Puppy K & Play !

Thursat 6 PM or Weds at 11 am

Session 1Start: - 1/12/11

Session 2Start: - 2/16/11

Start your puppy out on the right foot (paw)! Puppy class is an excellent way to prevent problems right from the start. Owners attend Learning to Understand Your Dog**without puppieson 1/12/11(session 1) or 2/16/11 (session 2) followed by 4 weeks of classes with puppy. ALL family members are encouraged to attend. Pups and their owners learn the “how tos” of puppy ownership - with puppy play & interaction. Training booklet included with class.

Puppies must be under 18 weeks of age

on the start date of class.

5 Weeks - Cost $160.00

Basic Obedience & Manners

Monday at 6:00 PM,

Wednesday at12:00noonor 7 PM

Session 1Start: - 1/12/11

Session 2Start: - 2/16/11

This class is designed to teach owners how to gain control in a fun & positive way. Owners attend Learning to Understand Your Dog**without their dogs1/12/11 (session 1) or on 2/16/11 (session 2) at 6:00 PM, followed by 4 weeks of “hands on” instruction at time selected. Dogs (and owners!) have fun while learning sit and down, come when called, how to manage problem behaviors & more - all using modern, motivational techniques. Training booklet included in cost of class.

5Weeks - Cost $160.00

Classes open to dogs 19 weeks – 19years!

**Learning to understand your Dog seminar will be from 5:30-7:30 pm on Wednesday,

January 12th (session 1) or

February 16th (Session 2) **

Better Than Basic!

Monday at 7 PM

Wednesday at 1:00 PM

Session1Start: 1/10/11 or 1/12/11

Session 2Start: 2/14/11 or2/16/11

This class is for those that want more than “basic” control of their dog. Owners and their dogs are taught how to improve reliability & retain attention. Focus on leash walking, stays, come when called & simple manners. A MUST DO class to keep & improve the control established in (pre-requisite) Basic Obedience & Manners class. Training booklet included.

5 Weeks –Cost$135.00

Shake, Rattle & Roll!

Wednesdays at 6 PM

Begins 1/1911 for 4 weeks

This fun packed class is designed to teach teamwork between dog & handler. Using clicker training, dogs will learn a variety of “trick” behaviors. Bring your dog, treats & a great attitude to class!

4 Weeks – Cost $80.00


Pat Tetrault—845-592-1688

Aggie Poillucci - 845-297-2948

Mail your non-refundable check, payable to:

Top Notch Dogs, LLC

Aggie Poillucci

23 Meadow Drive

Wappingers Falls, NY12590

Name: ______

Address: ______


Home #: ______

Bus #: ______

Email: ______

(Print Clearly PLEASE!)

Dog Name: ______

Breed: ______Sex: ______

Class(es): ______


Night(s): ______

Session: ______

Amount Enclosed: ______

(Please attach separate paper for

additional classes or notes. Thank you!)

Yearly Proof of vaccination required!

You must enclose a self addressed stamped envelope if you require confirmation!!

More FUN with Fido!

Wednesday at 8 PM

Wednesday at 2 PM

Session 1Start: 1/12/11

Session 2Start: 2/16/11

This class is designed to make learning FUN for dogs & owners alike. Using trick behaviors & games to teach reliability and advanced obedience exercises this class will keep your attention & keep you moving! Bring a smile and prepare to have fun.

Pre-requisite –Better than Basic & Instructor approval

5 Weeks - Cost $80.00

Competition Class

Thursday at 7:00 PM (novice) 7:45 PM (open/utility); start: 1/13/11

All levels of competitive trial training - Novice thru Utility may be covered. Lesson plans are tailored to suit the individuals in class, and include jumping, retrieving, heeling, signals, recalls (including drops), stays. Problem solving also included.

Ask an instructor if you are ready for this exciting class!

10 Weeks - COST $160.00

Rally “O”

Mondays at 8:00 PM

begins January 10thfor 8 weeks

Join the fun as you & your dog learn AKC Rally O! This new sport is fun for handlers and dogs. Learn to execute complex maneuvers on a Rally course, while building a “team” relationship with your dog. Also helps with obedience skills and teamwork!Courses will be Novice – Excellent.

8 Weeks - COST $160.00

Visit our website:

Coming Soon!!

In-Home or Private Training

A private session can catch you up on class work, or help with specific behavior issues or problems. In your home or at the training center, these one on one sessions are tailored to the specific needs of you and your dog.

Call or email Pat Tetrault for details:
