Assemblies - Wednesday 16 December as follows:
10.00 - S1
10.25 - S2
11.05 - S3
11.30 - S4
12.00 - S5/6
For S1, S3 and S5/6, pupils should report to class first and be accompanied by their teacher to the hall. S2 and S4 will already be in class and should be accompanied by their teacher at the appropriate time.
Behaviour We have received information with regard to Elgin Academy pupils causing a nuisance at St Giles Shopping Centre. Such behaviour must stop. Anyone taking part in this is spoiling the good name of their school. Please be aware that any such behaviour is likely to lead to you being reported to the police.
EAL Focus Group - There will be a meeting of the EAL Focus Group on Wednesday at 1:35 in the Meeting Room. The following should attend: Isadora Harris, Natalia Klajny, Katrina Raine, Anesa Sarasevic, Julia Balcynska, Nikavs Grinpauks, Kasper Parol, Wictoria Grot, Kladia Karasinska, Haya Asad & Shoaib Rasul. Please register with period 5 class before attending.
Wear Something Festive - Tuesday 22 December. All pupils and members of staff will be invited to wear something ‘festive’ with their normal school dress - this could be a Christmas jumper or just a piece of tinsel. It’s up to you – all we ask is that you pay something in return for being able to do so (a suggested donation of £1 will be collected at registration). All proceeds will be split between Children in Need and Text Santa. (DB)
Hockey Club: A huge well done to both the junior and senior teams for all their hard work and participation in Saturday's first ever fixture for Elgin Academy vs Quasars! A special shout out to the junior teamfor winning their match 7-4!!!! It was a great start all round. We are hoping to run an xmastournament on Thursday after schooldepending on the weather. So wrap up warm and bring your santa hats!(SS)
Calling AllPipers and Drummers Following our successful debut at the Christmas concert, the newly formed Elgin Academy Pipe Band are still looking for more pipers and drummers to boost our numbers so we can compete in the band category at the Scottish Schools Championships in March. If you play the bagpipes or drums andare interested in joiningus then bring your chanteror pad along to our practice sessions every Tuesday from 1:10pm in G29. See either Sean McHugh in S6 or Mr MacAndie if you have any questions. (IM)
Alice in Literary Land is TODAY Make sure you are in the library at lunchtime for quizzes, games and riddles. Alice will be there too, to read her own adventures. Make sure you come and meet her.
The Mad Hatter will be along during lunchtime to give out prizes and nonsense.
Tickets for the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Friday are for sale Make sure you buy a ticket for one of the sittings – sandwiches, cakes, juice and Mr McWhirter’s Mock Turtle Jelly - all in the library at lunchtime on Friday. Only £2.50. Buy your ticket today from the library.
As well as food, there will be Flamingo Croquet with the King of Hearts, Caterpillar Crash Mat and lots of other activities to choose from.
Accessorise with Alice Remember, Friday, is Accessorise with Alice day. You are invited to accessorise your uniform with something from Alice. Be inventive and look up Alice in Wonderland to see what you can wear.
Badminton Club There will be no badminton this Wednesday due to another event that is on in the PE department. Badminton will start again as normal after Christmas holidays.
Table tennis club is starting on Wednesdays in the PE department at lunch time. (RS)
Fochabers Family Ceilidh – Attend a family ceilidh on the 19th of December from 7.30 to midnight at the Fochabers Institute. Adults £10 Kids (U16) £5 to support the 2016 Finland Explorer Belt. Speak to Lee Ferguson or email to request tickets.
Guitar/ukulele club A new guitar/ukulele pupil led group for S1& S2 is starting up on Tuesday lunchtimes! Whether you are a complete beginner or have had lessons for years, if you are interested in playing the guitar or ukulele with other pupils for fun please come along to guitar club in Y01 starting on Tuesday 12th January. Taster sessions are available and encouraged – if you are unsure come along and watch what’s going on and decide if you want to join in. If you have any questions please see Miss Macphail, or Zaki and Hector in S2.
Drama Club Drama club will take place on Thursday 17 December in B57 from 3.30 – 4.30pm. This will be the last session before the holidays. Drama club will resume on Thursday 7 January, same, place, same time. (AO)
Wednesday 16th December - SDS Careers Appointments with Gayna England, Room G42
P1 – free for drop in P2 – Graham Bethune, S6 P3 – Kiera Smith, S6
P4 – Thomas Kesson, S4 P6 – Jake Bremner, S4
Chemistry Nat 5 Supported Study – Thursday G27 3:30-4:30pm
Chemistry Higher Supported Study – Wednesday G27 3:30-4:30pm
Nat 5 Chemistry Students – If anyone would like some prelim revision resources for the holidays bring a memory stick to G27 and I will transfer a copy.
S6 Higher Chemistry Students – Please attend a short meeting 1:15pm on Wednesday in G27.
Biology Study Support Biology study support is available every Wednesday after school from 3.25 – 4.25 for al biology courses. Come along to the Biology department to get help with class work, assess resources, to work on problem solving or data skills or to work on revision techniques and practice SQA past papers. (RG)
Drama Revision
Reminder to National 5 Drama Pupils (Mr Harris Class). Please come to B53 Mrs May’s room for revision on Wednesday 16/12/15 and bring all folio work please. (AO)
S6/S6 & Staff Group Photo: Order forms are now in school and are available from the office. Orders should be returned no later than Monday 21 December 2015. Photograph proofs are on display in the Canteen display boards. Thank you
Staff v S6 HockeyWe plan to have a staff v S6 hockey game on the Astro this Wednesday after school. If you are keen to play let me or Jade Walton (S6) know. Hope to see you all there!
Stonemason Apprenticeship - Harper and Allan Masonry are looking to recruit 2 apprentices from Keith or Elgin area. To start after the new year. Employed for 6 months or so before going onto their college phase.
Interested pupils can apply to with their CV & covering email.