Publications of William M. Fisher
1. S.C. Rand, W.M. Fisher, and S.L. Oliveira, "Optically induced magnetization in homogeneous, undoped dielectric media", J.O.S.A. B25, 1106(2008).
2. W.M. Fisher, S.L. Oliveira, and S.C. Rand, "Implications of Electronic Structure for Optical Magnetism", Int. Conf. on Quantum Electronics and Laser Spectroscopy (QELS'08), paper JWA130.
3. (Invited) S.L. Oliveira, W.M. Fisher, and S.C. Rand, "Parametric Origin of Optical Magnetism", Int. Conf. on Quantum Electronics and Laser Spectroscopy (QELS'08), paper QWD3.
4. W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, "Giant Radiant Magnetization Induced by Light", Int. Conf. on Luminescence (ICL'08), Lyons, France, July, 2008.
5. (Keynote) W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, "Dependence of Optical Magnetic Response on Molecular Electronic Structure", Int. Conf. on Luminescence (ICL'08), Lyons, France, July, 2008.
6. W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, "Temporal dynamics of parametric resonance at optical frequencies", Optical Society of America (FiO'08), Rochester, New York, Oct. 20-25, 2008, paper FWE1.
7. S.C. Rand, W.M. Fisher, and S.L. Oliveira, "Erratum: Optically induced magnetization in homogeneous, undoped dielectric media", J.O.S.A. B26, 1549(2009).
8. W.M. Fisher, "Dynamically-enhanced Coherent Optical Magnetization", Conf. on Nonlinear Optics, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 12-17, 2009, paper NWB6.
9. W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, "Parametric Optical Magnetism and the Complex Mathieu Equation", Int. Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC'09), paper .
10. (Invited) S.C. Rand and W.M. Fisher, Intense coherent transverse magnetism induced by light: experiments and theory", Eur. Opt. Soc. Ann. Mtg. (EOSAM 2010), Paris, France, Oct. 26-29, 2010.
11. W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, Gaussian Beam and Solar Power Conversion using magneto-electric charge separation, Qu. Electr. & Laser Spectroscopy (QELS'10), Baltimore, 2010.
12. W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, Energy Conversion via Transverse Optical Magnetism, Int. Conf. on Luminescence (ICL'11), Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 27-July 1, 2011, paper ThZ4.
13. M.T. Denman, P. Roumayah, W. Mayer, W.M. Fisher, and S.C. Rand, "Luminescence properties of T10 and T12 Silsesquioxanes", Int. Conf. on Luminescence (ICL'11), Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 27-July 1, 2011, paper WP244
14. W. Mayer, P. Roumayah, M.T. Denman, W.M. Fisher, S.C. Rand, D. Wehe, and B. Roe, "Laser-induced fluorescence for proportional detection of ionizing radiation, Int. Conf. on Luminescence (ICL'11), Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 27-July 1, 2011, paper WP243.
15. (Invited) W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, Magneto-electric Charge Separation for Power Conversion, University Conference on Glass Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, August 3-5, 2011.
16. (Invited) W.M. Fisher and S.C. Rand, Space Power Workshop, Aerospace Corporation, Manhattan Beach, California, April 16-19, 2012.
17. W.M. Fisher, E. Cloos, A. Fisher and S.C. Rand, "A Universal Model of Transverse Optical Magnetism", Opt. Express (in preparation).