrange words so you put them out of their normal order.
A tall, dark stranger crept up the stairs.
A stranger, tall and dark, crept up the stairs.
After reading the two sentences aloud, can you hear the difference in impact in the two sentences?
Exercise 2:
Rearrange the following sentences by putting the bold words in an unusual position for emphasis. DO ON PAPER!!!!
1. The spacious and bright room will make an ideal place for a workshop.
2. Scott John is an excellent athlete and a hardworking student.
3. A dark and heavy cloud moved across the lake.
4. I could not accept Mildred's illogical and irrational reasoning.
5. Aggie is funny and friendly, and she is the life of the party.
Exercise 3:
Now write 5 ORIGINAL sentences using the rewritten sentences in exercise 1 as a model (introductory element) and 5 ORIGINAL sentences using the rewritten sentences in exercise 2 as a model (adjectives after the word they modify). ON PAPER!!!!!!!!!!