Education & Children’s Services
Public Consultation Meeting
Replacement Market Place Primary School
24 June 2015
7-9pm Inverurie Market Place School
Aberdeenshire Council Officers/Elected Members present:
CllrAlison Evison (Chair), Cllr Charles Buchan (Vice Chair), Craig Clement (Head of Resources & Performance); Maxine Booth (QIO); Rachael Goldring (Asset Project Leader- Learning Estates Team); Gemma Dacre (Research & Analysis Officer, Learning Estates); Kelly Tennant (Minute Taker, Learning Estates Team).
1 / Welcome and IntroductionsCllr Evison introduced herself and outlined her role as Chair of Education, Learning & Leisure Committeeat Aberdeenshire Council. Cllr Evison welcomed everyone to the meeting, introduced the Aberdeenshire Council officers and elected members present, and laid out the format of the meeting.
2 / Consultation Overview
Craig gave a brief explanationthat the proposal being consulted on is the Replacement of Market Place School.Craig explained the background of this consultation and that in June 2012 it was agreed by Aberdeenshire Council’s Policy and Resources Committee that a replacement school with increased capacity should be built in the Uryside area of Inverurie, following a robust options appraisal.
Craig underlined that the council proposes that education provision at the current Market Place Primary School would be discontinued during the 2016/17 school session, on the completion of the new school. Craig confirmed that the new school will be purpose built with a capacity of 540.
The distance between the current school and the site for the replacement school is approximately 1.5 miles. There may be some minor changes in transport entitlement. Some children in the south of Inverurie may now become eligible for free transport, whilst other families living to the North may find they are no longer eligible.
Craig confirmed that this consultation is being held in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, and that the period of consultation runs until 4th September 2015, allowing time for comment.
3 / Questions from the Floor
Cllr Evison welcomed questions from the floor
I live more than 2 miles away. Will the transport still be there if needed and what if there are no pavements to walk on? Will the council pay for busses for these routes?
CC - It will depend where you live we can look at this at this after the meeting.
RG – A privilege pass can be bought in these circumstances.
In places whereit’s not safe to walk for childrenin the countryside will there be safe walking routes looked into and will look at bus routes also.
CC – It depends on each case, the route would need to be looked at first.
When will building commence, after the consultation in September?
MB – We are awaiting the result of the legal action, then we will be able to give a more definitive timescale.
Regarding the issues with Kintore, do you have the land or will it be the same situation as Kintore?
MB – This is a different agreement and it is not linked to a CPO as Kintore was.
CC – We are keen to get this concluded as quickly as possible.
Is there is a possibility we may not secure the land?
CC - Until everything is signed there is always a risk. Our legal and estates teams are working on the agreement. As there is ongoing discussion about this it wouldn’t be appropriate to say more at this stage.
Is the school going to be big enough? 677 houses are allocated at Uryside still to be built, with my calculations the school is going to be over capacity. According to your figures the roll is going to be 421 by 2018.
MB - All these houses are factored in our school roll forecasts and depends on built out rates.
It comes to 540 by 2021. What are you putting in place if this happens?
MB - We will be looking to rezone the schools in Inverurie at some pointand there is the possibility of a new build school in the future. There is still capacity at Port Elphinstone School. Work will be done in a staged approach.
How long does rezoning take?
MB – We have just carried out a rezoning of the Peterhead network. It takes approximately a year to rezone.
Have you got contractors to build the school?
MB - Yes this just went to committee yesterday.
I live in town, would the route to the school be made safer?
RG – As part of the development, the roads team will look into safe routes to school after the consultation has gone through before the school is built.
The route to school just now is not safe, what are you doing about this?
MB – That is something the school is involved in at the moment. A travel plan for making walking to school safer.
AW (HT) –We are working with agencies and the parent council at the moment and looking closely at travel plans and safe routes to school.
Parent Council – We are very busy looking at this issue just now and are lobbying for extra crossing patrollers.
Looking at the capacity figures for Kellands. I don’t see where the extra space is. What is the capacity based on?
MB – The capacities were done in 2013. Some schools went up and others went down. It is based on the room size, breakout space, if GP space is available. The paper is available on the website.
