Minutes of the Barrowby Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1 December 2014 in the Reading Room, Barrowby

PUBLIC FORUM (6.15pm): No parishioners present.

Mr Russell Spencer and his colleague Mr Robert Gaskell introduced themselves to Members as representatives of Gladman Developments. Mr Gaskell circulated a plan of the outline planning application for a residential development to the west of Grantham covering 13.7 hectares to accommodate up to 300 new houses which equates to an increase in population of about 800. Mr Gaskell explained the plan to Members: The plans show an ecological enhancement zone to the south of the site totalling 3.1 hectares, the scheme will be designed to mitigate against noise from the A1 and main access to the site will be off the A52, Barrowby Road. Mr Gaskell informed Members that pre-application local authority and community consultation has already taken place and the proposed development is compliant with local planning policy.Mr Gaskell said that the Developer will be required to contribute to local services, which will include amongst other things healthcare and education, subject to CIL compliance. Improvements to an existing right of way are proposed in terms of a Section 106 contribution. Members asked Mr Spencer and Mr Gaskell a number of questions in relation to the location of the development, the design and size of the houses. Concern was expressed in relation to access via Barrowby Road, Mr Spencer confirmed that discussions were ongoing with the County Council with regards the access to the site. There was a discussion pertaining to affordable housing. Mr Gaskell said that any ideas to improve the scheme would be welcomed. Councillor Markham suggested the provision of a cycle route, which Mr Gaskell agreed to look into.


  2. The Chairman Councillor R Cross welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked those who assisted with the Christmas trees over the weekend. Those in attendance: P Bosworth, P Cupit, B Harper, B Inglis, D Markham, R Poore, B Silverwood, M Sutton, and Mrs H Wilson (Acting Clerk).

2.1Apologies were received from P Harrison and V Cross. The reasons for their absence were noted and accepted. Apologies also received from County Councillor J Churchill.


3.1Councillor Bosworth declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10.4.2, the removal of a memorial from the burial ground. Councillors Poore, Markham and Cupit declared an interest in relation to agenda items 9.8, Section 137 request for Barrowby Gardeners Association and 10.5, Allotments. Councillors Inglis and Cupit expressed an interest in relation to agenda item 9.3 as the recipients of expenses claims.


4.1The Acting Clerk’s notes from the meeting of 3 November 2014, having been proposed by Councillor Sutton and seconded by Councillor Inglis were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were passed by resolution of the council. The notes were signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.

4.2Members resolved to approve the signing of re-printed minutes from the extraordinary meeting of 20 October 2014 as the original copy had not been available at the meeting held on 3 November 2014.


5.1.South Kesteven District Councillor Bosworth

5.1.1.Councillor Bosworth had nothing to report.

5.2.Lincolnshire County Councillor Churchill

5.2.1.Councillor Churchill tendered her apologies. The Chairman reminded Members, as per his email dated 9 November 2014, that Councillor Churchill had been put forwardas a prospective candidate for Bury St Edmunds.

5.3.PC Smith or PSCO Mooney

5.3.1.Not present.

The Chairman asked Members if anyone would be available to attend the meeting at Grantham Police Station scheduled to take place on Friday 5 December 2014 at 6pm. Councillor Cupit said that he may be available to attend.

  1. CLERK’S REPORT (14/114)

6.1Standing Orders

In September 2014 following the implementation of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, Members resolved to delete item 3q ‘Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting by any means is not permitted without the Council’s prior written consent’ from Standing Orders. The Chairman read out the proposed amendment to Standing Orders,

“A person may not orally report or comment about a meeting as it takes place if he is present at the meeting of the Parish Council or its committees, but otherwise may:

(a) film, photograph or make an audio recording of a meeting;

(b) use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting as it takes place or later”.

Councillor Poore asked for confirmation from Members that it is appropriate to discussthe proceedings of the Parish Council meeting immediately thereafter, the point was duly confirmed by Members. The amendment was proposed by Councillor Cupit, seconded by Councillor Poore and passed by resolution of the council.

Action: Clerk to send out copy of amended Standing Orders.

6.2Dog Waste Bin/Refuse Bin Provision

The Clerk informed Members that SKDC have assessed the Willows and the Village Green to monitor the amount of litter and have determined that there is not sufficient to warrant adding potential new bins to their emptying schedule. Members queried the refusal to empty a bin on the village green as there had been a bin there previously. The Clerk explained that this was due to the length of time between the bin being removed and the request for a replacement. Members noted the purchase of dog waste bags to supply to parishioners. The Acting Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council have permission to site a waste bin on the Willows. Councillor Inglis proposed the purchase of a free standing bin by Glasdon to the value of £357.00 to be located on the corner of the Willows and Pastures Road.

Action: Clerk to add expenditure item to the January agenda.

6.3Local Council Award Scheme

The Chairman expressed an interest in the Local Council Aware Scheme which he explained to Members in terms of the possible levels of accreditation but was concerned about the pressure this would place on the Acting Clerk in terms of workload.

Action: Clerk to obtain further details from LALC, the local County Association.

6.4Royal British Legion

Councillor Cupit reported on the joint meeting between representatives from the Memorial Hall Committee, the Barrowby RBL and the Parish Council. The Memorial Hall Committee and the RBL have asked whether the Parish Council will conduct a survey of the community to ascertain whether there is support fora joint venture between the Memorial Hall Committee and the RBL. The Parish Council have been asked to meet the costs of the survey which is estimated in the region of £60.00. Councillor Cupit proposed expenditure to the value of £60.00, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Bosworth and passed by resolution of the Council.

Action: Acting Clerk to circulate the questionnaire to Members.

6.5 Email Distribution List

The Clerk informed Members that a parishioner had asked Councillor Inglis about the possibility of an email distribution list. Following discussion Members agreed that the website should be sufficient.

6.6Trees (Dead-wooding)

Councillor Cupit explained to Members that he had asked Mr Merchant from DM Tree Surgery if the dead-wooding could be included in the quote to the value of £2060.00 which was approved at the November meeting. Mr Merchant said that the required work would take two men a day to complete and as such he was unable to add this to his previous quote. Following lengthy discussion Councillor Inglis proposed that the dead-wooding, which is necessary, is carried out at a cost of £300.00. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the Council.

Action: Acting Clerk to issue a purchase order.

6.7 Surplus Gifts, 2013

Members resolved to approve that the leftover gifts from Christmas 2013 are donated to Charity.

Action: Councillor Sutton to distribute accordingly.

6.8 Best Kept Village

Councillor Inglis informed Members that Barrowby have been re-categorised and as a result have come ‘runner up’ in their category.

6.9Clerk’s Printer

Members agreed to defer this item to the January meeting.

6.10 Annual Leave

The Acting Clerk asked Member for two weeks annual leave commencing on Monday 22 December 2014 for two weeks returning to work on Monday 5 January 2015. Members resolved to approve the annual leave request and agreed to defer the January meeting to Monday 12 January 2015.

6.11Pensions, Shared Parental Leave and Annual Leave, LALC Training, 26 November 2014

The Acting Clerk informed Members that she had attended a training course delivered by Chris Moses of Personnel Advice and Solutions at the request of LALC, the local County Association. The Clerk summarised the content of the training course in relation to parental leave, pensions and annual leave.

Action: Clerk to seek clarification from Chris Moses in relation to employees’ annual leave entitlement.

6.12Oak Tree, Village Green

Councillor Inglis informed Members that Mr Shennan had donated an oak tree which has been planted on the village green.

Action: Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Mr Shennan.

