I was very fortunate to work with a talented group of Orthopedic Residents in Kalamazoo through my affiliation with the Homer Stryker School of Medicine and WMU Ortho Dept. I worked closely with 2nd year residents, and over my nearly three year association, the residents published several of the cases we were involved with. It was my great privilege to be involved with their training and to watch their progress. I hope to engage in Graduate Medical Education again in the future.


Distal Radius Fracture in a Surgeon’s Dominant Wrist.

Gallagher E, Howard, P, Ruiter T. Eplasty. 2016 Aug 4;15:ic44. PMID: 49993033

Spontaneous Arterial Hemorrhage of the Hand Resulting in Compartment Syndrome.

Gallagher E, Ruiter T. Eplasty. 2015 Aug 4;15:ic44. PMID: 26279740

Bilateral Frostbite of the Hands. Snoap T, Gallagher E, Snoap A, Ruiter T.

Eplasty. 2015 Jul 7;15:ic37. PMID: 26191335

"Gangrenous Finger" Proven to be Acute Gout. Gallagher E, Ruiter T.

Eplasty. 2015 Jun 8;15:ic29. PMID: 26171104

Hamate Fracture. Snoap T, Habeck J, Ruiter T.

Eplasty. 2015 Jun 4;15:ic28. PMID: 26171103

Tick bite with target lesion complicating routine cast immobilization. Snoap T, Ruiter T, Harter BT.

Eplasty. 2015 Apr 17;15:ic23. PMID: 25987946

Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis rupture in a boxer. Mundell T, Miladore N, Ruiter T.

Eplasty. 2014 Oct 21;14:ic40. PMID: 25525487

Finger amputation after injection with lidocaine and epinephrine. Ruiter T, Harter T, Miladore N,

Neafus A, Kasdan M. Eplasty. 2014 Nov 3;14:ic43. PMID: 25404956

Chromogranin A-immunoreactive cells in the olfactory system of anuran amphibians. Wittle LW, Opalek JM, Ruiter TC.

Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2000 Oct;120(1):17-26. PMID: 11042007


General Surgery:

Case of the Swallowed Bullet: A gunshot to the right shoulder takes an unexpected turn. McKee D, Ruiter T, Hildebrand B, O’Neil P. Surgical Rounds. Publs Online: Thursday, Sept 18th, 2008

Case Report detailing an interesting occurrence of a right posterior scapular gunshot wound resulting in intra-gastric bullet without evidence of esophageal or gastric injury, i.e., a swallowed bullet via trans- pharyngeal migration.

Comparative Biology: Followed the expression of Chromogranin A along with Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in amphibian myocytes in various osmotic environments throughout the phases of their metamorphosis. Study involved field work, histologic, immunohistochemical gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis. This research resulted in two publications co-authored with the supervising professor.

A. Chromogranin A-immunoreactivity in the olfactory system of anuran amphibians. Wittle, LW; Opalek JM; Ruiter TC. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2000 Oct; 120(1): 17-26.

B. Chromogranin A in Developing, Metamorphosed and Adult Amphibian Hearts. Wittle LW; Ruiter TC. Michigan Academy of Art, Science and Letters. 1999 JUN; 44(6); 240-244.

Military, Misc:

U.S. doctor Sails with Italian Navy. Sandpaper August 2004. Essay described experience sailing with the Italian Navy on two week mission through Red Sea, Gulfs of Aqaba and Suez.

Significant Accomplishments:

Three years as a flight surgeon with the U.S. Army, including one year with the 82nd Airborne.