Quilters Schools PTA Meeting
Tuesday 15 September 2015
Attendees / ApologiesRichard Leahy C / Lindsay Wildgust
Dawn Cox C
Hillary Luckman
Claire Woodrow
Angela McCoy
Claire Pereira
Sarah Fentiman
Zoe Deeks
Suzanne Walker
Jackie Winterford
Reg Hemstock
Boyd Parker
Kath Lane
Carole Street
Kate Reynolds
Sarah Woods
Apologies were received for those unable to attend.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
The minutes from the June meeting were approved.
The PTA welcomed the new parents attending the meeting tonight, introducing ourselves and explaining our roles within the PTA. Mrs Luckman explained what the PTA is about.
A provisional date for the AGM is 13 October 2016. Zoe to speak to Mr Wade to confirm his availability before confirming the date. Sarah to provide before the AGM, yearend figures for the end of year reports. A current approximate figure is £17,000 with a 60/40 split.
Recent Event Reports
Summer Fete – a successful day raising an amazing amount of over £8,000. The exact figure is still to be confirmed once all outgoings have been finalised.
Infant School Party (summer) – once again very well supported and raised £435.00. Mrs Luckman to contact Jenny Savvas to sort out date for the next party, which is to be held in January 2016.
Robbie Williams Tribute Night – tickets sold out within days and a great time was had by all raising £411.60.
Tea Towels – tea towels were produced with the children’s artwork on. A tea towel was produced per year group and raised £266.50.
Events Planning
New Parent Event/Welcome Quiz Night – 8 October (tbc). It has been decided that this year the New Parents Cheese and Wine Evening be cancelled and replaced with an event to make it more of a social event for the new parents to mix and meet each other. It was decided on having a quiz night. Claire P has spoken to Skittleman and he is available to host/run the quiz. Claire P and Richard are both looking into venues. Kath Lane kindly volunteered her husband as compere if Skittleman is not available.
Christmas Cards – artwork to be produced by pupils in class ready to be sent home to parents on 9 October to enable them to order cards and tags. Zoe Deeks organising.
Family Night – 14 November (6-9pm). Claire P has spoken to Skittleman and he is available to host and would be a disco type night. Hannikins Farm was suggested as a venue as they have a hall big enough. We would have to purchase drinks from their bar and Claire will check with them to see if we could bring our own food. Suggestion to run a tuck shop and sell glo sticks etc. Jackie Winterford offered to run the tuck shop.
Bicester Village Shopping Trip – 21 November. Letter to advertise and book places on this trip have been distributed to parents in the Junior School. Yet to be sent out to Infant parents. Mrs Luckman to look into this. Zoe Deeks organising.
Junior Disco – awaiting date from Mr Wade. Event to be held before Christmas.
Small Change Challenge – this successful event will be taking place during the week beginning 8 February 2016. Sarah Fentiman would like to step down from organising this event. If you or a group would be interested in taking this event on please email the PTA on for further information/details.
Hessian Shopping Bags – Carole Street and Kath Lane have very kindly offered to take over the production of these bags. Zoe Deeks to email details to them.
New Events
Wine Tasting Evening – date to be confirmed. Lindsay has offered to organise this event which will take place end of January/beginning of February. Richard suggested holding the event at the Emmanuel Church Hall as it is larger than the hall in the Infant School. Boyd Parker has a friend who is a vintner and is going to speak to him to seek advice on the format of such an event.
Beer Festival – whilst discussing the above event it was suggested if perhaps there could be a Beer Festival type event held.
Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration – to celebrate this occasion it was suggested holding a “party in the park” format with old fashion war music/songs. It would be held either after school on Friday 10 or on Sunday 12 June 2016.
Summer Fete 2016 – the date was agreed for 25 June 2016.
Junior School Pantomime – as the children in junior school do not go to watch the pantomime unlike the infant school children, the PTA have suggested as to whether the PTA could possibly run such an event. It would probably have to take place after school. This would need to be looked into further as if it was for children only, then there would need to be teachers supervising, unless parents could get involved to help. Unfortunately this would not be possible to hold this year, but will be looked into for 2016.
Any Other Business
PTA Website – Unfortunately we have not had any volunteers from parents who would be willing to offer their time to help set up/update the website, therefore the PTA will have to consider whether to pay someone to run the site. Richard to research into National PTA+ for further ideas etc on this matter.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the AGM and be held on Tuesday 13 October 2015 at 7.30pm at the Junior School.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.
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