Purpose for Student/School Goal Setting
Host in Native STAR- Filing Cabinet
1. AYP SMART Goals – setting goals for reading, math, and writing
2. To get a District view of where the schools in Navajo are, BOY, MOY, and EOY
· To assist school whose students are performing low
· To identify specific needs for staff development
· To develop school to school mentorships
3. To have a district wide (Navajo Region) process to use a formative and summative assessment (NWEA) to track progress over three data points (Fall, Winter, Spring).
· Fall: Classroom/School wide action plans are developed based on NWEA data
o Teacher reports are printed and cut scores (NWEA Spring RIT to Percentile Rank Conversion Norms 2011) used to determine the % of students at each of the four levels: Basic (0-20%ile); Nearing Proficiency (21-49%ile); Proficient(50-89%ile); and Advanced (90-99%ile)
o Goals are set for ALL students using the NWEA Achievement Status and Growth Matrix developed using the NWEA ASG calculator for student’s growth percentile at 60%ile. The student RIT score is matched to the grade level and the Observed Student Growth are used to calculate the students’ goal for the year.
o Strengths and weaknesses: Using the Teacher Report the Goal Performances will be analyzed. Using the median score the goals will be prioritized 1, 2, 3… with 1 being the area in most need and 5or 6 being the area of strength. Each median RIT can be matched to the Navajo Region Cut Score matrix to identify what level the group is performing at based on the Fall (BOY) assessment.
o Each class/grade will use the Navajo Region Goal setting spreadsheet to record and track student growth over time.
§ Student names and Fall Scores are entered along with their growth RIT from the Growth Matrix.
Ø Fall Goal Setting: Each classroom/grade will use the data to develop an action plan to answer the following questions.
§ What are our strengths and weaknesses?
§ What are ways you will be addressing these areas?
§ What strategies will be used to accelerate growth for students most at risk?
§ What strategies will assist all other students to obtain growth of 60%?
Ø Winter Goal Setting: Classrooms/Schools will Review Goals develop an action plan with specific questions to meet the needs of the students.
§ What are the areas of strength and areas of need?
§ What are ways you will be addressing these areas?
§ Are we on track to meet our growth targets?
§ Are our strategies effective?
§ What adjustments need to be made for students who did not meet the mid-year goal?
Ø Spring Goal Setting: Review AYP SMART goals- and develop an action plan for the next school year for Reading, Mathematics, Writing and Parent Involvement.
§ What are the areas of strength and areas of need?
§ What are ways you will be addressing these areas?
§ Using the 60% tile growth projection, how many students did not meet their growth? (Why/Why not?)
§ Using the Growth Projection, were the strategies effective?
§ What adjustments need to be made for next school year’s action plans?