  1. HIGHWAYS (14/115)

7.1Village Walkabout

The Chairman explained that he and Councillor Poore had attended the village walkabout meeting with Mark Heaton, the Area Highways Manager for Lincolnshire County Council on Wednesday 19 November 2014 at 3pm. Mr Heaton witnessed the traffic problem at school time and indicated that this is a County wide problem. The Chairman confirmed that the scheme on Church Road will eventually lead to traffic calming measures which are future programmed. The Chairman summarised the letter from Mr Heaton dated 24 November 2014 further to the village walkabout.

Councillor Cupit reported a conversation with highways contractors on 3 November 2014 during which they expressed some concerns that drainage on Church Street is not being addressed.

7.2Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership Site Visit

The Clerk and Councillor Cupit reported on the site meeting with Alex McCulley from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership on Thursday 20 November 2014.

Action: Clerk to distribute a map of the recommended locations for the reactive and passive signs and circulate to Members. Clerk to seek clarification in relation to the legality of wheelie bin stickers.

7.3 Replacement Nameplates

The Clerk informed Members that replacement nameplates are now in situ.

Action: Clerk to email Carolyn Baker, the Premises & Facilities Coordinator at SKDC in relation to the nameplate outside the White Swan public house which is presenting a health and safety hazard.

7.4High Road, Obstruction of the public footpath

Councillor Bosworth reported that the holly bush at Holly House is obstructing the public highway.

Action: Clerk to write to the resident after 15 December 2014.

7.5Reports of new/outstanding highways defects

Councillor Poore reported a pothole on the bend at Rectory Lane.

Action: Councillor Poore to provide the Acting Clerk with location, dimensions and photographs.

Councillor Inglis reported mud on the road at Casthorpe Road outside the White House.

Action: Clerk to report to the Area Highways Department.

  1. PLANNING (14/116)

8.1Application No:S14/3301

Applicant:Chris Akrill, Aspect Landscape Planning

Proposal:Scoping Opinion request for proposed residential development

Location:Land off Barrowby Road, Grantham, NG31 8NW

Members noted the scoping opinion from Aspect Landscape Planning for a proposed residential development on land off Barrowby Road.

Action: Acting Clerk to express concerns regarding access onto A52 and proximity to the A1 slip road, make reference to potential for a cycle route and concerns about drainage and watercourses with potential to affect the A1.

8.2Application No:S14/3312

Applicant:Mr C Hodgson

Proposal:Single storey dwelling house and new vehicular access

Location:Posts House, Casthorpe Road, Barrowby, NG32 1DP

General discussion in relation to the planning application. Members noted the absence of a picture of the proposed design. It was noted that the deadline for comments is 17 December 2014.

Action: Clerk to ask for more information about the roof and design of the property (including height).

9.FINANCE (14/117)

9.1Members noted the general comments relating to financial matters detailed in the Financial Report for December.

9.2Members noted the income received as detailed on the December Financial Report.

9.3The expenditure as detailed in the financial report was proposed by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Inglis and passed by resolution of the Council.

9.4Members noted the payments made following the November meeting.

9.5The Acting Clerk presented the bank reconciliations for the Parish Council current account (5009755) and the Pavilion Committee account which were verified by Members. The Clerk explained that there is a discrepancy of £8.00 between the Pavilion Committee account and the bank reconciliation as a cheque for Councillor Harper to the value of £8.00 has not yet been banked from the previous financial year. Councillor Inglis proposed that the bank reconciliation are accepted, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Sutton and passed by resolution of the Council. Councillor Cupit duly signed and dated the bank reconciliation documents and bank statements.

9.6Councillor Cupit proposed that maturing funds on 2 January 2015 from the 3m business term account are allowed to be automatically re-invested. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Poore and passed by resolution of the Council.

9.7Members read through the report prepared by the Clerk in response to issues raised by the Internal Auditor at the first and second quarterly audits. Councillor Harper proposed that the report is accepted. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Sutton and passed by resolution of the Council.

9.8The Chairman reported that the financial records for 2013/2014 have been located in the Reading Room store cupboard.

9.9Councillor Inglis proposed Section 137 expenditure to the value of £50.00 for Barrowby Gardener’s Association. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Sutton and passed by resolution of the Council. Members having an interest in this agenda item abstained from voting.

9.10The Clerk informed Members of the difficulties encountered with the Scribe accounting package and asked Member to review the licence renewal for the financial year 2015/2016.

Action: Acting Clerk to make enquiries to ensure that financial data will not be lost at year end if subscription is not renewed. Clerk to bring a draft spreadsheet to the January meeting.

10. REPORTS (14/118)

10.1.Reading Room

10.1.1Councillor Inglis informed Members that the cycle rack is due to be installed in December and that quotes are still outstanding from Tony Knight for replacement LED lights for the fire exit sign.

10.1.2Councillor Markham proposed in principle, to the siting of a noticeboard at the Reading Room. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the Council.

Action: Councillor Poore to bring a proposal to the February meeting.

10.1.3The Clerk informed Members that an update is not currently available.

10.1.4There was general discussion in relation to bookings on peak days.

Action: Reading room user group to bring proposals to the January meeting in relation to annual closures.

10.1.5Members resolved to approve the purchase of a small table trolley to the value of £193.36 excluding VAT.

Action: Acting Clerk to affect the order.

10.1.6Councillor Inglis confirmed the table and chair hire charges as follows:

Hire of Chairs: £50 deposit, £1 per chair.

Hire of Small Tables: £10 deposit, £2.50 per small table.

Hire of Large Tables: £10 deposit, £5.00 per large table.

Action: Clerk to refund of £10.00 to Councillor Harper.

10.2Pavilion Committee

10.2.1Councillor Harper informed Members that Samantha Smith had carried out the facilities access checks on the Pavilion earlier in the day with an emphasis on disabled access. He reported that she is a good source of advice for funding.

10.2.2Councillor Harper provided the Acting Clerk with the details of the parishioner whose tree is perceived to present a hazard to the Pavilion facility.

Action: Clerk to write to the parishioner to express concerns regarding the tree.


10.3.1The Clerk informed Members that the prospective buyer had not been in communication with the Agent further to the Parish Council’s request to increase the offer. Members had agreed at the November meeting to defer the sale of the land to the spring.

10.3.2 Members noted the date of the extraordinary meeting scheduled to take place on Monday 26 January 2015 at 6.30pm to receive presentations from the play equipment providers HAGS SMP, Wicksteed Leisure and Ludus Leisure Limited.

10.4Burial Ground

10.4.1Councillor Cupit informed Members that a headstone had appeared in the burial ground having been erected without approval.

10.4.2The Chairman read out emails from Mrs Emma Wilson dated 3 November 2014 and 1 December 2014 in relation to the removal off an evergreen oak from the burial ground which had been planted in memory of a deceased family member.

Action: Clerk to write a letter of apology to the family of Mrs Wilson. The Chairman will investigate the cost of a replacement tree. Members to consider suitable sites for possible replanting.


10.5.1Nothing to report.

10.5.2Members agreed that access should be denied to the website in the interests of website security.

Action: Clerk to liaise with Juliette Hurrell and the Internal Auditor for an opinion.

10.6Health & Safety

10.6.1Councillor Inglis reported that the reading room health and safety checks had been carried and filed accordingly in the health and safety file stored at the Reading Room.

10.6.2The Acting Clerk confirmed that play equipment inspections had been conducted on a fortnightly basis since the November meeting. The only point to note are the cradle seats on the Adamstiles play area. The reports are store in the relevant file in the Clerk’s office.

10.7 Staffing Committee

Councillor Poore proposed that the Staffing Committee agenda item is deferred to the end of the meeting to be discussed in closed session. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bosworth and passed by resolution of the Council.

10.8Defibrillator Working Group

10.8.1Councillor Sutton offered to do the weekly checks on the High Road bus shelter defibrillator.

Action: Clerk to chase Mark Heaton for a response to the licence application for Westry Corner.