- To assign responsibilities to members of the administrative, instructional, and non-instructional staff.
- To foster continuity, stability, and consistency of Board action.
- To enable the Board to provide for many affairs or conditions in advance of their happening.
- To save time and effort by eliminating the necessity of having to make a decision each time a recurring situation develops.
- To facilitate the orderly review of Board practices.
- To aid the Board in appraising educational services.
- To reduce pressures of special interest groups.
- To help in the orientation of new Board members.
- To facilitate the improvement of staff morale by providing uniform and fair treatment.
Community Relations1000
Business and Non-Instructive Operation3000
Building and Sites7000
Internal Board Operations9000
By-laws of the Board10000
1100 Promotion
1110 Publication in Hull Index
1120Prospective K Students
1300 Volunteerism
1310 Volunteer Program
1330 Civic Organization
1500 Rally Day Sale
1000page 1
2000page 7
3000page 11
4000page 31
5000page 61
6000page 81
7000page 117
8000page 137
9000page 129
Promote HullChristianSchool through the Hull Index monthly. using a school page such as Sioux Center’s.
Adoption Date 3/11/97 Policy No. 1110
Reviewed 06/21/99 / / 12 /17 /07 11 / 15/ 10 Revised 11/18/02 / / / / / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
Prospective kindergarten students in the Boyden-Hull school district attending Reformed or Lutheran churches should receive a promotional package from HCS.
Adoption Date 3/11/97 Policy No. 1120
Reviewed 06/21/99 / / 12 /17 /07 11/ 15/ 10 Revised 11/1/8/02 / / / / / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
A volunteer program between staff and constituents is established.
Adoption Date 12/11/95Policy No. 1310
Reviewed 10 /14 /96 06/21/99 / / 11/18/02 / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed 12 /17 /07 11/ 15/ 10 / / Revised / / / / / /
The administrator will represent Hull Christian School at the Hull Business and Professional ClubChamber.We will actively join the Hull Businessmen's Club.
Adoption Date Policy No. 1330
Reviewed 10/ 144 / 96 06/21/99 / / 12 /17 /07 Revised 11/18/02 / / 11/ 15/ 10 / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
The date of the annual Rally Day Sale of the HullChristianSchool shall be held the last Friday of September every year.
determined by the Promotion Committee.
The annual Rally Day Sale of the Hull Christian School shall be held the 2nd Saturday of September every year. 10/14/96
Adoption Date 8/83 Policy No. 1500
Reviewed 06/21/99 / / 11/18/02 / / / / Revised 10/ 14/ 96 12 /17 /07 11 / 15/10
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
/ / / / / /
2100 Records Retention
2400 Athletic Director
2500 Administration
2520 Salary and Other Benefits for Administrator
2700 Crisis Contingency Plan
CategoryAmount of Time
Student Records Permanent
Current Employee Personnel File Permanent
Board Minutes Permanent
Personnel File After Termination 7 Years
All Financial Records 7 Years
Committee Minutes 3 Years
Applicant Documentation 3 Years
Adoption Date 10/20/08Policy No. 2100
Reviewed 12 / 22/ 10 Revised / /
A job description shall be written for the athletic director. See appendix.
Adoption Date 9/209/88 Policy No. 2400
Reviewed 10/14/96 10/18/99 / / 12/16/02 / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed 03 /17 /08 12/ 22 / 10 / / Revised / / / / / /
The administrator shall receive 14036% of his/her salary index due to his position and accountability to the School Board.
The administrator’s teaching duties are not to exceed 40% of his/her workload, leaving at least 60% or more for administrator duties.
The school will pay 85% of the administrator’s health insurance premiums.
Randy will receive a stipend of 1.45 as long as he carries out the responsibilities of the development director. If he would no longer be the development director his salary would go down to 1.4. This will be reviewed every year at his evaluation with the executive committee. When Randy leaves the principal salary will automatically be placed at 1.4
Adoption Date 02/13/84 Policy No. 2520
Reviewed 10/14/96 12/16/02 / / 01/19/03 / / Revised 02/13/95 10/18/99 / / 2/ 17 /03
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised 02 /20 /08 / / / /
See appendix
Adoption Date 03/11/96 Policy No. 2700
Reviewed 12/16/02 / / 03 / /17/08 / / Revised 10/18/99 / / 1 / 24 /11 / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
3110 Fiscal Year
3115 Planning for Formulation of Budget
3150 Spending Plan
3170 Tuition Schedule
3171 Tuition Payment
3172 Registration Fee
3173 Registration Date
3180 Other Income
3181 Fairshare BudgetChurch Offerings
3182 Non-designated Gifts
3183 Tuition Assistance Sponsors
3200 Rate of Tuition and Tuition Assistance Money for Families Leave During School YearRate of Tuition and Tuition Assistance Money for Families Who Leave During School Year
3 3260
3300 Insurance Policies
3310 Borrowing
3500 Cash for Trash
3600 Foundation Fund
3601 Subscriber Membership
37003700 Hot Lunch Fund
3705 Hot Lunch Payments
3710 Offer versus serve
3720 Hot Lunch Utilities Payment
3730 Major Equipment Repair
3800 Building Fund
Hull Christian School's fiscal year will run from August 1 to July 31.
