International Marketing


Winter 2012

Keith G. Brown, PhD

Vice President, External

Purdy Crawford Chair in Aboriginal Business Studies

Associate Professor, Marketing

Office CE-338

Telephone: 563-1859


Administrative Assistant: Ms. Kelly Unsworth

Telephone: 563-1447


Office CE-338

Student office hours: Monday 1:30-3:30- other days by request.

This course focuses on the basic concepts of international marketing theory, the need for international marketing activities, global trade, reviews institutions and markets, does in-depth geography discussion andexplores cultural and strategic marketing issues. The principle aim of the course is to “internationalize” theory and practice across the broad range of functional marketing areas required in the program.

Course package provided

PlagiarismPlease note page 26 of the 2009/2011 Academic Calendar.



Case (3) 45

In-class presentations 10

Product /service development25


LATE PenaltiesAll assignments are due either before or immediately on the noted date in class. Late assignments for any non-excused reason (medical, personal) will be penalized by 50%. Late assignments more than one week late will not be accepted!

Learning outcomes: The principle learning outcomes of MBACED 6228 include:

  1. Students should develop an in depth understanding of the role and interrelationships of culture in marketing and marketing negotiations. Culture is explored as it relates to Canadian export/import opportunities, marketing adaptation and preparation for international travel and marketing plan development. An emphasis will be placed on Canada’s principle trading partner the United States. China and India are also explored in some detail.
  1. The student should gain an understanding of the role of globalization in marketing strategies and the interrelationships of internationalization and local adaptation.
  1. Canadian international business strategies are explored with a particular emphasis on the functional areas of Marketing.
  1. The student should be able to synthesize this information to research and present an analysis of an international export opportunity for a Canadian company and prepare a marketing plan for market entry.


Essay 20%

The purpose of the essay is to permit you to read and research a topic of your choice within the field of international marketing. Please ensure the topic is particular to international marketing and not merely an international business topic. The paper should be reflective of at least one of the learning outcomes providing in-depth analysis and insight. Page 2 of outline.

The paper should follow APA guidelines, provide full citation of academic journals, and draw upon existing secondary research. The paper should examine a critical topic in international marketing with you clearly stating your personal observations and conclusions.

Guideline: approximately 10 typed pages; Appendices, bibliography, etc. are in addition to the 10 pages of content in the body of the paper.

An outline of the paper will be distributed in the first class. The formatting of the paper must include a header and footer which must include the name of the assignment and class, your name, student I.D. number, accurate email address and page numbering. Failure to include this information on any assignment will mean the assignment will be returned with a 5% penalty. You must use Aerial Font 12, double space with standard 2.5 cm. margins.

Case Analysis 45% (Individual)

You are required to do an analysis of three international marketing cases. The suggested approach to case analysis is attached. All cases will be distributed in the first class.A discussion of case analysis and format will be discussed in the first class.

Case One

Decathlon China: Using Social Media to Penetrate the Internet Market

Nicole R.D. Haggerty, Raymond Pirouz, Grace Geng

After successfully establishing more than 33 retail stores in large cities across China, Decathlon, a large sporting goods manufacturer and retailer, planned to open its official online shopping website in China. The marketing department head of Decathlon China, has experimented with several new social media in China in order to increase the brand awareness among online shoppers. In the upcoming executive meeting, marketing department head would like to persuade the chief executive officer to dedicate more resources to social media to both increase online sales in the short term and market share in the long term.

Case Two

Super Shampoo Products and the Indian Mass Market

S. Ramesh Kumar, Nitya Guruvayurappan

The case analyzes the response of the non-users of shampoo in an emerging environment, namely India. The non-users belong to the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum and they respond with their perceptions about the category of shampoo and well-known brands. The entrepreneur's challenge is to obtain the insights, analyze the attitude of the non-users towards the category and brands, and prepare a strategy to position a new brand of shampoo (Super brand) in the Indian mass market.

Case Three

El Mawardy Jewelry: Expansion During a Recession

Marina Apaydin, Hend Mostafa, Sherif Salem , Ali Tawfik , Jylan Sekaly , Lila Mehrez

El Mawardy Jewelry was an Egyptian jewelry company located in Cairo, Egypt. The company was able to attract many customers and became competitive due to its variety of designs, high quality products and competitive prices. The friendly atmosphere and the customized services provided by the sales people helped the company gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. The Mawardy family was able to build on their success, and opened different stores across Egypt. In 2009, the financial crisis hit Egypt and many businesses were negatively affected. Faced with this challenge and the dream to go international, the Mawardy family started to consider different possibilities. The company had many options to consider, however they decided to focus on Qatar and the United Kingdom. The family considered each alternative and started to measure its pros and cons. The Mawardy family needed to decide whether it was better to expand now or later. They also needed to consider where to expand first – Qatar or the United Kingdom.

