Publicaties Prof Peter FM Verhaak

Prins M, Meadows G, Bobevski I, Graham A, Verhaak P, van der Meer K, Penninx B, Bensing J.

Perceived need for mental health care and barriers to care in the Netherlands and Australia.

Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2010 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print]

Janneke Noordman; Peter Verhaak; Ilse van Beljouw; Sandra van Dulmen

Consulting room computers and their effect on GP-patient communication: comparing two periods of computer use

Family Practice 2010; doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmq058

Prins MA, Verhaak PFM, Smolders M, Laurant MGH, van der Meer K, Spreeuwenberg P, van Marwijk HWJ, Penninx BWJH, Bensing JM

The costs of guideline-concordant care and of care according to patients’ needs in anxiety and depression

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. In druk

Prins MA, Verhaak PFM, Smolders M, Laurant MGH, van Marwijk HWJ, , Bensing van der Meer K, JM Penninx BWJH.

De zorg voor mensen met angst en depressie

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde In druk

Noordman J, Dulmen AM van Verhaak , PFM, Bensing JM.Web-enabled video-feedback: a method to reflect on the communication skills of experienced physicians. Patient Education and Counseling In druk

Noordman J, Verhaak PFM, Dulmen AM van. Discussing patient's lifestyle choices in the consulting room: analysis of GP-patient consultations between 1975 and 2008.

BMC Family Practice 2010, 11:87 doi:10.1186/1471-2296-11-87

Berkelmans PGJ, Berendsen AJ, Verhaak PFM, Meer K van der. Characteristics of general practice care: What do senior citizens value? A qualitative study.

BMC Geriatrics 2010, 10:80

Prins MA, Verhaak PFM, Smolders M, Laurant MGH, van der Meer K, Spreeuwenberg P, van Marwijk HWJ, Penninx BWJH, Bensing JM. Patient Factors Associated with Guideline-concordant Treatment of Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care. J Gen Intern Med DOI: 10.1007/s11606-009-1216-1

Beljouw, IMJ van, Verhaak PFM , Cuijpers P, Marwijk HWJ van, Penninx BWJH. The course of untreated anxiety and depression, and determinants of poor one-year outcome: a one-year cohort study

BMC Psychiatry 2010, 10:86

Smolders AHW , Laurant MGH, Verhaak PFM, Prins MA, Marwijk HWJ van, Penninx BWJH, Wensing MJP, Grol RPTM. Which physician and practice characteristics are associated with adherence to evidence-based guidelines for depressive and anxiety disorders? Medical Care • Volume 48, Number 3, March 2010

Beljouw IMJ van, Verhaak PFM, Prins MA, Cuijpers P, Penninx BWJH, Bensing JM. Receiving no treatment for common mental disorders. Psychiatric Services 2010, 61 (3): 250 - 257

Prins MA, Verhaak PF, van der Meer K, Penninx BW, Bensing JM.

Primary care patients with anxiety and depression: Need for care from the patient's perspective. Journal of affective disorders

Journal of affective disorders 2009 119: 163-171

Brouwers EPM, Terluin B, Tiemens B, Verhaak PFM. Predicting return to work in employees sick-listed due to minor mental disorders. J. Occup. Rehabil. DOI 10.1007/s 10926-009-9198-8

Berend Terluin, Evelien PM Brouwers, Harm WJ van Marwijk, Peter FM Verhaak, Henriëtte E van der Horst. Detecting depressive and anxiety disorders in distressed patients in primary care; comparative diagnostic accuracy of the Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). BMC Family Practice 2009, 10:58

Smolders AHW , Laurant MGH, Verhaak PFM, Prins MA, Marwijk HWJ van, Penninx BWJH, Wensing MJP, Grol RPTM. Adherence to evidence-based guidelines for depression and anxiety disorders is associated with recording of the diagnosis. General Hospital Psychiatry 2009 31: 460 - 469

Zantinge EM, Verhaak PFM, de Bakker DH, van der Meer K, Bensing JM. Does burnout among doctors affect their involvement in patients' mental health problems? A study of videotaped consultations. BMC Family Practice 2009, 10:60 doi:10.1186/1471-2296-10-60

Verhaak PFM, Prins MA, Spreeuwenberg P, Draisma S, Balkom AJLM van, Bensing JM, Laurant MGH, Marwijk HWJ van, Meer K van der , Penninx BWJH. Receiving treatment for common mental disorders. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2009 Jan-Feb;31(1):46-55

Penninx BW, Beekman AT, Smit JH, Zitman FG, Nolen WA, Spinhoven P, Cuijpers P, De Jong PJ, Van Marwijk HWJ, Assendelft WJJ, Van Der Meer K, Verhaak P, Wensing M, De Graaf R, Hoogendijk WJ, Ormel J, Van Dyck R; For the NESDA Research Consortium(2008). The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety: rationale, objectives and methods. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 17(3):121-140.

Prins MA, Verhaak PFM, Meer K vd, Bensing JM,

Health beliefs and perceived need of mental health care for anxiety and depression - the patient's perspective explored

Clinical Psychology Review 2008 , 28(6), 1038-1058

Smolders, Mirrian, Laurant, Miranda, van Rijswijk, Eric, Mulder, Jan, Braspenning, Jozé,

Verhaak, Peter, Wensing, Michel and Grol, Richard (2008)

Depressed and a co-morbid condition: More psychotropics prescribed!

The European Journal of General Practice, 14:1, 10 — 18

Zwaanswijk M, Verhaak PFM, Van der Ende J, Bensing JM, Verhulst FC.

The different stages and actors involved in the process leading to the use of adolescent mental health services

Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2007, 12 (4): 567-582

Smolders M, Laurant M, Rijswijk E van, Mulder J, Braspenning J, Verhaak P, Wensing M, Grol R. The impact of co-morbidity on GPs’pharmacological treatment decisions for patients with an anxiety disorder. Family Practice, 2007

Verhaak PFM, Bensing JM, Brink-Muinen A vd

GP mental health care in 10 European countries: patients’ demands and GPs’ responses

The European Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, 21 (1): 7-16

Zantinge EM, Verhaak PFM, Bakker DH de, Kerssens JJ, Meer K van der, Bensing JM.

The workload of general practitioners does not affect their awareness of patients’ psychological problems. Patient Education and Counseling, 2007, 67 (1-2), p84-92

Heideman J, Laurant M, Verhaak P, Wensing M, Grol R,al.

Effects of a nationwide programme: interventions to reduce perceived barriers to collaboration and to increase structural one-on-one contact.

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice ISSN 1356-1294

Brouwers EPM, Bruijne MC, Terluin B, Tiemens BG,Verhaak PFM.

Cost-effectiveness of an activating intervention by social workers for patients with minor mental disorders on sick leave: a randomized controlled trial

European Journal of Public Health, 2007, 17; (2); 214-220

Dirkzwager, AJE Verhaak, PFM

Patients with persistent medically unexplained symptoms: characteristics and quality of GP-care

BMC Family Practice 2007, 8:33 doi:10.1186/1471-2296-8-33

Zantinge EM, Verhaak PF, de Bakker DH, van der Meer K, Bensing JM.

Does the attention General Practitioners pay to their patients' mental health problems add to their workload? A cross sectional national survey.

BMC Fam Pract. 2006 Dec 5;7:71

Verhaak PFM, Meijer SA, Visser APh, Wolters G.

Persistent presentation of medically unexplained symptoms in

general practice

Family Practice. 2006, 23; 414-420

Zwaanswijk M, Verhaak PFM, Van der Ende J, Bensing JM, Verhulst FC.

Change in children’s emotional and behavioural problems over a one-year period: associations with parental problem recognition and service use

European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2006 Mar;15(3):127-31.

Brouwers EPM, Tiemens BG, Terluin B, Verhaak PFM.

Effectiveness of an intervention to reduce sickness absence in patients with emotional distress or minor mental disorders: a randomized controlled effectiveness trial.

General Hospital Psychiatry 28 (2006) 223-229

Sorbi MJ, Peters ML, Kruise DA, Maas CJM, Kerssens JJ, Verhaak PFM, Bensing JM

Electronic momentary assessment in chronic pain I: Psychological pain responses as predictors of pain intensity

Clinical Journal of Pain, 2006, 22:1, 55 – 66

Sorbi MJ, Peters ML, Kruise DA, Maas CJM, Kerssens JJ, Verhaak PFM, Bensing JM

Electronic momentary assessment in chronic pain II: Pain and psychological pain responses as predictors of pain disability

Clinical Journal of Pain, 2006, 22:1, 67 – 81

Verhaak PFM, Schellevis FG, Nuyen J, Volkers AC

Patients with a psychiatric disorder in general practice: determinants of GP’s psychological diagnosis

General Hospital Psychiatry, 2006, 28, (2), 125-132

Brouwers EPM, Terluin B, Tiemens BG, Verhaak PFM

Social workers treating patients with minor mental disorders in primary care: a feasibility study.

