Public Employer Risk Management Association, Inc.


as of September 2001

For the most up-to-date listing of PERMA videos, please visit our website at .

P.O. Box 12250
Albany, NY 12212-2250 /
9 Cornell Road
Latham, NY 12110


1-518-220-1111, ext. 3039

Toll Free 1-888-PERMA NY (1-888-737-6269), ext. 3039


1-877-PERMA FAX (1-877-737-6232)


PERMA’s Loss Control Department has assembled a library of Safety Training Videos focusing on municipal operations. We will be updating the catalog periodically and notifying you either through mailings or the newsletter. These videos can be used for:

  • safety committee meetings
  • departmental training sessions
  • staff safety meetings.

Videos are available to all PERMA members at no charge. Additional copies of our updated catalogs are available through the PERMA Loss Control Department by calling (888) 737-6269 or (518) 220-1111, ext. 3039.

Scheduling videos: It is best to order videos as early as possible; a month in advance is recommended. While videos are often available within the week, videos that are in high demand may take a month or more to schedule. In order to help us keep waiting lists short, we allow up to 10 business days for viewing. If videos are required for a longer period of time, please be sure to let us know when requesting the videos. We will be happy to make the necessary arrangements when possible.

Seasonal videos: Please be mindful that these videos are in high demand in their corresponding seasons. They are likely to have a long waiting list and may not be available for extended periods.

Timely return of videos: Videos should be returned in the envelope in which they were received, or a similar package, to minimize the potential for damage. Upon receipt of your videos, please be sure to check your return date immediately. Please be mindful of the needs of other members. The due date noted in your letter is the date the videos should be received by our office; we already calculate in mailing time. We require that they be returned on that date in order for the next member to receive them on schedule.

Method of returning videos: We ask that all videos be returned via Federal Express or Airborne Express. This is so we can track the movement of the videos to avoid loss. When you receive a video, the enclosed memo will list the account numbers to be used.

Proper care of videos: You, the PERMA members, pay for these videos. Please help us to control expenses by taking proper care of all videos. However, normal wear and tear is expected; damage and/or operating problems should be reported to us when the video is returned so that appropriate repairs can be made.

Lost videos: Videos are offered with no charges to our members for shipping, rental or return. Should a video become lost or misplaced, please notify our library immediately. It is expected that the municipality will voluntarily replace the lost video so that our Video Library can be properly maintained.
































Accident Investigation: The Accident–What To Do - 1201A (14 mins)This creative program reviews the basic steps for investigating an accident effectively. This is the key to making sure accidents do not happen again! Includes: Assembling an investigation kit, what to check for initially, gathering evidence, key points in interviewing witnesses, putting data together and making recommendations & follow-up.

/ Accident Investigation-1201B - (20 mins)

Covers mechanical accidents, including those resulting from the use or misuse of equipment, occupational illness, line-of-duty death, and accidents involving motor vehicles. Emphasizes the use of findings to create a safer work environment.


Back Care - 1002B (13 mins)

Public works and construction employees have special needs for back care. The “old” lift-with-your-legs routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, etc. are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but also safe methods for shoveling, breaking pavement and many other tasks directly related to strain & sprain injuries.

/ Back Reaction – Firefighters of America - 1005B (30 mins)

The nature of firefighters’ work can create constant physical stress and strain, calling for specific care and exercise. This course illustrates many of the common movements and lifts that firefighters confront every day. Photographs and graphic illustrations of these movements are provided to show their impact on the muscles. Accompanying the illustrations are diagrams showing specific exercises to help strengthen these muscles. It’s well known that, given proper body mechanics, injuries can be prevented.

Back Safety: Landscape Maintenance & Custodial - 1003B (18 mins) Most back injuries are the result of workers not following safe lifting and carrying procedures. This program is an invaluable guide to the basic steps that landscape, maintenance, warehouse and custodial workers should follow in order to avoid back injuries. This video covers: Body mechanics; Lifting; Pushing; Back braces.

/ Preventing Back Pain (Police) – 1006A (10 mins)

A complete back injury prevention program. All information is presented from a law enforcement perspective. The materials show officers that their particular fitness and health problems are not unique and present solutions that are realistic within the constraints of law enforcement duties.

Safety Bite-Shoveling Safety - 4013A (6 mins)
This video covers: Use of the right shovel for the job (Square-point, flat-blade, or round-tip); inspecting the shovel; proper technique to avoid back injury /

Safe Lifting/Back Supports - 1007B (11 mins)

Back supports help your employees use safe lifting techniques. Video coverage includes:  Anatomy of the back: Importance of disks and ligaments; injuries 10:1 ratio for safe lifting  Back supports: Use and care.

Back to Fitness – 1004A (20 mins) Back injuries have taken an enormous human and financial toll on local government operations throughout the country. Through a variety of pro-active and post-event techniques, the probability of injury is being reduced and disability periods shortened. Join us as we visit with some of the star performers in encouraging employees to stay in shape. They are justifiably proud of their accomplishments and are eager to share their stories of success.

/ Construction Back Safety - 1008A (10 mins)
Construction work doesn’t have to mean back pain if you learn to work smart. Following the easily-learned safety techniques reviewed in this video program will help you maintain a healthy back for work and play. Covers: Learning correct posture, lifting without injury, and preventing repetitive motion injuries.
This back safety program was designed to provide employees with information that can help prevent back injuries from occurring while on the job. This program will review the frequency and costs of back injuries, and practices and equipment that can prevent or reduce back injuries. Includes: proper posture lifting formula and recommended weight limits proper lifting techniques the use of personal protective equipment (back supports) the role of diet in injury prevention stretching and strengthening exercises for the back.


Bloodborne Pathogens – Protect Yourself - 1202A (15 mins) Designed for all employees in your organization, this video program covers basic bloodborne pathogen precautions. It explains vital first aid safeguards and is invaluable for first-on-the-scene co-workers who may find themselves at the scene of a bloody accident. The video covers: HBV, HIV and AIDS. First aid safeguards. Decontamination procedures. Housekeeping


Bloodborne Pathogens for Law Enforcement - 1200A (19 mins) Law enforcement personnel face dangers every day. The transmission of bloodborne diseases doesn’t have to be one of them. This program reviews the essential elements of exposure control. The video covers:  HBV, HIV and AIDS  Infectious material  Work controls, housekeeping, PPE

Bloodborne Pathogens (-Industrial) - 1202B (21 mins) Alarming headlines about the risks of AIDS and other bloodborne disease have cast a specter of fear over many workers in the healthcare field. Yet this program can help you replace anxiety with professional confidence. With proper training and work requirements, your employees will develop safe work habits and reduce their risk of contracting a bloodborne disease on the job. This program was created to instruct new employees and to update experienced first responders as well as employees trained in first aid with current information on federal regulations and the control of bloodborne infections in an industrial setting.


Emergency Responders: Bloodborne Pathogens (Paramedics) - 1011B (19 mins) Designed for persons potentially exposed to blood and other potential hazards relating to BBPs, specifically paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, police officers, correctional officers, first-aid/CPR personnel and others who provide emergency procedures. Meets training requirements for Category I and II employees who are reasonably anticipated to becoming occupationally exposed to blood or blood contaminating products. (1993)

Rescue BBP - 1010B (22 mins) This video covers training for the general workforce based on OSHA’s Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Final Rule, 29CFR 1910.1030, Subpart Z. Through knowledge and preparations, employees can deal with job related risks safely...even when the risks are great. In this video, rescue workers like firefighters and EMTs tell how they deal safely with the enormous risks they face on the job every day, by being aware and being prepared. The video covers: Risk of bloodborne pathogens (BBP). Most common means of transmission of BBPs. Transmission of BBPs in the workplace. Precautions to take against exposure to BBPs. Steps to take in case of exposure. / Bloodborne Pathogens for Corrections - 1200B (22 mins) Jail can be a violent place. Fights, drugs, rapes, searches and other events can expose employees to infected bodily fluids. Based on OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030, this vital video program will help workers keep dangerous bloodborne diseases locked away. Covers: bloodborne diseases, transmission and exposure control plans.

New!! Bloodborne Pathogens 2000 (SPANISH) - (20 mins) Covers new terminology: “body substances” and “standard precautions,” plus a new approach to meet training requirements: HBV, HCV and HIV; modes of transmission Infection and exposure control; PPE, signs/labels


Verbal Judo - 1001V (3 2-hour tapes)Verbal Judo, or Tactical Communication, is the principal of Judo itself: Using the energy of others to master situations. Verbal Judo contains a set of communication principals and tactics that enable the user to generate cooperation and gain voluntary compliance in others under stressful conditions, such as hostile suspects and upset or frightened victims. In short, you will learn how to deal with difficult people using conflict management tactics to defuse confrontational encounters. (CAUTION: STRONG LANGUAGE)


Confined Space Entry 1203A (21 mins) This video covers: Entry permit requirements; Safe atmosphere testing; Personal protective equipment; Training the Entry Team.

Confined Space Entry (Life & Death Series) – 1203B (21 mins) In this video, viewers will see how simple mistakes lead to major injuries and death during a confined space entry operation. Through the eyes of the rescue team, your employees will learn about the three mistakes that caused this tragedy. The video will also help meet your OSHA training and retraining requirements. The video opens with an emergency alarm indicating that something has gone wrong in the tank where two maintenance mechanics are working. It appears that an explosion has occurred and contact has been lost with the two workers. The attendant calls the rescue team and then makes the bad decision to go in after his buddies. Training points covered: Follow Entry Permit requirements completely; Duties of attendants & the entry supervisor; Lockout & line breaking procedures; Rescue team availability; Air testing & monitoring; Contact between attendants & entrants; Understand all hazards in the space

NEW! Confined Space Emergency 3-Video Set (5000CF) - 60 mins total
Program 1 - Understanding Confined Spaces (26 mins)
Learn the hazards associated with confined spaces, including flammable and explosive atmospheres, oxygen deficient and oxygen enriched atmospheres, toxic atmospheres and physical hazards. Find out how to develop an entry plan and the responsibilities of entrants, attendants and supervisors. Learn about entry permits, blinding and blanking, lockout/tagout, atmospheric testing, ventilation, and much more.
Program 2 - Confined Space & the First Responder (17 mins)
Teaches the first responder, who typically is not trained or equipped to enter a confined space, activities that can be carried out prior to the arrival of technical rescue teams. Describes the dangers of unprepared rescue and the methods of non-entry victim relief. Shows how to size up and isolate the site to guard against hazards both inside and outside of the space. Explains the importance of intrinsically safe & explosion-proof equipment.
Program 3 - Confined Space Technical Rescue (17 mins)
Provides training for personnel who may need to enter a confined space for rescue purposes. Possible scenarios for technical rescue are shown. Covers both workplace accidents and community incidents. Learn about personal protective equipment and specialized rescue equipment, as well as risk evaluation, entry procedures and rescue techniques.


Alcohol & Drug Testing - 4001A (20 minutes) Even though the percentage of commercial drivers who use drugs is low, it only takes one driver to cause a major disaster. That’s why the Department of Transportation now mandates drug testing. This new program explains the drug testing system to supervisors and employees and will help alleviate their fears. Video addresses: Random drug testing, Pre-employment, post-accident, return-to-duty and follow up testing, what to expect during a test, security and false positives and re-testing specimens.
Defensive Driving-Prepared for the Worst - 4004A (18 mins) Covers the conditions which can create hazardous driving, including fog, snow and ice, rain, night driving, breakdowns, additional hazards such as driving next to trucks, accidents, emergency vehicles, road construction and animals, and personal security. This is a fast moving video with lots of graphic examples of what can happen when you lose control of your vehicle!!! It depicts all types of weather, covers vans, small trucks and cars, includes driving defensively around trucks and emergency vehicles, and use of anti-lock brakes.

Defensive Driving-A Crash Course - 4003A (16 mins) Each year, thousands of people are injured or die in job-related motor vehicle accidents. In fact, motor vehicle accidents are the number-one cause of employee injuries and deaths. Most of these accidents could have been avoided simply by driving defensively. This video covers: Planning and Preparation; A Defensive Attitude; Driven to Distractions; Practical Driving Procedures

CEVO-Police Supplement - S300 (1 hr) This 1-hour module addresses the effect of lights and sirens on driving behavior-both that of police officers and the driving public. Although the program can serve as stand-alone training, it is ideally suited for use as a follow-on to the CEVO-Police™ (C300) or other training course / DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing - 4002A (20 minutes) The Federal Department of Transportation’s Alcohol & Drug Testing Rule is now in effect. Employers must train drivers on the dangers of alcohol and controlled substances and the potential consequences of their misuse. Topics included are: Affects of abuse on job performance, conditions for testing, types of drugs, and collection procedure. (Comes with sample handbook.)


Fire Protection and Electrical Safety - 5001A (9 mins)Excellent for new or experienced employees. Covers: Fire extinguishers; Sprinklers; Housekeeping; Chemicals; Cords, receptacles and general electrical safety. / Fire Extinguisher Training - 5002A (6 mins) Saving lives vs. property: know priorities; Extinguisher inspection; Extinguisher operation: PASS method; Classes of fires
Facts About Fire - 5009A (15 mins) This video program will provide your Organization with the basic information for your employees to understand and guard against: The essential ingredients in causing fire; the temperatures at which various materials become prone to ignition; sources of ignition and the areas most likely to produce this key ingredient; and the right mixture to start and sustain fires. / Fire Safety: Getting Out Alive - 5003A(15 mins) Ensure employees know what to do in case of a major fire. This excellent video provides details about planning for and surviving a workplace fire: Creating a working fire evacuation plan; Strategies to avoid being trapped by fire; Fire drills: conducting your own
NEW! Technical Rescue Awareness (5011A) - 26 mins When disaster strikes, rescue teams must locate victims, reach them safely, and return them to safety without causing further injury. This new program provides NFPA-defined Awareness level training for emergency responders who may be first on the scene of a technical rescue incident. Seven rescue disciplines are depicted: Confined space rescue, rope rescue, structural collapse, vehicle rescue, machinery rescue, water rescue and wilderness rescue. Within each scenario, responders learn about specific hazards and appropriate protective & supportive actions to be taken, as well as the bounds beyond which responders should not proceed. Other topics covered include size-up, construction categories, collapse patterns and initial search & rescue operations that do not involve entering the space.