Class presentations 10%

A selection of articles from the last year of the Economist have been selected to both broaden your horizons in class and to use for class discussion. The expectation in class is that you are prepared to speak to each of the attached Economist articles. At some time in class you will be expected to summarize the article and present your views on the topic to the class. Articles can be accessed at no cost through the Library. They include discussions on:

  • The Chinese Consumer. July 9th-15th, 59-60.
  • Amazon, the Walmart of the Web; Oct 1st- 7th. 65-66.
  • Rebuilding Japan; June 11-17th. 27-28.
  • Panama’s desire to be a Singapore; July 16th-22nd. 39.
  • Vote as I say; China; June 18th-24th. 45-46.
  • Egypt and the Arab Spring; July 16th-22nd. 47-49 June 25th-july 1. 61-64.
  • China abroad; July 2nd-8th. 10,11.
  • Gujarat’s economy; July 9th-15th. 37-38.
  • Asia’s lonely hearts-why Asian women are rejecting marriage; August 20th-26th. 21- 24.
  • India; The supermarkets last frontier; December 3rd-9th, 2011. 75-76.
  • Africa’s economy: the sun shines bright; December 3rd-9th, 2011. 82-84.
  • China and the WTO, ten years later. December 10th-16th 2011. 45-47.

Major project: 25%

You are a Canadian company exporting a Canadian product internationally. You are responsible to prepare an international marketing assessment for your company. The assessment must include a cultural assessment of the country as it pertains to doing business, pertinent economic and political factors and your recommendations for your company’s entry into this marketplace. You are responsible for choosing the product or service to be marketed. You must get approval for the product/service in advance!. An outline of the product/service must be typed and approved!

An outline of the paper will be distributed in the first class. The formatting of the paper must include a header and footer which must include the name of the assignment and class, your name, student I.D. number, accurate email address and page numbering. Failure to include this information on any assignment will mean the assignment will be returned with a 5% penalty. You must use Aerial Font 12, double space with standard 2.5 cm. margins.

Countries: Egypt, Senegal, Malta, Germany, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, Japan

Approximate length, 10 pages including Executive Summary. Bibliography and appendices are additional. All sources must be cited. Citations must include peer reviewed journals, relevant government data bases, and relevant academic data bases.

Supplementary reading

The entire focus and context of this course is placing Canada within the global economy. In addition to the text and academic journals which support this course it is imperative that you develop a broad global perspective. Thorough reading of the Economist, at least one national daily newspaper, international news electronic subscription services and the BBC World News Service will substantially add to your current general knowledge of international issues directly affecting Canada’s international trade.


“International” Journals available in print or electronic form in the Library. Laura Syms, Librarian has established a hyperlinked directory of these materials.

  • China Business Review Business Source Premier 1990-
  • Competitiveness Review Business Source Premier 1997-
  • Emerging Markets Review Elsevier Science Direct
  • Euromoney Business Source Premier 1998 to present (Embargo: 1 month)
  • European Financial Management. Blackwell & Business Source Premiere 1995-.
  • European Journal of Marketing. MCB. BusinessSourcePremier: 1971 - (18 Month Embargo).
  • Global Finance Business Source Premier 2000 to present
  • Harvard International Review Business Source Premier 1990 to present
  • International Business Review. Elsevier
  • International Economic Review. Blackwell. JSTOR (Mov Wall: 3 Yrs). BusinessSourcePremier: 1965 - (12 Mo Emb).
  • International Economy Business Source Premier 1996 -
  • International Journal of Advertising Business Source Premier 2000 -
  • International Journal of Forecasting Elsevier
  • International Journal of Hospitality Management Elsevier
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management. BusinessSourcePremier: 1990 - (12 Month Embargo).
  • International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Elsevier.
  • International Journal of Research in Marketing Elsevier
  • Industrial Marketing Management Elsevier
  • International Journal of Research in Marketing. Elsevier
  • International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research Business Source Premier 1990 to present (Embargo: 12 months)
  • International Organization. JSTOR (1947 -Moving Wall: 5 Years). & Business Source Premier 1965-
  • International Studies of Management and Organization. BusinessSourcePremier: 1971 - (6 Mo Emb).
  • International Trade Journal. Taylor & Francis. BusinessSourcePremier: 1986 - (12 Month Embargo).
  • Japan and the World Economy. Elsevier
  • Journal of International Business Studies. AIB. JSTOR (1970- Moving Wall: 3 Years). Business Source Premier: 1970 – 2002, and CBCA
  • Journal of International Economics. Elsevier
  • Journal of International Marketing. AMA. MCB. BusinessSourcePremier: 1993 - .
  • Journal of the Japanese and International Economies . Elsevier
  • Journal of World Business. Elsevier.
  • Journal of World Trade Business Source Premier 2003 to present
  • Multinational Business Review. BusinessSourcePremier: 1996 - .
  • Multinational Finance Journal. BusinessSourcePremier 1997 - .
  • PacificBasin Finance Journal. Elsevier
  • World Trade Business Source Premier 1996 -