Publications by CEESP TGER Members – as of 2010
Abrams, R.W., Anwana, Eno D., Ormsby, Alison, Delali, Dovie, B. K., Ajagbe, Ademola and Abrams, Amber (2009) Integrating Top-Down with Bottom-Up Conservation Policy in Africa, Conservation Biology 23: 799-804.
Ahmed, M., N.D. Salayo, K. Viswanathan, L.R. Garces, M.D. Pido. 2006, Management of fishing capacity and resource use conflicts in southeast Asia: A policy brief. WorldFishCenter Policy Brief 3, 16 p.
Alcorn, J.B. and A.G. Royo. 2007. Conservation´s engagement with human rights: Traction, slippage or avoidance. IUCN Policy Matters 15:115-139.
Alcorn, J.B., A. Zarzycki O. and L.M. de la Cruz. 2008. Pilcomayo River Basin, Argentina. Pages 181-185 in Basil Manos and Jason Papathanasiou, eds, Governance and Ecosystems Management for the Conservation of Biodiversity, University of Thesalonika, Greece.
Alcorn, J.B., A. Zarzycki O. and A.Zarzycki. 2008. Parapeti River Basin, Bolivia. Pages 177-180 in Basil Manos and Jason Papathanasiou, eds, Governance and Ecosystems Management for the Conservation of Biodiversity, University of Thesalonika, Greece.
Armitage, D., Plummer, R., Berkes, F., Arthur, R.I., Charles., A., Davidson-Hunt, I., Diduck, A., Doubleday, N., Johnson, D., Marschke, M., McConney, P., Pinkerton, E., and L. Wollenberg (2008) Adaptive co-management for social-ecological complexity. Frontiers in Ecology. 7(2): 95–102.
Arthur, R.I. and Sheriff, N. (2008) Fish and the poor.p15-39 In: R.M. Briones and A.G. Garcia (eds.) Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Fisheries: Emerging Policy and Governance Issues in Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
Bassi, M. 2002. The making of unsustainable livelihoods. Policy Matters (IUCN-CEESP), 10, pp. 7-12.
Articles in scientific and professional peer-reviewed journals.
Bassi. M., 2003, Synthesis of Lessons Learned. Enhancing Equity in the Relationship between Protected Areas and Local Communities in the Context of Global Change. Horn of Africa and Kenya. Regional Review for TILCEPA(IUCN), EPP Project.
Others and main unpublished research.
Bassi, M. 2006. Community Conserved Areas in the Horn of Africa. parks, 16 (1), 28-34. Articles in scientific and professional peer-reviewed journals.
Bassi. M., 2007. The Borana Conserved Landscape, southern Ethiopia. Power Point presentation of an Action Research implemented with Boku Tache, at the “Strengthening Community Conserved Areas” international workshop, GEMCOMBIO, Kastemonu, Turkey, 1-5 Oct 2007.
Others and main unpublished research.
Bassi, M. and B. Tache. 2008. The Borana conserved landscape, Ethiopia. in T. Amend, J. Brown, A. Kothari, A. Phillips and S. Stolton, (eds.) Protected Landscapes and Agrobiodiversity Values, Volume I of Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes, pp. 105-115. Gland and Eshborn: IUCN & GTZ. Book chapters.
Bairs, I. G. and B. Shoemaker, Aiding or Abetting? Internal Resettlement and International Aid Agencies in the Lao PDR, Probe international, Toronto (Canada), August 2005.
Bassi. M. Case study contribution to: Lockwood, M., G. L. Worboys and A. Kothari (eds.). 2006. Managing Protected Areas. A Global Guide. Gland: IUCN. Contributions to collective books.
Bassi, M. Inputs to: Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia, Ashish Kothari and Gonzalo Oviedo. 2004. Indigenous and Local Communities and Protected Areas. Towards Equity and Enhanced Conservations. Guidance on policy and practice for Co-managed Protected Areas and Community Conserved Areas. Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 11. Gland and Cambridge: IUCN and CardiffUniversity. Contributions to collective books.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G., “Understanding and optimising governance: a quiet revolution for protected areas?”, pages12-13 CBD News— Special Edition Protected Areas: Achieving Biodiversity Targets, CBD Secretariat, 2005.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G., “Governance of protected areas”, ID21 Insights, Institute for Development Studies, Brighton, September 2005.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G. with C. B. Tarnowski, “Participatory democracy in managing natural resources: a Columbus’ egg?” in Brosius, P., A. Lowenhaupt Tsing and C. Zerner (eds.), Communities and Conservation, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek (CA), 2005.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G. M. Moyrand et Y. Vérilhac, “Gouvernance participative: les parcs peuvent-ils mieux faire?”, PARCS, 52: 20-13, Juin 2005.
