County of Santa Barbara
Public Health Department
Disaster Healthcare Coalition
Emergency Preparedness Meeting
March 21, 2013, 0900-1100
Agenda Items / Time1. Introductions / 0900
2. Santa Barbara County Disaster Healthcare Coalition
1. Overview of the Disaster Healthcare Coalition requirements
2. PHEP staff present draft agreement that outlines roles and responsibilities of partners and goals of coalition
3. Formal structure, Leadership, and Advisory Committees to provide expertise in areas of planning, training, and disaster exercises
4. Signed agreement or commitment to participate and act as a disaster resource
5. Draft submitted to all partners for comment via Survey Monkey
Federal government now requires all counties to establish a healthcare disaster partner coalition with a leadership structure.
Structure proposed by members in attendance:
Coalition to have an advisory committee to provide priorities for the coalition, feedback from the medical providers on county emergency plans, prioritize trainings and exercises.
Proposed that members of advisory committee:
· Include members of the executive staff from organizations to allow the authority to carry out coalition’s purpose.
· Executive staff meet 1-2 times per year. / 0910
3. Healthcare Surge Policy for County
1. PHEP staff present current draft for review and comment
2. Will also be part of EMS provider and hospital base station policies / 0925
4. Partner Emergency/Disaster Plans
1. Evacuation- County evacuation and sheltering plan
2. Hospitals Report Current Status of Evacuation Plans
3. Outpatient --- Templates available
4. LTC/SNF—Evacuation/Shelter in Place templates available
5. Other: Home Health, Dialysis, Surgicenter, Day Program, Other / 0940
5. Emergency Resources and Grant Purchases
1. Communications
2. Equipment
3. Supplies- Patient Wristbands for evacuations
Monthly radio and satellite test drills are conducted with hospitals and clinics that have radios or satellite phones.
· Proposed that during evacuations of SNF’s and other facilities that hospital wrist band colors are used:
· RED (allergy), YELLOW (fall risk), PURPLE (do not resuscitate)
· Wristbands will be ordered and distributed to coalition member facilities for disaster caches. (wristbands w/ jewels are better because the cause the pt’s less discomfort.
· Evacuation chairs will be ready for delivery shortly
· Hospitals update inventory count for HPP purchases / 0950
6. 2013 Healthcare Partners Disaster Trainings and Exercises
· 2012 Statewide Medical and Health Exercise After Action Report
· Suggestions for trainings from coalition members
· MultiCasualty Incident Tabletop-March 22, Employee University
· SNF Trainings-April 24 Lompoc, April 25th Santa Barbara, April 30th Santa Maria
· Medical Shelter Training-May 15 UCSB
· CAHAN-quarterly drills, Radio and Satellite-monthly drills
· Statewide Medical and Health-November 21-Foodborne Scenario
Meeting Notes:
MCI training will be tomorrow with all the provider agencies.
-Please mark you calendars for the annual SNF trainings which will be held in each region.
-CAHAN- contacting all partners that did not responds to the drill, interest from partners to update and add users. / 1000
7. Roundtable: Participant Update on Current Activities and Needs / 1020
8. Hospital advisory group
1. Hospital DECON
2. Disaster inventory / 1030
9. Next Meeting: 4/17/2013 at Marian Medical Center