Council Meeting

June 6, 2017

PRESENT: Mayor Parsons


Co. Robinett

Co. Cordova

Co. Holt

Co. Abeyta

Public hearing – Tentative budget as final budget. Public Hearing opened at 6:30 P.M.

Mayor Parsons opens the public hearing. The public hearing is to adopt our tentative budget as our final budget. The total budget for the 2017/18 fiscal year is going to be $1,501,710. The expenditures balance with what we have as revenues coming in. Motion was made by Co. Robinett to approve the tentative budget as our final budget for FY 2017/18, seconded by Co. Holt. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Co. Robinett to close the public hearing and go into regular session, seconded by Co. Avery. Motion passed unanimously.

Regular Meeting

Motion was made by Co. Robinett to approve minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Co. Cordova. Motion passed unanimously.

Petitions, Remonstrances & Communications:

Ryelan Ferguson – Not present.

Merrial Johansen – Johansen & Tuttle Engineering. Presents contracts on the curb and gutter project and the treatment plant feasibility study. Mayor asks if there is a timeline to submit to the CIB. Merrial states that once we have the feasibility study done we could have the numbers to present an application to the CIB. This contract will be $30,000. Co. Abeyta asks about what they will need from the maintenance. Merrial states that they will just schedule a couple of meetings with the maintenance to go over things. Motion was made by Co. Avery, seconded by Co. Robinett to approve the contract pending city attorney approval. Motion passed unanimously.

The next contract is thru UDOT for the curb and gutter project. That amount of the project was $8,811. We need to fund this one up front and then get reimbursement from UDOT. Motion was made by Co. Robinett to go ahead with this contract, seconded by Co. Abeyta. Motion passed unanimously.

Reports from Council Members, Boards & Committees:

Co. Avery: Frank and Ollie won’t be here this year for Community Daze. Spent some time with Su and she has seen no red flags so things are moving along very well. Project on 8th west. Passed out info to the council which explains the situation on 8th west. Does have a few estimates to go over. Would like to get this taken care of as soon as possible. The Grant Avenue project there is one other land owner that we need to talk to. Will not be able to talk to them till the middle of next week. Brief discussion on the culvert that needs to be worked on.

Co. Cordova: In talking to Barbara the EMT’s went to a new reporting system training in price. These reports need to be submitted within a week of treatment or transport.

Co. Robinett: The firemen met with Kahill Hunt and would like to approve him as a fireman. Motion was made by Co. Robinett to approve Kahill Hunt, seconded by Co. Holt. Motion passed unanimously. We also need wildland fire gear for two to take the course. The two quotes one is for $1,018.50…the other from LN Curtis $723.67. Motion was made by Co. Robinett to approve the bid from LN Curtis, seconded by Co. Avery. Motion passed unanimously.

Co. Holt: nothing to report.

Co. Abeyta: last week met with maintenance and Division of Drinking Water. We started at the treatment plant and they were impressed with things. Also, took them to see the reservoir and they were very impressed with our water storage. They did go thru the treatment plant and asked Bert a lot of questions and was very impressed with his answers. Looked over the holding tanks and there were a few issues that we already have taken care of. Overall it was great, very proud to be a part of this. On the canopies at the park the supplies will be picked up.

Mayor states that on the topic of the reservoir we did have visitors up there memorial weekend that left trash up there. Co. Abeyta states that there was also some kayaking going on up there. This is not a private lake for the property owners. Mayor suggests some extra patrolling this summer up there. This is some of the reasons cannot use the lake.

Mayor went to a meeting at the Health Department. They discussed the 100 deadliest days of summer. They want to make the public more aware of driving distractions. This will be going on until Labor Day.

Public comment:

Patty Fisher contacted her daughter about advertising for community daze. She said that her daughter agreed to do $300 worth of free advertising. Patty has her contact information if anyone wants to do a face to face interview.

