Publications in the USA

Letter to the Editor:“Billing, coding errors.”CAP TODAY October 2002 pp. 8,11

Letter to the Editor:”Questionable Recommendations” on the article “Cutting Expenses in Anatomical Pathology”. Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals 2002 December 2. pp. 11, 19

CAP TODAY – In Seth L. Haber’s column “Innovation in Pathology”: Handling bones and other calcified tissue –September 2003; December 2003; March 2004

Letter to the Editor:“Microwave-Assisted Rapid Tissue Processing.” American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2004; 122: 612-616

Dimenstein IB: The Grossing Technique of a Mandible Bone. Hard Times. Communiqué of the Hard Tissue Committee NSH 20004. Vol 22:6-8

Dimenstein IB: Preventing Unintentional Overcharge. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory, August 2004, p.20

Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding for Soft Tissue Tumors. Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory. November 2005: 16-18

Dimenstein IB: Lymph Node Coding in Surgical Pathology. LabMedicine 2005; 36: 602-603

Letter to the Editor:“The Other Side of Compliance.”LabMedicine2005; 36: 122

Letter to the Editor:“SNOMED and Reinventing the Autopsy.” LabMedicine 2006;

2: 54-55

Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding for Mastectomy (A Case Study). LabMedicine 2006; Vol. 37(11): 654-656

Dimenstein IB: Baby Diaper Pad for Filtration Biopsies. The Journal of Histotechnology 2006; Vol 29, No. 3. P.204

Letter to the Editor: “Assisting the pathologist” CAP TODAY, November 2006

Dimenstein IB: Hard Pressed Cardboard for Bone Grossing Immobilization. AAPA Newsletter, 2007 Vol. XXXV No.4:25

Dimenstein IB:Bone grossing techniques: helpful hints and procedures. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2008; 12:191-198

Campbell T., Dimenstein I.: Bone Grossing Table. Poster Abstract. TheJournal of Histotechnology 2008; 31: 200

Dimenstein IB: Root Cause Analysis of Specimen Misidentification in Surgical Pathology Accession and Grossing. LabMedicine 2008; 39: 497-502

Dimenstein IB: Incision in a Foam Pad for Embedding Orientation. The Journal of Histotechnology 2008; 31: 141-142

Dimenstein IB: Grossing biopsies: an introduction to general principles and techniques. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology2009; 13: 106-113

Letter to the Editor: “The Henry Ford Production System: Reduction of Surgical Pathology In-Process Misidentification Defects by Bar Code-Specified Work Process Standardization.” American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2009; 132: 975-980

Dimenstein IB: New Devices for Manual Embedding Orientation. The Journal of Histotechnology2009; Vol. 32 (3): 123-125

Dimenstein IB: CPT Coding in Dermatopathology. LabMedicine2009; 40: 151-156

Dimenstein IB: A Pragmatic Approach to Formalin Safety in Anatomical Pathology.LabMedicine 2009 Vol. 40 (12):740-746

Dimenstein IB: "The Grossing Histotechnologist in Surgical Pathology” (Two installments) Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory online edition2010May 10th and 20th

Dimenstein IB: Sectionable cassette for embedding automation in surgical pathology. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2010; 14:100-106

Letter to the Editor: “The Use of Bar-Coding and Tracking in Surgical Pathology to Enhance Patient Safety.” The Journal of Histotechnology2010 Vol.33:131-132

Dimenstein IB: Principles and Controversies in CPT Coding in Surgical Pathology. LabMedicine 2011; 42: 242-249

Author’s Response. LabMedicine 2011; 42: 376

Dimenstein IB: Specialized Stations for Grossing Biopsies. The Cutting Edge Journal. AAPA2011Vol.1. 1: 20-22

Dimenstein IB: Gadgets for ‘Floaters’ prevention in the histopathology laboratory. The Journal of Histotechnology2011; Vol. 34, 2: 88-90

Dimenstein IB: Decalcification in surgical pathology. The Cutting Edge Journal. AAPA 2012. Vol. 2. 3: 21-23

Letter to the Editor: The abandoned Root Cause Analysis original methodology. LabMedicine. Online edition. Published May 17, 2013

Dimenstein IB, Dimenstein SI: Development of a Laboratory Niche Website. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology, 17(2013)448-456

Dimenstein IB: Third-hand Immobilization in Gross Sectioning of Pathology Specimens. HistoLogic, June, 2013, 8-10

Dimenstein IB: The concept of adjustable immobilization to aid grossing and facilitate uniform biopsy slices. Technical Note. Journal of Histotechnology;Vol . 36, Number 3:106-109.

Dimenstein IB and Dimenstein SI: Poster abstract. The “Nested Doll” principle in the development of an educational laboratory niche website” NSH Symposium /Convention, Providence, September, 2013

Workshops materials at AAPA and National Society for Histotechnology (NSH) conventions and regional meetings on grossing bones, biopsies, and small specimens (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013).