British Journal of Social Work, 2006, 36, 127-138

Bensing JM, Verhaak PFM

The role of doctors in the excessive use of health care by patients with medically unexplained symptoms: reflections from a looking glass

Lancet, 2006, 367, 452-453

Zwaanswijk M, Ende J vd, Verhaak PFM, Bensing JM, Verhulst FC.

Help-seeking for child psychopathology: pathways to informal and professional services in the Netherlands

J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2005, 44:12, 1292-1300

Zwaanswijk, M., Verhaak, P.F.M, Van der Ende, J., Bensing, J.M., Verhulst, F.C.

Consultation for and identification of child and adolescent psychological problems in Dutch general practice.

Family Practice, 2005, 22, 498-506.

Verhaak PFM, Garssen A, Hoeymans N, Westert G.

Mental health in the Dutch population and in general practice: 1987-2001

British Journal of General Practitioners 2005, 55, 519, p 770-775

Zantinge EM, Verhaak PFM, Kerssens JJ, Bensing JM.

The workload of GPs: consultations of patients with psychological and somatic problems compared.

British Journal of General Practitioners 2005, 55, 8, 609 -614

Zantinge EM, Verhaak PFM, Bensing JM.

The workload of GPs: patients with psychological and somatic problems compared.

Family Practice 22, 2005, 293-297

Nuyen J, Volkers AC, Verhaak PFM, Schellevis F, Groenewegen PP, Bos, Gvd.

Accuracy of diagnosing depression in primary care: the impact of chronic somatic and psychiatric co-morbidity.

Psychological Medicine 35, 2005, 1185-1195

Peter F.M.Verhaak, Monique J.W.M Heijmans, L. Peters, M. Rijken.

Chronic disease and mental disorder

Social Science & Medicine 60, 2005, 789-797

Hoeymans N, Garssen AA, Westert GP, Verhaak PF

Measuring mental health of the Dutch population: a comparison of the GHQ-12 and the MHI-5.

Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2004 May 07;2(1):23.

Volkers AC, Nuyen J, Verhaak PF, Schellevis FG.

The problem of diagnosing major depression in elderly primary care patients.
J Affect Disord. 2004 Oct 15;82(2):259-63

P.F.M. Verhaak, A. van den Brink-Muinen, J.M. Bensing, L. Gask

Demand and supply for psychological help in general practice in different

European countries: access to primary mental health care in six European

countries. European Journal of Public Health: jrg. 14, 2004, nr. 2, 134-140

M. Zwaanswijk, P.F.M. Verhaak, J.M. Bensing, J. van der Ende, F.C. Verhulst

Help seeking for emotional and behavioural problems in children and

adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.: jrg. 12,

2003, nr. 4, 153-161

A. van den Brink-Muinen, P.F.M. Verhaak, J.M. Bensing, O. Bahrs, M.

Deveugele, L. Gask, N. Mead, F. Leive-Fernandez, A. Perez, V. Messerli, L.

Oppizzi, M. Peltenburg

Communication in general practice: differences between European countries.

Family Practice: jrg. 20, 2003, nr. 4, 478-485

M. Zwaanswijk, J. van der Ende, P.F.M. Verhaak, J.M. Bensing, F.C. Verhulst

Factors associated with adolescent mental health service need and


Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: jrg. 42,

2003, nr. 6, 692-700

J.J. Kerssens, P.F.M. Verhaak, A.I.M. Bartelds, M.J. Sorbi, J.M. Bensing

Unexplained severe chronic pain in general practice.

European Journal of Pain: jrg. 6, 2002, 203-212

J.M. Bensing, P.F.M. Verhaak, A.M. van Dulmen, A.P. Visser

Communication: the royal pathway to patient-centered medicine.

