PT 100 Practical Theology
Fall 2016 Syllabus
Primary Instructor: Dr. Paul Chappell
Teaching Assistant: J. Michael Lester
I.Course Description
This course is taught by Dr. Chappell to equip young men for the work of the ministry. Students will gain practical insight on church planting, servant leadership, staff training, and administration of local church work.
II.Course Objectives
Each course has its own set of outcomes for the students. These Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) help to support the Program Learning Outcomes for the Bible department (PLOs). These PLOs, in turn, support the overall learning outcomes for the institution as a whole (ILOs). In effect, what is learned in this course is directly related to the overall mission of the college!For your reference:
Institutional Learning Objectives (ILOs)
- Demonstrate comprehension in major areas of Bible knowledge and doctrine.
- Apply knowledge in practical and relevant ways to their chosen field.
- Effectively communicate the gospel to unbelievers.
- Regularly practice authentic spiritual disciplines.
- Effectively serve in ministry through the local church.
- Engage in service to the community.
Bible Program Learning Objectives (PLOs)
- Demonstrate an accurate knowledge of the Bible (2 Tim 2:15)
- Utilize significant interpretative data regarding historical, geographical, cultural, theological background, and themes of the Scriptures.
- Articulate the historic Baptist faith and distinctives.
- Communicate God’s truth lovingly and effectively to believers and unbelievers.
*Institutional and Program Objectives are published in the current catalog.
III.Course Requirements
- Project #1 Obtain a copy of Criswell’s Guidebook for Pastors.
Chapter 18 – The Pastor Facing Discouragement and Failure
THREE PRINCIPLES FROM EACH CHAPTER are to be typed, and emailed to on September23 by 10:00 pm.
Chapter 19 – The Pastor in His Personal Life
THREE PRINCIPLES FROM EACH CHAPTER are to be typed, and emailed to on October7 by 10:00 pm.
Chapter 20 – Do’s and Don’ts for the Pastor
THREE PRINCIPLES FROM EACH CHAPTER are to be typed, and emailed to on October 21 by 10:00 pm.
Chapter 21 – The Reward of a WorkWell Done
THREE PRINCIPLES FROM EACH CHAPTER are to be typed, and emailed to on October 28 by 10:00 pm.
Recommendation: Finish all four chapters and turn in ASAP and get it behind you!
- Project #2
- You the student will develop a planner that organizes a local church Sunday school program.
- Consider this scenario:
- You are a church plant that started with Sunday morning services. You then added Sunday night services.
- You are now preparing to add a graded SS class for children and at least two adult classes (possibly more, depending on your vision, philosophy, etc)
- You plan to launch this new program January 8, 2017
- Obviously, you cannot simply show up to church on January 8 and it happens!
- Teachers need to be selected and trained
- Meetings need to take place so that the church knows its coming
- Curriculum needs to be chosen
- Promotions need to be considered
- Room locations must be considered
- Communication tools on how you will present your vision (PPT slides with maps? Brochures to insert into a bulletin? Quick video to show? –
- How will you communicate your vision?
- Your mission?
- Your philosophy?
- The foundation you place for this SS organization will set the direction for the church’s future.
- Your project will utilize tabs for easability. Here are some suggestions, but you are not limited to these:
- What is your church’s mission for SS education?
- Meetings
- Curriculum
- Training
- Calendar
- Promotional material (communication material)
- Your calendar should show the following at a minimum:
- Meeting name
- Meeting location
- Meeting agenda
- Obviously, the more narrative you can provide – the better the planner will be.
- Project Guidelines
- This paper should conform to the template at
- The font is to be no larger than 12 Times (or Times New Romans).
- Include a title page.
- Include a Table of Contents
- Project should be a minimum of 6 pages of content.
- Due date is November 4, 2016 at 10:00 pm
- Project must be submitted by email to
- Project should be submitted as one attachment in PDF or Word format. The title page should be included with your paper and not as a separate attachment.
- No late projects will be accepted.
IV.Course Grading Factors
-Chapter 18 12%
- Chapter 19 12%
- Chapter 20 12%
- Chapter 21 12%
Midterm Exam 15%
Final Exam 15%
V.Spiritual and Academic Integrity
Attendance Policy
*You must use your ID card after chapel and before class for class attendance records.
If in the event that you don’t have your ID card or have lost it please sign in before leaving after that class. In your student portal, you are able to track your attendance. You should be checking this weekly. If you miss more than fifteen (15) percent of this class, you will be automatically dropped from the roster and receive an “F” for the course. The amount missed contains the accumulation of tardies, cuts, and any other absences. Each student should at least check their attendance portal weekly. In the event that there is a discrepancy, a student can challenge something believed to be in error up until a week after an attendance is posted. Once a week has passed, the attendance record will stand.
Academic Honesty
Cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and any act designed to give an unfair advantage to the student (such as, but not limited to, submitting the same assignment for two courses or providing false or misleading information in an effort to receive a postponement or an extension on a test, quiz, exam, or other assignment) is considered cheating and will not be tolerated.
Plagiarism is “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” Common forms of plagiarism are copying words or ideas and not giving the author credit for them by providing proper reference.
Another author’s specific words must be placed within quotation marks with an appropriate reference given. Another author’s ideas must include an appropriate reference.
VI.Contact Info
Office HoursIn office every weekday until 5pm
Additional Resources
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PT 100 Practical TheologyPage 1 of 5Dr. Paul Chappell