Brown,J., N. Mitchell and M. Beresford, The Protected Landscape Approach, IUCN, Gland (Switzerland) and Cambridge (UK), 2005.
Cohen, P., A.D. Valemei and H. Govan. 2008, Annotated Bibliography on Socio-economic and Ecological Impacts of Marine Protected Areas in Pacific Island Countries. WorldFish Bibliography No. 1870. The WorldFishCenter, Penang, Malaysia. 36 pp.
CoopeSoliDar, R.L. 2008. Gente del mar y uso sostenible de los Recursos de un Refugio Marino en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Diagnóstico de las comunidades aledañas al Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Caletas-Arío, Península de Nicoya, Costa Rica: Resultados para la acción y sus aportes a la conservación/ Vivienne Solís Rivera, Marvin Fonseca Borrás. -1 ed.- San José, Costa Rica: CoopeSoliDar R.L, 60 p.; 28x22 cm.
CoopeSoliDar R.L. Mujeres y Hombres Lujadores: Una actividad asociada a la pesca artesanal responsable en el Pacífico Central de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica. CoopesoliDar, 2008. 64 Pág.; 14x 22.
CoopeSoliDar, R.L. 2009. Pesca Artesanal Responsable: Aportes a la conservación de la diversidad marino-costera. Surgimiento de actividades económicas alternativas para la participación de este sector en el desarrollo local en el Pacífico de Costa Rica. Vivienne Solis Rivera, Patricia Madrigal Cordero. 1 ed- San José, C.R. 76 p: 28X22.
Coope SoliDar R.L. Tárcoles: una comunidad de pescadores artesanales en Costa Rica, aportes a la conservación de los recursos marino costeros del golfo de Nicoya. San José, 2005.
Cuento Sueños de Mar: Una fantasía histórica de la vida real, contada por Danilo Morales, pescador e ilustrada por los niños de la Escuela de Tárcoles. Relación de asociatividad entre CoopeTárcoles R.L. y Coope SoliDar R., con el apoyo financiero de AVINA.
Dingwerth, Klaus (2008). From International Politics to Global Governance: The Case of Nature Conservation’. GARNET Working Paper No. 46/08. Warwick: University of Warwick.
Dingwerth, Klaus (2008). North-South Parity in Global Governance: The Affirmative Procedures of the Forest Stewardship Council’. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations,/ Vol. 14 (1), 53-72.
Dingwerth, Klaus (2008). Private Transnational Governance and the South: A Comparative Perspective’. International Studies Quarterly /52 (3), 607-634
Dowie, M., Conservation Refugees, Orion, Nov-Dec 2005.
Fedder, B. and H. Govan. 2007. Assessment of Global Marine Biodiversity Indicators for the Global Environment Facility Resource Allocation Framework (GEF RAF). A summary of findings – Report for Foundation of the Peoples of the South pacific International, SuvaFiji.
Fonseca, Marvin; Solís, Vivienne; Madrigal, Patricia; Ayales, Ivannia; Gobernabilidad en el manejo de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas en Costa Rica. La experiencia del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca Manzanillo (REGAMA) . San José, Costa Rica. 72 págs.
Friend, R.; Arthur, R.I. and Keskinen, M. (2009). Songs of the Doomed: The continuing neglect of capture fisheries in hydropower development in the Mekong. P307-333 In: Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Käkönen, M. (eds), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance. London: Earthscan.
Garaway, C.J., Arthur, R.I., Chamsingh, B., Homekingkeo,P., Lorenzen, K., Saengvilaikham, B., and Sidavong, K. (2006) A social science perspective on enhancement outcomes: lessons learned from inland fisheries in southern Lao PDR. Fisheries Research 80: 37–45.
Garces, L. R., M.D. Pido and R.S. Pomeroy. 2008. Fisheries in Southeast Asia: Challenged opportunities. p. 171-182. In A. Pandya and E. Laipson (eds). Transnational trends: Middle Eastern and Asian view. StimpsonCenter, 326 p. Washington, D.C.
Garces, L.R., M.D. Pido, R.S. Pomeroy, S. Koeshendrajana, B. Iskandar Prisantoso, N. Ahmad Fatan, D. Adhuri, T. Raiful, S. Rizal, A. Tewfik and M. Dey. 2010. Rapid assessment of community needs and fisheries status in tsunami-affected communities in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Ocean & Coastal Management. 53: 69–79.
