PUPIL BULLETIN Wednesday 27thSeptember2017
Reporting to First Aid - Students who are feeling unwell should report to first aid in the first instance. Mrs Ross or Mrs Ahmed will then contact parents if you have to be sent home.Please do not contact your parents directly and leave the school - report to first aid. (KJG)
All pupils are reminded that the warning bell rings at 8.40am. They should be in class by 8.45 am. If they arrive between 8.45am and 8.55am, they should report to registration, where their registration teacher should mark them late. They should not attempt to sign in late at the office between 8.45am and 8.55am. If arriving after 8.55am, pupils must sign in at the school office. All pupils must endeavour at all times to be on time for school and for classes.
Scottish Chamber Orchestra Trip Please could all pupils involved in the trip meet in the canteen at 11.25 prompt. If you have not yet paid your £5.00 bus money you must hand it in before we leave.
All pupils Friday Break there will be a short meeting for all pupils interested in the Rotary Young Chef competition. Come along to G38 at 10.45am to find out more.
School Exchange to Germany 2018 We are planning a school exchange to Landshut in Germany our Twin Town. You would stay one week with a German pupil in Landshut and go on day excursions with other EA pupils. German pupils would also spend one week with you and your family and also go on excursions with their fellow pupils. The intention is that German pupils come to us Friday April 14th and depart Friday 21st April. We would visit for one week in June during term time. If you would like to find out more please let Mrs Hendry in B33 know. You can also sign your name on a list outside her door. Meg Scott and Ruairidh Green in S6 would also be able to give you further information. Knowledge of German is not required. This trip is open to current S3 to S6 pupils. (EH)
Swing band rehearsals will take place on Thursday lunchtime in Y02. All brass and woodwind players welcome. Any questions see Mrs Robertson.
Novelties Book Club – meets today at lunchtime.
Learner Voice – Year Councils- The next round of Year Council meetings is due to take place during week commencing Monday 25 September. We would like class reps to come ready to discuss the Learning & Teaching policy (the ‘spider’s web’), and Universal Pupil Support through registration. Your register teacher has been asked to encourage discussion of these issues in registration in order that reps are well informed for the Year Council meetings.
S1 Pupil Council The next S1 pupil council meeting will take place on Wednesday 27th September, Period 3 – please note change of period. The agenda will focus on the learning and teaching policy, universal pupil support and aocb. The meeting will take place in the Conference Room.
S2 pupil council to meet period 3 on Thursday 28th September in B47. (NM)
S3 pupil council meeting today Tuesday in the Conference Room. Pupils should register for the class and then make their way along to the meeting. (AW)
S1/2 cookery club All pupils interested in the club should sign up in the HE department before Thursday. It costs £1.00 and you should bring a tub.
S1-S2 Camera Club Hello photographers. Camera Club is on Today, Wednesday 27th lunch time at 1.10 – 1.35pm in B39 (Art department). All Abilities welcome whether or not you are a complete beginner or an expert. For more information see Miss Tullis.
Scotland vs England Rugby – Six Nations Championships match on Saturday, February the 24th 2018, @4.45. If you are interested to go to this match with the school, could you please attend a short information meeting on Wednesday the 27th in Room B27 during lunchtime @13.20? Thanks. [S.T.]
S1_S2 Rugby - Training is Wednesday after school. Change in PE.3.30 to 4.45. Bring a water bottle. First home match is Wednesday Sept 20th in Elgin. Any questions, please see Mr Mair (G35) or Mr Kelly (G13).
SDS Careers appointments - Wednesday 27th September in room G42 with Nicola Dall
P3 – Sean Green S5P4 – Annabelle Thompson – S4P5 – Fing Phanich S4
S4 Pupil Council There will be an S4 pupil council meeting during period 3 on Thursday 28th Septemberin the conference room. Pupils should report to class and register, then make their way to the conference room. Representatives are reminded to consult with pupils during registration this week. Thanks
S5 pupil council to meet period 2 on Friday 29th September in B49. (NM)
Advanced Higher Dissertation trip – forms must be handed in , with payment, to Mrs Toonen by the end of the day tomorrow.
National 5 Hospitality Tutorials Starting after the October holidays a tutorial will be running that is open to Miss Ainslie’s and Mrs Barnes National 5 Hospitality classes. It will be held on Tuesdays 3.30-4.30 in G38. The first tutorial will be on Tuesday 24th October at 3.30. If you have any questions about the tutorials or would like to come along contact Mrs Barnes in the Home Economics department.
S6 – Register your car Any S6 student who parks their car in the school car park must register their car details with Mrs Bell in the office. (KJG)
Employment Board - Please remember to check the jobs/employment notice board outside Guidance. There are new jobs advertised every week and many places are recruiting now for seasonal workers and part time jobs. LB