Patient Education and Counseling: jrg. 39, 2000, nr. 1, 1-3

A. van den Brink-Muinen, P.F.M. Verhaak, J.M. Bensing, O. Bahrs, M.

Deveugele, L. Gask, F. Leiva, N. Mead, V. Messerli, L. Oppizzi, M.

Peltenburg, A. Perez. Doctor-patient communication in different European health care systems: relevance and performance from the patients' perspective. Patient Education and Counseling: jrg. 39, 2000, nr. 1, 115-127

M.L. Peters, M.J. Sorbi, D.A. Kruise, J.J. Kerssens, P.F.M. Verhaak, J.M.


Electronic diary assessment of pain, disability and psychological

adaptation in patients differing in duration of pain.

Pain: jrg. 84, 2000, 181-192

P.F.M. Verhaak, J.J. Kerssens, J.M. Bensing, M.J. Sorbo, M.L. Peters, D.A.


Medical help-seeking by different types of chronic pain patients.

Psychology & Health: jrg. 15, 2000, nr. 5, 771-786

P.F.M. Verhaak, E.H. van de Lisdonk, J.H.J. Bor, G.J.M. Hutschemaekers

GPs' referral to mental health care during the past 25 years.

British Journal of General Practice: jrg. 50, 2000, nr. 453, p. 307-308

W.G.W. Boerma, P.F.M. Verhaak

The general practitioner as the first contacted health professional by

patients with psychosocial problems: a European study.

Psychological Medicine: jrg. 29, 1999, nr. 3, p. 689-696

J.J. Kerssens, E.M. Sluijs, P.F.M. Verhaak, H.J. Knibbe, I.M.J. Hermans

Educating patient educators: enhancing instructional effectiveness in

physical therapy for low back pain patients.

Patient Education and Counseling: jrg. 37, 1999, nr. 2, p. 165-176

J.J. Kerssens, E.M. Sluijs, P.F.M. Verhaak, H.J.J. Knibbe, I.M.J. Hermans

Back care instructions in physical therapy: a trend analysis of

individualized back care programs.

Physical Therapy: jrg. 79, 1999, nr. 3, p. 286-295

M.A.A. van der Pasch, P.F.M. Verhaak

Communication in general practice: recognition and treatment of mental


Patient Education and Counseling: jrg. 33, 1998, nr. 2, 97-112

P.F.M. Verhaak, J.J. Kerssens, J. Dekker, M.J. Sorbi, J.M. Bensing

Prevalence of chronic benign pain disorder among adults: a review of the


Pain: jrg. 77, 1998, 231-239

P.F.M. Verhaak, J.M. Bensing, A.M. van Dulmen

Communication in health care.

Patient Education and Counseling: jrg. 34, 1998, nr. Suppl.1, S1-S4

A.M. van Dulmen, P.F.M. Verhaak, H.J.G. Bilo

Shifts in doctor-patient communication during a series of outpatient

consultations in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Patient Education and Counseling: jrg. 30, 1997, nr. 3, 227-237

P.F.M. Verhaak

Somatic disease and psychological disorder.

Journal of Psychosomatic Research: jrg. 42, 1997, nr. 3, 261-273

C.M. van der Feltz-Cornelius, D. Wijkel, P.F.M. Verhaak, D.H. Collijn, F.J.

Huyse, R. van Dyck. Psychiatric consultation for somatizing patients in the family practice

setting: a feasibility study. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine: jrg. 26, 1996, nr. 2, 223-239

J. Dekker, R.W.A. van der Valk, P.F.M. Verhaak

Psychosocial complaints and physical therapy.

Physiotherapy: Theory and Practice: jrg. 11, 1995, nr. 3, p. 175-186

P.F.M. Verhaak. Determinants of the help-seeking process: Goldberg and Huxley's first level

and first filter. Psychological Medicine: jrg. 25, 1995, nr. 1, p. 95-104

Verhaak PF, Tijhuis MA. The somatizing patient in general practice. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1994;24(2):157-77.

P.F.M. Verhaak. Analysis of referrals of mental health problems by general practitioners.

British Journal of General Practice: jrg. 43, 1993, nr. 370, p. 203-208

P.F.M. Verhaak, M.A.R. Tijhuis. Psychosocial problems in primary care: some results from the Dutch national study of morbidy and interventions in general practice. Social Science & Medicine: jrg. 35, 1992, nr. 2, p. 105-110