Girls’ 7s Touch Rugby Tournament: All girls involved in the 7s tournament please come to the PE department at the start of period 5 to get changed and register with Mrs Macrae, you do not need to go to your period 5 class. Please remember to take water and suitable footwear. Thanks (EM)
Brass Lessons: There will be no brass lessons on Wednesday 26 June. (G Munro)
Rag Bag Recycling Collection: Please help us to raise funds for Elgin Academy by putting your unwanted clothes in the bag and returning it to school on Wednesday 26 June. You can also include any unwanted textiles, including all types and quality of clothing, paired shoes, bags, hats, belts, towels, soft toys, curtains and bed linen. Please do not include any duvets or pillows. If you can fill more than one bag, you can use other bags eg bin bags. Anything that you can provide will go a long way towards supporting the school.
S5 Student Council: There will be a meeting of the council period 4 today (Monday) in the conference room (next to the staffroom). (TD)
S6 Assembly: This will take place today at registration. Please make your way to the assembly hall. (KJG)
School Blazers S4, S5, S6 – LAST CHANCE TO ORDER! For Senior Pupils who are interested in buying a blazer – today (Monday) is the deadline for placing orders. Sample blazers are available to try on in The Bridge (beside Reception) at lunchtime today. (JC)
Interviews for Head Student/Depute Head Student: These will take place today (Monday) during period 5 and 6. All candidates should report to reception five minutes prior to their interview time. If you have any queries regarding this please contact Mrs Grant or Miss Dempsey. (KJG)
Elgin Academy Opening Ceremony: S6 pupils wishing to volunteer to take guests from reception to the hall on Tuesday should add their names to the list on the whiteboard in the S6 area. (KJG)
Book Return: Would the following pupils please return their Chemistry books as soon as possible:
Stuart Freschini 6R; Cieran Geddes 6R; Jamie Heald 6G; Philip Obedencio 6M
Art & Design: Any pupil who would like extra time, support or advice on their written work for National, Int or Higher courses please come to Room B30 (Mrs Templeton’s) on a Tuesday lunchtime from 1pm. You are welcome to bring your lunch and use this time to complete any written homework.
S6 Pupils - P7 Transition - Cycle to Lossiemouth: As Miss Dempsey discussed at the recent assembly volunteers are required to cycle with the P7 students to Lossiemouth and back to Elgin. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with our new S1 students. The parental letter and the consent form are now available on student work out – S6 – Cycle parental letter and consent form. Copies are also available from the office. This must be signed and returned to Miss Dempsey as soon as possible please. (KG)