Adoption Date 07/21/92 Policy No. 3110
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / 03/17/03 / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed 05/19 /08 02 /23 /11 / / Revised / / / / / /
The funds necessary for the operation of the school shall be obtained primarily from the payment of tuition by the parents of the children in school. The Finance Committee shall create a budget that shall be adapted by the society.
The budget adopted by the Society shall serve as a guide to the Finance Committee in its determination of the annual tuition rate per child,
OR the funds necessary for the operation of the school shall be obtained by means of signed pledges made by members of the organization at the beginning of the fiscal year. In soliciting pledges from persons having children at school, attention should be called to the cost price per child (running expense of the school divided by the pupil enrollment.) If financially able, parents should be urged to pledge an amount equivalent to the cost price of their child or children attending school.
In the event the requirements of the budget are not met by tuition receipts or pledges, money shall be raised by special donations, or by other means consistent with the basis and character of the organization.
Adoption Date 10/12/93 Policy No. 3115
Reviewed 10/11/93 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / Revised 03/17/03 / / 05 /19 /08 / /
Reviewed 02 /23 /11 / / / / Revised / / / / / /
The spending of any moneys monies beyond what was budgeted for a particular school year requires approval of the Hull Christian School Board.
Adoption Date 07/19/88 Policy No. 3150
Reviewed 10/12/93 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed 03/17/03 / / 05 /19 /08 02 /23 /11 Revised / / / / / /
Tuition for families with more than one child in the HullChristianSchool will be based on a graduated scale. The graduated scale shall be determined each year by the finance committee of the Board as part of the budget making process. 5/84
Kindergarten + Kindergarten tuition is set at the same percentage as two children in the grades. 2/8/94
Tuition:1 = 100%
2 = 100% + 7580%
3 – 100% + 7580% + 550%
4 = 100% + 7580% + 550% + 2530%
5 = 100% + 7580% + 550% + 2530% + free
when Kindergartner is the last counted
K = 670% of full student tuition05/19/0310/15/07
Preschool = $1180 (September – April) $50 (MayMay)
Kindergarten student is the last counted.10/18/99
Example Tuition Schedule
K$2,0102,399201.00239.90 monthly
1$3,000 300.003,581358.10
Adoption Date 05/84 Policy No. 3170
Reviewed 02/08/94 11/11/96 / / Revised 10/18/99 / / 05/19/03 / / 10 /15 /07
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised 05/19 /08 02 /23 /11 / /
All tuition for the current previous school year must be paid by registration onthe 1st day of classes for the upcoming school year in order for parents to enroll their children. 703/1017/95 08 July 31. 9/15/08
Parents with outstanding tuition or outstanding fees on the 1st day of school will be denied enrollment of their student(s). 9/15/08
Parents in violation will be visited notified.and deacons and/or elders informed of the situation.031/2217/9608
All tuition of eighth graders must be paid by May 1graduation in order for diplomas to be granted participate in the graduation ceremony. 103/2217/9608
Thirty percent of annual tuition must be paid by January 1the 1st day of the 2nd semester or parents will not continue to have their children enrolled second semester. 2/12/9603/17/08
A Tuition Agreement Form is added to the Registration Form. 05/19/0310/11/94
1.5% monthly interest is charged to persons with past due tuition one year beyond the date their last child is in school. 6/12/95
All parts of policy #3171 written before 10/11/94 have been changed or eliminated.
AGrant a 3% discount is given whento full tuition payment is madeid directly to the school prior to the first day of the school year. in August.05/19/035/12/97
If a student enrolls later than the first day of school or would leave before the last day of school, their tuition will be prorated. The percentage of tuition parents are responsible for will match the percentage of time the student was enrolled.
If a child/family who has received tuition assistance money leaves during the school year, they will receive tuition assistance money at a pro-rated basis in the same way they would pay on their tuition. The Balance which is left over, will be distributed to the families who have already qualified and received tuition assistance money for that year. That balance will be pro-rated to the families as to their percentage of money they received for tuition assistance.
