On the basis of Article 38 item 1 of the Law on Marine Fisheries (Official Journal of the Republic of Montenegro No. 55/2003), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management has issued the



(Published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Montenegro No. 10/2004)

  1. It is prohibited to catch and trade fish juveniles, undersized fish and other undersized marine organisms.
  2. The term undersized fish and other undersized marine organisms implies not fully grown fish, crustaceans, shellfish and sponges of commercial importance, when size in some species is below the size laid down by this Decree as follows:

For fish:

Pagellus erythrinus15 cm

Pagellus acarne15 cm

Uranoscopus scaber16 cm

Boops Boops15 cm

Liza ramada30 cm

Mugil cephalus40 cm

Liza saliens28 cm

Chelon labrosus35 cm

Liza aurata28 cm

Chromis chromis 8 cm

Diplodus vulgaris15 cm

Atherina hepsetus 8 cm

Atherina boyeri 6 cm

Spicara smaris12 cm

Spicara flexuosa12 cm

Gobius cobitis13 cm

Zosterisessor ophiocephalus11 cm

Seriola dumerili80 cm

Lophius piscatorius 30 cm

Lophius budegassa30 cm

Tetrapturus belone 120 cm

Engraulis encrasicolus 11 cm

Platichthys flessus luscus25 cm

Anguilla anguilla30 cm

Spondyliosoma cantharus25 cm

Serranus cabrilla16 cm

Sciaena umbra30 cm

Epinephelus marginatus60 cm

Trigloporus lastoviza24 cm

Sparus aurata20 cm

Zeus faber25 cm

Solea vulgaris25 cm

Scomber japonicus25 cm

Dicentrarchus labrax25 cm

Spicara maena14 cm

Merluccius merluccius20 cm

Lithognathus mormyrus18 cm

Pagrus pagrus 36 cm

Sarda sarda45 cm

Mustelus mustelus75 cm

Sljualus acanthias65 cm

Mustelus punculatus60 cm

Diplodus puntazzo22 cm

Merlangius merlangius euxinus12 cm

Serranus scriba15 cm

Raja clavata73 cm

Raja miraletus37 cm

Xiphias gladius 120 cm

Salpa salpa25 cm

Scomber scombrus20 cm

Labrus bimaculatus18 cm

Sardina pilchardus sardina12 cm

Diplodus sargus sargus21 cm

Scorpaena scrofa25 cm

Scorpaena porcus14 cm

Trachurus trachurus20 cm

Trachurus mediterraneus20 cm

Diplodus annularis10 cm

Mullus surmeletus11 cm

Mullus barbatus11 cm

Auxis rochei32 cm

Thunnus thynnus70cm/6.4 kg

Conger conger40 cm

Oblada melanura17 cm

Labrus merula22 cm

Dentex dentex30 cm

For crustaceans (Crustacea)

Homarus gammarus28 cm

Palinurus elaphas28 cm

Maja sljuinado10 cm

Nephrops norvegicus10 cm

Penaeus kerathturus10 cm

Parapenaeus lingirostris 9 cm

For cephalopods (Cephalopoda):

Sepia officinalis12 cm

Octopus vulgaris 1 kg

Eledone moschata0.2 kg

For shellfish (Bivalvia)

Mytilus galloprovincialis5 cm

Pecten jacobaeus9 cm

Ostrea edulis6 cm

Venus gallina2.5 cm

Ruditapes decussatus2.5 cm

Arca noae5 cm

Venus verrucosa3 cm

For other shellfish2 cm

For sponges (Spongia)

Spongia officinalis adriatica10 cm

For sea cucumber

Holothuria spp.14 cm

  1. Fish are measured by length from the top of the head to the end of the tailfin. Thunnus thynnus is measured from the tip of the nose till the shortest length of the tailfin, while Xiphias gladius is measured from the top of the lower jaw till the shortest length of the tailfin.

Crustaceans are measured from the eye till the top of the stretched tail. Female crustaceans laying eggs must be returned into water immediately, regardless of their length.

Cephalopods with ten arms (squids and Sepia officinalis) are measured from the top of the top of the cranial side of the dorsal part of the body till the end of the dorsal part of the body. Cephalopods with eight arms (octopus and eledone moschata) are measured only by weight.

Bivalve molluscs and sponges are measured by their greatest length and diameter, respectively.

Sea cucumbers are measured strengthened from the most prominent part of the front end till the most prominent part of the back end.

  1. In case that in certain fishing area the catch of undersized fish and other marine organisms in fishing operations with bottom and floating trawls, shore seines or tow nets in one towing is more than 50 per cent of the total catch weight, then fishing in that area should stop.
  1. Catch of undersized fish and other undersized marine organisms can be up to 20 per cent of the total weight of the catch.
  1. It is prohibited to catch, and in case they are caught accidentally, marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals, etc.) sea birds and sea turtles must be returned into the sea.
  1. Companies, entrepreneurs and natural persons catching fish juveniles, undersized fish or other undersized marine organisms, shall be penalized in compliance with the Article 55 item 3 of the Law on Marine Fisheries, while for catching marine mammals, birds and sea turtles they will be penalized in compliance with the Article 55 item 3, with exception of catch laid down by the Article 37 paragraph 3.
  1. The day this Decree enters into force the Decree on prohibition of catch and trade in fish juveniles, undersized fish and other marine animals (Official Journal of the Republic of Montenegro, No. 53/92) shall be repealed.
  1. This Decree shall enter into force on the eighth day from the day of its publishing in the Official Journal of the Republic of Montenegro.

No. 325/04-0506-07/02

Podgorica, February 10, 2004

Minister, Milutin Simovic, manu propria