I.  Call to order by Donna Widmann at 9:32

II.  President Report

A.  February meeting minutes: No changes; approved as posted

B.  Donna Widmann and Michelle Bassi will be sitting in the cafeteria on Friday, March 15 to help with Chartwells hydration promotion. There will be a table display with water and sugar amounts in different drinks.

C.  Wheel of Wisdom coming on March 22 (the Friday before spring break). This is a PTA sponsored assembly.

D.  There will be a STEM presentation by Alka Tyle at the April PTA meeting. PTA may want to consider starting a STEM awareness program to alternate with Art Awareness next year.

E.  There are lots of open committee positions. Please consider signing up or talking to other people about signing up.

F.  Jump Rope for Heart raised $9400. Patterson earned $850 in gift certificates for PE equipment so Jen Williams will start purchasing climbing wall sections for gym. Thanks to Michelle Bassi and Esther DeSouza for coordinating this event.

G.  Just a reminder to keep clipping Boxtops over the summer. The current school year competition ends in April.

H.  IPPC is holding a school board candidate board forum on March 14th.

I.  Rick Vidmar will be on medical leave for remainder of school year. Community Cares committee will coordinate with Michele Frost regarding meals and gift cards.

III.  Principal Report

A.  IPEF will be giving the PTA $150 Science Night. They are trying to make sure STEM is getting into school and giving money towards those initiatives. They are also giving every school 5 iPod touches to supplement BYOT.

B.  Instructional tech team is organizing another technology fundraiser. The goal is to get more tablets for signing out for technology in all classrooms. The event will be held on May 3. This will be a drop off event and teachers will have activities for kids. The movie “Rio” will be shown. It will be a suggested donation of $15/child. If anyone is interested in larger donations, the school tax id is available for tax purposes.

C.  Yogurt Beach is a new, family owned store that offered to give us 30% for a technology night. Michele Frost is looking into this opportunity.

D.  Lice cases are down this year.

E.  The school district has settled on price range for school supply kits as it is too difficult to assign specific items for each school, grade, and teacher. Patterson is on the lower end of the price list.

F.  Patterson reached 40% participation on the 5Essentials survey, so results will be available for the school.

G.  Save the date for Volunteer Appreciation Tea: April 25 at 2:30

H.  Michele Frost is working with Janet Juarez to reviewed new books that may replace Summer Bridge books. They are looking at books that are a better reflection of Common Core. They are still looking for more ideas, so please let Michele Frost know of books that might be out there and available.

I.  ISAT makeups are going on this week. Just a reminder that there were changes to the cut scores. Kids will need higher score to meet or exceed. ISAT will be changing during the 2014 – 15 school year to better meet common core standards. The test may be given twice a year (once earlier in the year and then later) to get a better idea of how kids are doing.

J.  The Patterson staff has been working on an act again this year for the Variety Show and are very excited.

K.  Reminder: The day before Spring Break is a full day this year (not a half day as in previous years).

L.  The school year will be extended by one day due to the snow day. The district has not yet released an updated calendar. We are currently planning on leaving Field day the same and move 5th grade celebration to Friday, May 31st.

M.  There will be a PTA sponsored author assembly on April 18. Michelle Schmidt writes primarily K-1 level books. She does her own illustrations and will talk about the process of becoming an author. The books are currently on display in main entrance.

N.  Parent resource library is always growing and there are books lists as well.

O.  Yearbooks will be distributed on the final Thursday or Friday of the school year. It will be up to teachers to decide when kids can have time to sign them

P.  The Pete lunch card has been used twice.

Q.  Michele Frost is looking for some parents to start discussing STEM activities during the summer and plan for upcoming school year. They will also try some different after school programs in April.

R.  55 Kindergarteners registered so far for fall.

IV.  Nominating committee

A.  Colleen Garrison presented the Nominating Committee’s slate for the Patterson Elementary PTA’s 2013-14 Executive Board

i.  President: Michelle Bassi

ii. VP Administration: Becky Swartz

iii.  VP Enrichment: Liz Lawrence

iv.  VP Finance: Danielle Minnerick

v. Secretary: Maura Finnerty

vi.  Treasurer: Jen Beason

B.  The slate will be voted on at next month’s meeting

C.  Nominations for positions can be made from the floor next month and time would be given to both nominees to speak and a hand vote would be required. If no other nominations are made, a voice vote on the slate can be made.

V.  VP Reports

A.  Administration – Karen Amundsen

i.  Thanks to Holly and Kathy for all their help on Room Parties and upcoming planning for Teacher Appreciation week

ii. Thanks to everyone who helped out with sock hop.

iii.  Terri Maas reported for Yearbook. Order forms went out last week and are due on March 22 (the Friday before spring break). 283 books have been sold so far. Pictures are still needed.

iv.  There will be a planning meeting with Michele Frost next week for 5th grade celebration. The celebration will be during the day in gym and MPR.

B.  Finance – Donna Widmann reported for Janet Juarez

i.  We are researching summer bridge books and hope to find something more in line with common core. News will be coming shortly about that :)

ii. Apparel sale has been extended again. Currently the sale will close on Friday, March 22 (day before spring break). Order forms can be found on the Patterson website under PTA > Forms.

iii.  Campbell's/Boxtops

1.  Currently the classroom competition will run through the end of April and the ice cream parties will be awarded to the winning classrooms in May.

2.  We are expecting another check from BoxTops is April. Remember to ask family and friends to collect them for you. Each boxtops coupon is worth 10 cents to our school. Each Campbell's labels provides points to our school which allows us to keep our playground equipment and Art Awareness supplies up to date.

iv.  Becky Swartz reported that the school supply kit lists have been forwarded to 5 vendors to get prices.

v. Send suggestions for restaurant nights to Janet

C.  Enrichment – Michelle Bassi

i.  Donuts with Dad will be held on May 8th and 9th. The hours will coincide with the book fair. They are asking for donations for donuts.

ii. Reading Programs

1.  Six flags tickets will be sent home in report cards

2.  Ozzie reading forms are due soon

iii.  Need microphone for Variety Show; will be renting them; some other suggestions were discussed – maybe buy our own or can borrow something from the high school; 4/3 and 4/10 – rehersals right after school and run until about 5:30; and show is the 12th

iv.  There will be a Feed My Starving Children Community Service Field Trip on April 5. There is space for 40 kids and younger kids are allowed to attend with an adult.

VI.  Treasurer Report

A.  Income: There have been some Yearbook and Apparel deposits

B.  Expenditures: Repro bills for flyers and paper for assignment notebooks. Room parties came in under budget. The Cold Blooded Creatures invoice was paid and we are still waiting for reimbursement from IPEF. Sock Hop expenses were under budget, but there were significant food donations and committee members were exceptionally careful with spending. Reflections was slightly over for trophies due to an increase in the number of participants.

VII.  New Business: Jen Beason moves to approve $27.83 overage for Reflections trophies. Karen Amundsen seconds the motion. Motion passes.

VIII.  Adjourn – 10:47

Members in attendance

Karen Amundsen / Michelle Bassi / Donna Widmann
Alissa Chrisos / Jen Olah / Michele Frost
Rita Malloy / Emily Dobry / Holly Morlock
Becky Swartz / Terri Maas / Colleen Garrison
Jen Beason / Maura Finnerty / Eileen Boffa
Danielle Minnerick