Adoption Date 03/71 Policy No. 3171
Reviewed 10/18/99 / / 05 /19 /08 03/14 /11 Revised 08/12/85 06/12/90 10/11/94
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised 06/12/95 07/10/95 01/22/96
Revised 05/12/97 05/19/03 / / 12 /17 /07
Revised 03/17/08 09/15/08 7/11/11
The HullChristianSchool shall charge a $27550 per family registration fee ($320.00 for preschool) to enroll pupils for the new school year. The fee is payable at registration for the new school year. 10/12/93, 9/13/94, 5/13/96
Adoption Date Policy No. 3172
Reviewed 10/12/93 09/13/94 05/13/96Revised 03/20/06 / / 03 /17 /08 / /
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / 05/19/03 / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed 05/19/08 03/14/11
Hull Christian School will coordinate registration with Western Christian High School’s registration dates.
Perspective students who attend Hull Christian School should register before the first day of class.
Registration will be on the second and third Thursdays of June.
Adoption Date 05/13/96 Policy No. 3173
Reviewed 11/11/96 05/19/03 / / 03 /14 /11 Revised 05/15/00 / / 06 /16 /08 / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
The annual budget for church offerings will be divided per K-8 ststudents from supporting churcheschurch family. Each church's budgets and gifts will be published monthly in the Knightly News. 04/15/026/12/95
Publish church offerings status in the church bulletins and to distribute offering envelopes one week prior to church offerings. 6/10/96
Adoption Date 06/12/95 Policy No. 3181
Reviewed 06/10/96 11/11/96 05/19/03 / / Revised 10/18/99 / / 04/15/02 / / 4 / 13 /11
Reviewed 06/16 /08 07 /21 /08 / / Revised / / / / / /
All non-designated gifts of money to the school shall be at the discretion of the finance committee and approved by the board. be deposited in the Hull Christian School Foundation Fund. 4/90
All financial gifts from churches not participating in the Fair Share program will be designated to the General Fund.
Adoption Date 04/10/90 Policy No. 3182
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / 04/21/03 / / Revised 01/17/05 / / 2 / 17 /10 / /
Reviewed 06/16 / /08 4 / 13 / 13 / / Revised / / / / / /
Request church consistories help attract sponsors for families needing tuition assistance, with family responsible for one-half the tuition. 9/11/95
Adoption Date 09/11/95 Policy No. 3183
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
If a child/family who has received tuition assistance money leaves during the school year, they will receive tuition assistance money at a pro-rated basis in the same way they would pay on their tuition. The balance which is left over, will be distributed to the families who have already qualified and received tuition assistance money for that year. That balance will be pro-rated to the families as to their percentage of money they received for tuition assistance.
Adoption Date 10/21/09 Policy No. 3200
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
If a child/family who has received tuition assistance money leaves during the school year, they will receive tuition assistance money at a pro-rated basis in the same way they would pay on their tuition. The Balance which is left over, will be distributed to the families who have already qualified and received tuition assistance money for that year. That balance will be pro-rated to the families as to their percentage of money they received for tuition assistance.
Adoption Date 10/21/09 Policy No. 3200
Reviewed __/__/__/ /__/ __/__/ Revised // / / / /
Reviewed _/__/__ / / / / Revised / / / / / /
The Building Finance Committee of the HullChristianSchool shall annually review the Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy, the Inland Marine Insurance Policy, the Worker's Compensation Insurance Policy, the School Board Liability Insurance Policy, and the Steam Boiler Insurance Policy.Building Insurance Policies.
The Bus Committee of the Hull Christian School shall annually review the Bus Insurance Policy.
The Insurance Policy premiums are due in September of each year; therefore the review of the policies should occur in July and August of each year.
Every three years the Board will solicit advertise for bids from any and all companies and agents wishing to provide health insurance coverage for the school. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Adoption Date 10/12/93 Policy No. 3300
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / / / Revised 04/21/03 / / 06 /16 /08 4 /13 /11
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
The President and the Treasurer of the Hull Christian School Board shall, with board approval, together, have the authority to borrow money from the Iowa State Bank for school purposes. 10/11/9406/16/08
Adoption Date 10/11/94 Policy No. 3310
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / 04/21/03 / / Revised 06 /16 /08 05/23 /11 / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
Cash-for-Trash will be paid face value for all items they put on the Rally Day Sale; HCS will earn all profits brought by the auction beyond this cost.
Adoption Date 08/11/92 Policy No. 3500
Reviewed 11/11/96 10/18/99 / / / / Revised / / / / / /
Reviewed / / / / / / Revised / / / / / /
HULL, IOWA 51239
JUNE 1, 2000
The Board of Directors of this non-profit educational organization hereby establishes the Hull Christian Foundation, which shall be created and administered as follows:
- Primary Purpose: The primary purpose of the Hull Christian Foundation shall be to administer a fund consisting of contributions made by friends and supporters of the school for the purpose of permanent investment to support programs and operations of this school.
