Public Relations Society of America

Dayton Area Chapter

2017PRism Award Entry

Your name:

Name of organization:

Name or names exactly as should appear on the award:


City/state/zip code:



If the entry is by an agency/consultant, include the name of client:

Title of Entry:

Synopsis of Entry (1-2 paragraphs to be used to describe the entry if selected as a winner):

Please include a JPEG of an image you would like to have shared at the PRism awards. It could be a company logo or an image that best represents your entry.


(Each entry in categories 1-9 may be entered in only one category. Written works submitted as part of a category 1-9 entry are also eligible for writing awards in category 10):





Entry fees:
$65 per entry for PRSA members (early bird rate of $55 before March 13)

$80 for non-members(early bird rate of $70 before March 13)

$5 discount: Organizations or individuals with more than two entries will receive a $5 discount per additional entry beginning with the third entry.

Deadline for Entries:
Entries are due March 18. Late entries will accepted until 5 p.m. on March 22.

Add $20 per entry for entries submitted after March 18.

Total $______(Make checks payable to Dayton Area PRSA Chapter)

Who else should we notify?

___ Check here if you would like PRSA to notify your manager, colleague or client of your award. This email will also serve as an invitation to the awards event.

Name and Title:


Relation to entrant:


Honorary Awards
“The Smitty” Communications Professional of the Year Award:
The prize is affectionately known as “The Smitty” in honor of local PR legend Rex Smith. The PRSA Dayton Area Chapter presents this award annually to an area mid- to late-career professional whose talent and community contributions demonstrate excellence in communications and public relations. Nominate a deserving PR pro by completing a completed nomination questionnaire to ith the subject line: Communicator of the Year.

“The Up and Comer” Young Professional of the Year Award:
Impressive. Talented. Motivated. Really going places. A go-getter.The PRSA Dayton chapter is looking to honor the young, talented PR professionals who are the future leaders of our industry. The “Up & Comer” Young Professional of the Year Award will recognize a PR professional with less than five years of experience.To nominate a young professional email a completed nomination questionnaire to ith the subject line: Young Professional.

Media Friend of the Year:

This award is an opportunity to celebrate not just a friendship, but a true partnership. Nominate an individual working in the media who has been the most instrumental, cooperative and professional in communicating your message and building a trusting relationship. To nominate a media friend, email a completed nomination questionnaire to ith the subject line: Media Friend. The PRSA Dayton Area Chapter Board of Directors will review the nominations and choose the winner.

NEW!Newsmaker of the Year:

This new award will honor a Dayton area person who is not a professional communicator but whose communications acumen and media savvy has advanced our community in a positive way.To nominate a newsmaker, email a completed nomination questionnaire to ith the subject line: Newsmaker. The PRSA Dayton Area Chapter Board of Directors will review the nominations and choose the winner.

Entry forms and nomination questionnaires are available at our website: .

Questions? Contact Erin Prokes at 937-224-3300 () or Kelly Garrow at 937-229-2351 ().