Del Dickey presents council with some flyers for the poker run that they will have in July. This ride will be televised on our local county stations. They do have some good prizes for this run. May need some help that day at the park and possibly a couple extra people for card stations. It will be an 85-mile ride which will take about 7-10 hours to do the ride. They did have to cancel the original ride they scheduled for June 10th. On August 12th, there will be a big horseshoe tournament. Co. Holt suggests that he also contact Chad Booth with AYL to see if they would like to be a part of this. They are always looking for new areas to cover.

Tracey Stratton on the BMX track we need to talk to ECDC to see if they can shorten it up a bit. Would also like to make another track for the motorized bikes. Co. Holt states that we did try this at one time to redo the track and there was a lot of resistance from the public and that is why we have not done anything. So just be prepared for some resistance from the public. Mayor states that if they can come up and help out with this we would not have a problem with it.

Co. Holt asks if we found any info on the kiosk at the junction. Mayor states that he will find the drawing to see if the crew can do it.

Old business: Community Daze. We are doing ok. We are getting the materials for the covers on the pavilion. Co. Robinett states that we need to have the crew check on our tables to see if we will have enough to place up at the park. Carbon high band may possibly be here for the parade at community daze. Also, having trouble getting a hold of Miss Carbon County. For the scouts, they need to get a hold or Larry and Tyler. Other than that, things are moving along.

Approval of Keddington & Christensen to do next years audit. Motion by Co. Avery, seconded by Co. Robinett to approve Keddington & Christensen for the audit. Motion passed unanimously.

New business: Bathroom repairs at the Sunnyside Park. The bid for the repairs are $1,815.98. this is just the parts for the repairs the crew will do the work. Mike did contact others for bids but did not get anything back. They want to have this done by Community Daze. Motion was made by Co. Robinett to approve bid from Mountainland, seconded by Co. Holt. Motion passed unanimously.

Advertisement in Sun Advocate for Community Daze. Co. Robinett states that we did put in an ad for the vacation guide. This is part of the package for the sponsors that donate. We may have to do the advertising for the sponsors. Motion to table by Co. Robinett, seconded by Co. Avery. Motion passed unanimously.

Approval of change to the credit card convenience fee. Co. Robinett states that after doing some research we will charge the $3.00 for up to $75 and anything over will be the $3.00 plus 2.5%. Motion by Co. Robinett, seconded by Co. Avery to approve the new convenience fees. Motion passed unanimously. Jeremy will draft up a formal resolution on this.

Mayor states that himself, Co. Abeyta and Co. Avery met with the Power Plant on the water agreement. The power plant feels that they have some ownership in the 10” line. Mayor states that they do not they just helped with repairs. Rusty also commented about things in the original agreement. Jeremy states that there was not an agreement, not sure what he is talking about. Jerry stated that if the city would like to get rid of the 2 cents per thousand they would up the transmission fee to $4,000. Co. Robinett states that she would like to see the difference in their power sales from 10 years ago. Jeremy states that as a private company they do not have to provide that information. Mayor states that they did use a lot of city water during the drought. Co. Robinett states that even with the $4,000 per month flat rate we will still be losing…Mayor states that they will still be using city water. Jeremy states that anything over their allotted amount we could charge the $4,000 and anything over that would have to be handled thru a different rate structure. Mayor states that the diversion 2 spring is fully owned by the city. Until the runoff ends they will be taking water out of the creek. We may have to put in a meter at the reservoir to get an accurate measurement and usage. There will be an added expense to do this work. Mayor states that this will be a bigger meter and could cost around $10,000. Mayor feels at this time we leave it at the 2 cents per…. Jeremy states that with the new meter it gives an accurate reading as what is going thru the pipeline. Jeremy suggest that we hold off until we get an agreement in place.

Co. Robinett states that with CERT we have twelve people on the team and they are going to have an open house on the 13th of this month. They would like to have one meeting a month at the public safety building. Everyone is welcome to the open house.

Co. Robinett has also been asked about a bulletin board for fliers in town. Mayor states that we do have one and we can make a cover for it so things don’t blow away.

Payables. Motion to approve by Co. Robinett, seconded by Co. Avery. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn by Co. Robinett, seconded by Co. Avery. Motion passed unanimously.


Liz Holt, City Recorder Doug Parsons, Mayor