- Other Purposes: As the need arises or as specifically directed by the Board of Directors of Hull Christian School, the Foundation shall also be authorized to administer any funds which have been donated to the school for any special purpose including but not limited to deferred gifts, life income gifts, funds donated for the purpose of providing tuition assistance, gifts for any particular departmental activity or facility, faculty research or development funds, and any funds made available for school programs during the experimental or developmental stage of such programs.
- Definitions:
- The “fund” shall be all assets set aside to be administered by the Foundation.
- The “board” is the duly elected Board of Directors of Hull Christian School of Hull, Iowa, which operates a Christian School known as Hull Christian Grammar School.
- The “trustees” are the duly elected or appointed trustees of the Hull Christian Foundation.
- The “members” are all who share in the basic goals and purposes of Hull Christian who are either making annual contributions or have made a substantial permanent contribution to the Foundation.
- The term “Hull Christian” or “the Society” refers to the Society of Hull Christian School of Hull, Iowa.
- Membership:
- All Christians who share in the basic goals and purposes of Hull Christian shall be eligible for membership.
- Memberships shall be granted to all persons who contribute $25.00 per year to the Foundation. If the donation is made by a couple, the couple jointly shall be considered to be a member.
- A Lifetime membership is available for a one time gift of $500.00.
- Trustees:
- The funds shall be administered by a board consisting of five trustees.
- The trustees shall be one board member and four trustees appointed by the Hull Christian School Board.
- The term of the trustees shall be a term of four years with the terms of the first trustees to be on a one, two, three, or four-year basis so that the trustees’ terms shall not all end in one year. The initial trustees shall be the members of the existing Foundation Committee of Hull Christian. No trustee shall serve more than two consecutive terms unless the Board of Hull Christian passes a special resolution exempting a trustee from this rule regarding consecutive terms.
- The duties and responsibilities of the trustees shall be to establish the Fund, promote and solicit additional contributions to the Fund, supervise investment of any amounts contributed to the Fund, and distribute the income of the Fund.
- The trustees shall elect a board member as the chairman at their first meeting after the beginning of the school year.
- The trustees shall conduct meetings no less that quarterly each year and submit minutes of such meetings to the Board of Hull Christian School.
- Organization:
- A membership meeting will be held at least once each year with notice regarding the date and place of the meeting being given to the members either by publication in school publications, notices forwarded to supporting churches, or by personal correspondence as determined by the trustees.
- The trustees shall at least once annually submit an accounting to the Board of Hull Christian School regarding the Foundation’s financial condition including the amount of receipts, disbursements, assets, and liabilities. Additional meetings will be held and additional financial statements shall be submitted if requested by the Board of Hull Christian School.
- The fiscal year of the Foundation and any funds administered by the Foundation shall be the same and correspond to the fiscal year of Hull Christian School. The office and place of records or the organization shall be Hull Christian School, 1301 5th Street, Hull, Iowa 51239
- Promotion and Implementation of Foundation Program:
This program may be promoted and implemented among the supporting constituency in a variety of ways including:
- Regular information by way of school publications;
- Production and distribution to supporters of special brochures describing this program;
- Personal follow-up calls as requested to assist school supporters with wills and estate planning by which gifts and bequests to the school are made in ways which maximize the tax advantages and assure the best possible Christian stewardship;
- Group meetings including annual membership meetings; meetings sponsored by the board or by the school, and group seminars sponsored by the school, by congregations, and by society groups from churches supporting the school so that they can actively support and promote this program;
- Mobilization of lawyers, accountants, realtors, bankers, insurance agents, ministers, deacons, and other decision leaders among the school constituency to provide encouragement and assistance for broad participation in this program by school supporters;
- Education of the administrative staff of the school so it can promote and administer this program effectively.
- The Hull Christian School Foundation Trustees will make an annual report each year at the August Society meeting.
- Types of Gifts: The Fund shall initially be funded with previous membership payments and contributions, which have been given to Hull Christian for use by the Foundation. The type of gifts to be solicited shall be gifts that do not require administrative expertise and time beyond that already available to the school or to trustees of the Foundation. Initial emphasis will be on gifts such as annual memberships, lifetime gifts of cash specially designated for the Foundation Fund, and testamentary bequests. More complex gifts such as gifts of long-term appreciated stocks or real estate; gifts of life insurance policies, pension plans, and IRA and KEO retirement accounts, revocable gift agreements; charitable gift annuities; and similar complex types of gifts will not be neglected. Complex gifts shall not, however, be accepted until specific agreements have been entered into regarding the acceptance and administration of such gifts if the gift includes payment of any income to the grantor.
- Guidelines for Receiving and Managing Foundation Funds:
All funds received and managed by the Foundation will be handled according to the following guidelines, which will remain in effect until further experience with the Foundation makes it advisable or desirable to revise or extend these guidelines. All revisions or additional guidelines shall be recommended by the Foundation trustees and officially adopted by the Board of Directors of Hull Christian School. Guidelines shall be as follows: