
e: t: 1800 786 651



This is an application for the award of the new TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Trainingand/or
TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Developmentvia national recognition principles, based upon your possession of the superseded TAE50111Diploma of Vocational Education and Trainingor TAE50211Diploma of Training Design and Developmentrespectively, recent occupational experience and (optional) gap training. There are some good reasons to obtain this updated qualification:

  • Quicklygainthemostup-to-dateTAEqualificationtomaintainyourmarketability.
  • Access your digital transcripts from the Commonwealth’s new national training register using the Unique Student Identifier (USI) scheme. (Only available for post-2014 qualifications.) This links all of your training records in one place – regardless where you did the course. More information is available at
  • We will verify your USI, recent experience and current Diploma, and then issue your new Diploma and load your results into the USIdatabase.

Please complete this application and email it to us at post to Plenty Training, PO Box 258, Varsity Lakes, QLD, 4227.

Name / Telephone / Date of birth
Email address / Postal address / Unique Student Identifier (USI) – You must obtain your ten-digit USI from we can issue your Diploma
Scope: I wish to apply for the following qualification/s via national recognition principles:
TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development
Instructions and checklist:
I have attached my TAE50111and/or TAE50211 certificates and transcripts to this application
I have answered the questions below:
If applying for the TAE50116: The TAE50116 introduced a new core unit TAELLN501 Support the development of adult language literacy and numeracy skills. Does your TAE50111 transcript include either of the equivalent units TAELLN501A or TAELLN501B Support the development of adult language literacy and numeracy skills?
N/A (I am not applying for the TAE50116)
No→How do you wish to complete unit TAELLN501? →(Select one option only) Virtual class / live webinar ($295) Class ($345)
RPL ($295)→Check your eligibility overleaf
Recent training design and development experience: List all training design and assessment roles held over the previous 24 months.
Dates / Training design and development role / activity / Organisation
Third party:
My current or former employer, supervisor or other third party can attest to my most recent employment history: / Knowledge currency:
In the last 12 months I have maintained the currency of my training and assessment knowledge via participation in:
Professional development activities Networks
Accredited training
Work vocational activities
Personal development such as reading industry journals or subscriptions
Other – specify:
Phone number:
Email address:
Candidate declaration I declare that this information is true and accurate and a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification.
Signature: / Date:
Cost –Select all that apply:
Plenty Training former students: $395 for one qualification $495 for both qualifications / Total charge:
All other students: $495 for one qualification $595 for both qualifications
Unit TAELLN501 gap training: $345 Class $295 Virtual class / webinar $295 RPL
Payment method –Select your preferred payment method:
Charge my credit card→MasterCard VISA / Credit card number / Expiry date / CSV code
Charge my credit card but please call me for the card number
I have already paid online→Payment details:
Direct bank transfer to Plenty Training (BSB 034-037 Acct No. 302 550)→Transfer description:

Eligibility checklist for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for

TAELLN501 Support the development of adult language literacy and numeracy skills

Complete this section only if applying for the TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education ANDyour TAE50111 transcript does notinclude unit TAELLN501, TAELLN501A or TAELLN501B Support the development of adult language literacy and numeracy skillsAND you wish to apply for RPL for this unit.

Rate how well you can provide evidence of the following / None / Some / A lot
I have determined LLN levels using validated tools, including those based on the ACSF, for at least 5 learners
I have determined the requirements of training based on the ACSF
I have planned training and assessment that incorporates LLN support strategies relevant to at least two different learners, or groups of learners, in response the ACSF assessment and learners’ goals
I have reviewed my own strategy, and strategies of others, used to support LLN
I have lead others to extend practice
Rate how well you know the following / None / Some / A lot
The current function of LLN skills in Australian society, including how LLN skills impact on an individual’s participation in work, education and the community
LLN competence in Australia, according to recent research, such as surveys conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
The ACSF and how it can be used to describe the LLN requirements integral to vocational competence
Using the ACSF to design training and assessment programs appropriate to learner needs
A variety of strategies and resources used to build LLN skills appropriate to vocational work
How context affects language use, including:
  • How the choice of linguistic style is affected by roles and relationships
  • How levels of formality are affected by factors such as age, role and ethnicity
  • How meaning making relies on linking to context
  • How people may be more proficient in some contexts and less in others

The variety of ways texts can be approached, depending on purpose of reader, for example skimming, scanning and critical analysis
Numeracy and language knowledge to the level of the numeracy and language being taught.

Copyright © 2017 Plenty Training, A division of Plenty SystemsPty Ltd,
ABN 16 085 565 840, Registered Training Organisation (RTO) #32371

PT-TAE5-NRP, Rev.2