The school is meant to be built in 2 years what provisions are in place if this is not built in 2 years?
MB – We are looking into this and have 5 different options in case there is further slippage, but we will work with the parents and community to come to a decision.
AW (HT) –The Learning Estates team is in regular contact with the school. I am confident theLearning Estates team are doing the best for the school and the consultation is in place. I am confident we are coping well with tricky circumstances.
How do you decide when to move if the building is not ready at the start of term?
MB - We will work with the school and ask parents when is best to move. We will also get everyone (parents and community) involved in the naming of school and with changes to the logo etc.
My son is due to go to school next year, when the new school is built, I am concerned a move during term time unsettle him. How do children normally cope with this?
MB – This move should be easier than for example in Kintore or Hillside where some children are staying some are going. This is the whole school moving and will be a lot easier. All the memorabilia will stay with the school.
AW (HT)- I have been telling children it is just like a house move but a lot bigger.
Once you have more information about legal agreement this week, will we get definitive answers after?
CC – It is really difficult to answer that as commercial discussions are ongoing. It could take a bit longer to be all signed off. Not sure time scales as we will need to see what comes from the meeting.
Will it be weeks, days, months?
CC – We are moving towards principles which are an important part and allows the contractor to be mobilised. We are also wanting to get things moving in parallel to this process.
I know that it is hard one as there is a 3 people that own the land. How do you overcome that?
CC – There are third parties involved, yes.
When it’s signed off, how long will it take to be built? What happens with the traffic into the site?
MB – It takes approximately a year to 18 months from start to finish. It is also depends on the weather. 15 months probably. Site traffic will all be part of the safer routes plan. One way traffic and will be completely separate. Once we have movement on the land there will be more detailed plans on this.
Where will access to the school be from? Will there be entry from peregrine road,speed bumps in Osprey heights?
MB - Safety for those walking and with cars is a priority and will all be part of discussions. I think its pedestrian access from Peregrine Drive. The maps and plans have the routes from Oldmeldrum and Inverurie.
Is the closure of this school a foregone conclusion?
RG – This is still a consultation, it depends if there is an overwhelming feeling to keep this school. This consultation is about shutting this school and opening a new schoolon a different site.
CC – This consultation is being carried out in line with the Schools Consultation Act 2010.
One of my children hasa hearing impairment and this old buildings hassound dampening and is the ideal environment. A shiny new building will be bad for his hearing with lots of reflective surfaces.
MB - We have worked with the ASN team to design the school plan so that it is inclusive and accessible for all. I would be happy to speak to you after the meeting.
Is this school for 540 children plus children with support needs? Is there a base/hub for children with additional needs?
MB - No 540 includes all children. There will be ASN areas within the school to make it inclusive for all.
CC – I was just making a general point earlier that in the design of the school all the needs of children and the community have been considered as part of the process. We want to make sure all our new builds are accessible for all pupils.
Is there is a back-up plan for the land. Will the school even go ahead?
CC - We are confident that this will go ahead. It’s rather when, than if the school will go ahead. There is no plan B for another school site as we are confident this will go ahead and this is what we are focussing on.
The school has done a great job with dealing with capacity, but if the school takes longer than expected, what is the trigger point for capacity?
MB – As I mentioned earlier we have got a few options and if this happened we would work with the parents and stakeholders to make those decisions at the appropriate time.
Next Steps
Cllr Evison highlighted that the consultation documents are available on the Aberdeenshire Council website, and that these proposals will be open for comment until 4th September 2015. The public can comment on these proposals either in writing or by emailand the addresses can be viewed on posters around the room. We are also going to be involving pupils in our discussions and the Head Teacher of Market Placehas been asked to work with pupils to gain their views on the proposal. At the end of this consultation processall documents and comments from the consultation will be provided to Education Scotland. A report will then be taken back to the GariochArea Committee shortly before a decision is made early 2016 at Education, Learning & Leisure Committee.
5 / Close
Cllr Evisonthanked all present for attending the meeting and mentioned that officers will be available after the meeting for any further discussion/feedback.