Pupil Disadvantage Statement 2014-15


The government believe that the Disadvantage Pupils, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

Schools decide how the Disadvantage Pupils, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent. The government believes that schools are best placed to access what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

This document outlines how the Interim Executive Board has planned spend for the Disadvantage Pupils income from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. See Disadvantage Pupils Impact Statement is published during the following Autumn Term.

Number of pupils and Disadvantage Pupils Grant received / £188,100
Total of number of pupils on roll / 222
Total number of pupils eligible for the Disadvantage grant / 145
Total amount of Disadvantage grant received (proposed) / £188,100
Objectives of spending Disadvantage Grant:
To narrow the gap between children who receive the pupil premium grant and those that do not.
Item Project / Cost / Objectives / Outcomes
Home school Liaison Officer / £29776 / Provide emotional and learning support to reduce barriers to learning.
Develop links with families of pupils at the risk of underachievement.
Numicon / £3000 / Introducing a multi-sensory maths teaching resource to help children make connections with numbers, create good mental pictures of
numbers, so they can solve problems more effectively.
30 laptops for ICT suite (plus trolley) / £14289 / To give pupils the opportunity to develop maths and English skills through computing.
Scheme of work – Switched on
Education City and DB primary. / £2540 / To enable pupils to gain home access to Education City and DB primary
Catch up reading
Beanstalk reading volunteers. / £1080 / Pupils identified to make 4 APS progress.
Values Education / £2968 / School level approaches to develop a positive school ethos and improving behaviour which also aims to improve pupil engagement.
Mind up training
Supply cover for teachers: £185 EACH x 3 / £555 / To develop pupils emotional well-being and in turn develop their resilience to learning.
Ipads / £3263 / To enable teachers to gain access to 2 simple for assessments
2 simple assessments / £2400 / To enable all staff to assess pupils using the new curriculum.
Funding for after school clubs / Enable pupils to participate in learning through an extended curriculum that they may not otherwise have access to.
Arsenal Doubles Club / £700 / To enable pupils to develop maths skills whilst playing football.
2 X HLTAs / £29,776 X 2 = £59,552 / To support in small group teaching in maths and English to secure high achievements for all disadvantaged pupils.
SENCO 0.5 support in class / £25830 / To raise progress and attainment in the lowest 20% of the children
TA 3 hours per week / £2223 / To support disadvantaged children in reading, writing and maths interventions
TA for Early Years / £12000 / To support early intervention for pupils in early years, especially those at risk of underachievement
Additional teacher to support pupils / £26000 / To support pupils well being to ensure they are ready for learning
RE scheme of work / £708 / Discovery RE develop their own values, belief and morals by learning fromand about the religions of others in our diverse society.
1 hours reading – 5 support staff / £4953 / To raise progress and attainment in the lowest 20% of the children
Total spend / £191,837