Garces, L.R., A. Tewfik, M.D. Pido, N. Fatan, D. Adhuri, N. Andrew, M. 2006. Fisheries rehabilitation in post- tsunami Aceh: Status and needs from participatory appraisals. NAGA, WorldFishCenter Quarterly. 29(3-4):19-30.
Giacomo Rambaldi, Julius Muchemi, Nigel Crawhall and Laura Monaci, 2007. Through the Eyes of Hunter-gatherers: Participatory 3D Modelling among Ogiek Indigenous Peoples in Kenya. Information Development. Vol. 23, No. 2-3, 113-128.
Gillett R., G. Preston, W. Nash, H. Govan, T. Adams, and M. Lam. 2008. Livelihood diversification as a marine resource management tool in the PacificIslands: Lessons learned. SPC Fisheries Newsletter #125 – April/June 2008. 32-39.
Gilmour, D., Y. Malla and M. Nurse, Linkages between Community Forestry and Poverty, RECOFTC, Bangkok, 2005.
Global Forest Coalition, How strategies to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation could impact on biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples in developing countries, Amsterdam, December 2009
Global Forest Coalition, Life as Commerce: The impact of market-based conservation on Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women , Amsterdam, 2008
Govan, H. 2007. People and Reefs in the Pacific – People and Livelihoods. ReefBase Pacific DVD (Ver. 1.0). The WorldFishCenter, Penang, Malaysia.
Govan, H. 2008. Overview: Reclaiming “Protected Areas” as a Livelihood Tool for PacificIsland People in: Cohen, P. et al. 2008. Annotated Bibliography on Socio-economic and Ecological Impacts of Marine Protected Areas in Pacific Island Countries. WorldFish Bibliography No. 1870. The WorldFishCenter, Penang, Malaysia. 36 pp.
Govan, H. 2009. Achieving the potential of locally managed marine areas in the South Pacific. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin #25 – July 2009, pp16-25.
Govan, H. 2009. Chapter 6.2: Approaches for coastal planning and resource management. People, participation and the tropical scientist. pp 172-196 In Tropical waters and their living resources: their ecology, assessment and management. M. Wolff (ed.), Verlag H.M. Hauschild GmbH, Bremen, Germany.
Govan, H., et al. 2009. Community Conserved Areas: A review of status & needs in Melanesia and Polynesia. ICCA regional review for CENESTA /TILCEPA/TGER/IUCN/GEF-SGP.
Govan, H., et al. 2009. Map: Marine Managed Areas in the Pacific. SPREP, WWF and WorldFishCenter.
Govan, H. et al. 2009. Status and potential of locally-managed marine areas in the Pacific Island Region: meeting nature conservation and sustainable livelihood targets through wide-spread implementation of LMMAs. SPREP/WWF/WFC-Reefbase/CRISP. 80pp + 5 annexes. Annex of protected area boundaries and locations available online as Marine Managed Areas layer in: Pacific Reefbase
Govan, H., Aalbersberg, W., Tawake, A., and Parks, J. 2008. Locally-Managed Marine Areas: A guide to supporting Community-Based Adaptive Management. The Locally-Managed Marine Area Network. (available in English and French).
Govan, H., E. Austin-Delaney, S. Wale, H. Tafea, S. Alefaio, S. Rena Gereva, T. Maltali, F. Robinson, F. Nainoca and Z. Khan. 2008. What Marine Education Does The South Pacific Really Need?. IPMEC: Keynote Address. Current - The Journal of Marine Education. Vol. 24 (2). 34-39.
Govan, H. Tawake, A. and Tabunakawai, K. 2006. Community-based marine resource management in the South Pacific. PARKS Vol 16 No 1, 21-27. 63-67.
Govan, H., A. Tawake, I. Korovulavula and S. Tawakelevu. 2009. Summary analysis of site support costs for Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area (FLMMA) - Institute of Applied Sciences (USP) sites. IAS Technical Report. 2009/02. June 2009. University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.
Gruber J. S., 2010, Key Principles of Community-Based Natural Resource Management: A synthesis and interpretation of identified effective approaches for managing the commons, Environmental Management, January 2010. 45:52-66.
Hamilton-Smith, Elery, 2006. No Ordinary Man: Tenison-Woods and the NaracoorteCaves . Alcheringa. Special Issue1, 187-193.
Hamilton-Smith, Elery,2006. Spatial Planning and Protection Measures for Karst Areas. Acta Carsologica. 35 (2): 5-11.
Hamilton-Smith, Elery,2007. Striking Beauty and Immense Challenge: Ha LongBay. World Heritage, 47: 42-46.
Hill, R. (2006). The Effectiveness of Agreements and Protocols to Bridge Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Toolboxes for Protected Area Management: A Case Study from the Wet Tropics of Queensland. Society and Natural Resources. 19: 577-590.
