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June 29, 2015
Public Works Committee Meeting
5:00 p.m. in the Village Hall
Trustees Present: Chairman Mike McKinnon and Stan Maligranda. , Paul Elsen participated by phone but not considered present or able to vote based on Open Meeting Act requirements.
Guests: Chad Insko (Director of Public Works), Jimmy Johnson (Superintendent of Streets and Fleet), Sally Bennett (Village Treasurer), Ben Bushman (Fehr-Graham - Village Engineer), and Mary Gaziano -- Village Attorney
1) Meeting Called to Order - The properly posted meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m.
2) Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest – None
3) Changes to Agenda – None
4) Approve Agenda – Trustee Maligranda made a motion to approve the agenda. Trustee McKinnon seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
5) Meeting minutes— Trustee Maligranda made a motion to approve the Minutes of June 1, 2015. The motion was seconded by Trustee McKinnon. Motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
6) Public Comment— None
7) Construction Funding Report – reviewed report. Attorney Gaziano questioned how the adjustment to contract amounts for the capital projects will be reflected on this report. Once the contracts are complete, the difference will be shown in the adjustment column to close out the line item. Sally Bennett reported we received an additional IEPA payment.
8) Water Upgrade Projects Status Updates –
a. Well-house upgrades – Working to close out paperwork on the project. Sally Bennett working with Larson and Larson to finalize all lien releases.
b. Elevated Storage Tank – As of noon today the water tower is on line. Operating permit has been received. 1.1 PSI differential between towers. No water main issues and hopeful for that to remain. 80% of grass seed has been laid. Balance should be complete tomorrow. Representative from Maguire Iron scheduled to be on site tomorrow and optimistic substantial completion will be obtained. We should have some additional deductions on the contract for items that were not required. Open issue remains on engineering expenses for Stand Engineering. They have continued to invoice for an overage of $36,550. Chad indicated discussion for possible resolution of $18,000.
9) Approval of Maguire Iron Pay Application No. 11 -- Motion by Trustee Maligranda to recommend board approval of pay application in the amount of $77,472.00 from account 51-44-542. Second of motion by Trustee McKinnon. Motion approved.
10) 2015 MFT Street Project Approval of Martin Change Order – Everything has been completed other than some man hole adjustments and water boxes. This should be wrapped up in next couple of days. Preliminary indication the project should come in slightly under budget.
11) 2015 Elida Street Road Project -- Contracts have been received. Project should be scheduled in 2 - 3 weeks, after the July 4, holiday.
12) RRWRD Projects -- Chad advised we received notice a couple of weeks ago contracts have been awarded for additional point repairs. There may be some easement issues to resolve in the renovation area. Possible project on Bluff St. Have not heard final resolutions on properties in phase 2 of truck extension.
13) Ordinance for sale of property -- Attorney Gaziano has drafted ordinance for sale of lawn mower. Motion by Trustee Maligranda to recommend board approval of the ordinance. Second of motion by trustee McKinnon. Motion passed.
14) Budget Issues – Chad highlighted continued concern of equipment depreciation and the importance of this being incorporated in the 2016 budget.
15) Employee Input -- nothing additional to add at this time.
16) Prioritized list of Village Attorney Projects --
17) New Business -- Stan mentioned some traffic issues encountered during the parade in 2014 and the need for additional barricades. Chad indicated the committee is welcome to use any and all of the department barricades but the inventory is not as good as he would like it to be. Stan to coordinate.
18) "Adopt a street" program – Mary & Lori compiled some information from Rochelle et. al. We will need to adopt an ordinance. Requested everyone review the documentation provided for next committee meeting.
19) Heavy Load Permits – deferred
20) Sidewalk Ordinance – Need to edit existing ordinance and try to include funds in 2016 budget for needed repairs.
21) Discuss IGA between Village of Winnebago and Winnebago Township. --- deferred
22) Discussion on properties with easements for access to water and sewer services -- No action required. Remove from future agenda.
23) WINGIS – No update. Consider for 2016 budget.
24) Discussion of all retention and detention ponds in Village limits – need to clarify level of responsibility for home owners and village. Need to more clearly define "maintenance." Need a funding source for needed repairs. Motion by trustee Maligranda to recommend board approve moving forward with a ordinance for a storm water sewer utility to provide approximately $15,000/year in funding. Second of motion by trustee McKinnon. Motion passed.
25) Westfield and Soper Streets Drainage Area – Included in item #24.
26) 412 McDamyn Circle Drainage Issue – No additional action required on this item. Remove from future agenda.
27) Water Tower Painting Proposals – Did not discuss.
28) Contract with T6 or others for equipment mounted on water tower -- Verizon doing due diligence on possible proposal.
29) Next Meeting – Monday, August 3, 2015, 5:00 PM
30) Executive Session – none
31) Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Trustee Maligranda and seconded by Trustee McKinnon. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael R. McKinnon, Public Works Chair