SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

5:15 p.m.

Front Office of the Ninth Grade School


Sonya Barrett, Brenda with CiCi’s, Amanda Burrows, Martha Freeouff, Angie Maldonado, Regina Mingua, Helen Morrison, and Melanie Sandoval with Student Council

·  The date for Family Fun Night was changed from 10/26 to 10/20. There is a freshman football game scheduled for 10/26. Family Fun Night will be from 4-9 p.m. at CiCi’s Pizza. The school will get 20% of the total amount made that night, and the Ninth Grade School will be put in a drawing for $5,000. The buffet will be $4.99 that night. Administrators will help serve pizza, and teachers will refill drinks.

·  Brenda will send Ms. Mingua a flyer via e-mail to send home with students and to make posters to put throughout the school. She will work on getting a wheel of some kind to spin for prizes. CiCi’s will provide 5 t-shirts for staff to wear. Ms. Mingua will provide Brenda with the t-shirt sizes for these 5 t-shirts. CiCi’s will also provide 10 additional shirts to give away that night along with cups and other coupons.

·  In order to get students and their families to attend, we will make this a competition between 3rd hour classes. The third hour class that has the most students attend Family Fun Night will receive a prize like a pizza party, movie and popcorn or something. That night, we will have a sign-in sheet that will show what student attends and who their 3rd hour teacher is. Ms. Mingua will provide the sign-in sheet.

·  The Student Council will emcee the event. Mr. Redmond will work with the Student Council on coverage that night. They will also push the event at school.

·  There will be an open mic all night with Karaoke in between. Students can pay for a teacher to Karaoke.

·  It was also suggested that there be trivia questions. Teacher against student.

·  Ms. Mingua will provide each 3rd hour teacher a sign-up sheet prior to the event to see how many students plan to attend. These numbers will be given to CiCi’s for planning purposes.

·  Ms. Mingua will ask Mr. Radford to tie this into a team competition.

·  Ms. Mingua is responsible for bringing the Karaoke machine.