Hogan, R. (2008). Contextualising Formal Education for Improved Relevance: A case from the Rufiji wetlands, Tanzania. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education Volume 25 (2008) 44. RhodesUniversity, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Igoe, I., “Global Indigenism and Spaceship Earth: Convergence, Space, and Re-entry Friction” Globalizations, 2(3): 377–390, 2005.
Kabir Bavikatte and Harry Jonas (Eds.). Bio-cultural community protocols: A community approach to ensuring the integrity of environmental law and policy. Natural Justice and UNEP, 2009.
Linda Siegele, Dilys Roe, Alessandra Giuliani and Nicholas Winer. Conservation and human rights - Who says what? A review of international law and policy. Ch 2; Rights-based approaches: Exploring issues and opportunities for conservation. CIFOR and IUCN. Bogor, Indonesia. 306pp. Campese, J., Sunderland, T., Greiber, T. and Oviedo, G. (eds.). 2009.
Loper, C., R. Pomeroy, V. Hoon, P. McCooney, Maria Pena, A. Sanders, G. Sriskanthan, S. Vergara, M. Pido, R. Vave, C. Vieux and I. Wanyonyi. 2008. Socioeconomic conditions along the world’s tropical coasts: 2008. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Conservation International. Washington, D.C. 52 p.
Mahanty, S., J. Fox, M. Nurse, P. Stephen and L. McLees, Hanging in the Balance: Equity in Community-based Natural Resource Management in Asia, RECOFTC and East West Center, Bangkok 2006.
Namara, A., 2006. 'From Paternalism to Real Partnership with Local Communities? Experiences fromBwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)', Africa Development, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, 2006, pp. 39–68.
Novellino, Dario. 2007. Cycles of Politics and Cycles of Nature: Permanent Crisis in the Uplands of Palawan (the Philippines), in R. Ellen (ed.) Modern Crises and Traditional Strategies. Local Ecological Knowledge in Island Southeast Asia (pp. 185-219) London and New York: Berghahn.
Novellino, Dario. 2010. From Indigenous customary practices to policy interventions: the ecological and socio-cultural underpinnings of the non-timber forest trade on PalawanIsland (The Philippines). To be published in a co-authored volume. London: Earthscan.
Novellino, Dario. 2007. ‘Talking about cultura’ and ‘signing contracts’: the bureaucratization of the environment on Palawan island (the Philippines), in C. Maida (ed.) Sustainability and Communities of Place. London and New York: Berghahn.
Novellino, Dario. 2010 with W. H. Dressler “The Role of ‘hybrid’ NGOs in the Conservation and Development of Palawan Island, the Philippines”, co-authored with Wolfram Dressler. Society & Natural Resources Journal. Vol 23 (2):165 – 180.
Novellino, Dario. 2007. Tradiciones agro-pastoriles, diversidad biocultural, y cambio cultural en el Parque Regional Aurunci (Italia Central). El Pajar (Cuaderno de Etnografía Canaria), n.24, Agosto 2007.
Nurse M. and Y. Malla, Advances in Community Forestry in Asia, RECOFTC, Bangkok, 2005.
Organización Indígena Gonawindúa Tayrona – OGT, Our Ancestral View of Territory. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES FROM THE SNOW-TOPPEDMOUNTAINS OF SANTA MARTA, COLOMBIA. Amado Villafaña / Danilo Villafañe / Roberto Mojica / Gustav Bolinder / OGT Archives. 2009.
Pandey Sanjeeva 2008 Linking ecodevelopment and biodiversity conservation at the Great Himalayan National Park, India: lessons learnt. Biodiversity Conservation.
Pansky, D. (ed.), Governance Stream of the Vth World Parks Congress, Parks Canada and IUCN/WCPA, Ottawa, 2005.
Pido, M.D., S.G. Vergara, M.T.U. Macasaet, J.F.A. Pontillas, M.S. Pontillas1, E.M.C. Ponce de Leon, D. Martinez, F. Racuya, M.C.A. Pontillas, and N.I. Mendoza. 2009. Socioeconomic Monitoring (SocMon) as a Tool in the Management of Marine Protected Areas: Participatory Process and Initial Survey Results in Binduyan Fish Sanctuary, Palawan, Philippines. p. 835-839. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Pimbert, M., “Supporting locally determined food systems: the role of local organizations in farming, environment and people’s access to food”, Chapter 6 in Bigg, T. & D. Satterthwaite, How to Make Poverty History – the central role of local organizations in meeting the MDGs, IIED, London, 2005.
Pollini, J., 2007. Deforestation and slash-and-burn cultivation in Madagascar: representations and realities. PhD Dissertation. Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, New York, USA, August 2007. Book (PhD dissertation), Also available at Lambert Academy Press, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Pollini, J., 2008. Financing avoided deforestation through the carbon market: a contribution to the debate. Policy Matters, 16: 69-82. Policy paper.
Pollini, J., 2008. Co-writing of various documents for the Ibi Bateke Carbon Sink Plantation Project, including the Project Information Document, the Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet, and the Carbon Finance Assessment Document. World Bank, Washington D.C. Technical reports.
Pollini, J. 2009. Agroforestry and the search for alternative to slash-and-burn cultivation: from technological optimism to a political economy of deforestation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 133: 48-60 (2009). Scholarly articles.
Pollini, J. 2009. Carbon sequestration for linking conservation and rural development in Madagascar: the case of the Vohidrazana-Mantadia Corridor Restoration and Conservation Carbon Project. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 28(3):322-342 (2009). Scholarly articles.
Pollini, J., 2009. Contribution to the design of a REDD project: socio-economic diagnosis and analysis of farming system in the Belgica Native Community, Madre de Dios, Peru. Asesorandes, Lima, Peru. October 2009. Technical reports.
Pollini, J., 2009. Project Identification: conservation of the Back-Capped Petrel, Park La Visite, Haiti. Audubon Society Haiti and Birdlife International: Port-au-Prince. October 2009. Technical reports.
Pollini, J. 2010. Environmental degradation narratives in Madagascar: from colonial hegemonies to humanist revisionism. In press, Geoforum. Scholarly articles.
Pollini, J. and Lassoie, J. P. 2010. Trapping peasant communities within global governance regimes: the case of the GELOSE legislation in Madagascar. In press, Society and Natural Resources. Scholarly articles.
Pomeroy R.S. and R. Rivera-Guieb, Fisheries Co-management: A Practical Handbook, CABI Publishing and IDRC, Wallingford (UK) and Cambridge, MA , 2005.
Pomeroy, R., L. Garces, M. Pido and G. Silvestre. 2010. Ecosystem-based fisheries management in small-scale tropical marine fisheries: Emerging models of governance arrangements in the Philippines. Marine Policy. 34:298–308.
Pomeroy, R.S.*, J. Parks, R. Pollnac, T. Campson, E. Genio, C. Marlessyf, E. Holleg, M. Pido, A. Nissapai, S. Boromthanarati and N.T. Hue. 2007. Fish wars: Conflict and collaboration in fisheries management in Southeast Asia. Marine Policy. 31:645-656.
Pomeroy, R.S.*, M.D. Pido, J.F.A. Pontillas, B.S. Francisco, A.T. White, E.M.C. Ponce De Leon and G.T. Silvestre. 2008. Evaluation of policy options for the live reef food fish trade in the province of Palawan, Western Philippines. Marine Policy. 32:55-65.
Reed, Kristin. (2009). Crude Existence: The Politics of Oil in Northern Angola. Berkeley: Global, Area, and International Archive, University of California Press.
Reichel. E. (in print). ‘The Landscape in the Cosmoscape, and sacred sites and species among the Tanimuka and Yukuna Indians (Amazon, Colombia)’. Sacred Sites and Species. Pungetti, Gloria & Gonzalo Oviedo, Editors. CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
Reichel, E. 2006a. ‘Mondialisation, savoirs traditionnels, et propriétaires de la diversité biologique et culturelle’. In: Horizons IUED - Incontournable Ecologie. Number 48, March. Page 7.
Reichel, E. 2006b. Review of ‘The Millennium Development Goals and Local Processes: Hitting the Target or Missing the Point ?’. Edited by David Satterwhaite, IIED. London 2003. 156 pgs. In: Policy Matters: Poverty, Wealth and Conservation. Issue 14, March 2006. CEESP IUCN, Gland. P.392-393.
Reichel, E. 2006c. Review of ‘The Millennium Development Goals and Conservation; Managing Nature’s Wealth for Society’s Health’. Edited by Dilys Roe, IIED. London. 2005. 176 pgs. In: Policy Matters : Poverty, Wealth and Conservation. Issue 14, March 2006, CEESP IUCN, Gland. P.394-395.
Robson, M. and Kant, S. (2007). Structure of Causation and its Influence on Cooperation: A Comparative Study of Forest Management in Ontario, Canada. Forest Policy and Economics. 10(1-2):70-81.
Robson, M. and Kant, (2009). The Influence of Context on Deliberation and Cooperation in Community-based Forest Management in Ontario, Canada. Human Ecology - An Interdisciplinary Journal. 37(5):547-558.