Full Marks-75

Groups-A (research Methodology)

1.  Nature and stages of psychological researches, writing a research report.

2.  Research problems, variables, Hypothesis-Sources of hypothesis, criteria of a good hypothesis.

3.  Method in psychological research: Case Studies. Quars-experimental and experimental-Laboratory and Field experiments-Their Advantages and limitations.

4.  Method of data collection: Observation, Interview and Questionnaire their advantages and limitations.

5.  Sampling: Meaning, Random, Purposive and stratified sampling techniques-Their advantages and limitations.

Group-B (Statistics)

1.  Frequency distribution graphic representation- Frequency polygon, histogram and ogive.

2.  Measures of central tendency and variability: Mean, mode median and Q.AD and S.D.

3.  Normal probability distribution and its applications , Skewness and kurtosis.

4.  Reliability of difference between two means-Correlated and uncorrelated means.

5.  Correlation: Product- Movement and rank difference methods.


Full Marks-75


1.  Introduction: Subject Matter and Scope: Relationof Social Psychology with Sociology and Anthropology.

2.  Methods: Observation, Experiment and Survey, Merits and Limitations.

3.  Socialization: Process, Psychoanalytic, cultural and social Learning approaches.

4.  Attitude: Meaning and nature, formation of attitude, changes, measurement of attitude-Likert and Thurstone scale.

5.  Prejudice: Nature, Sociological and Psychological correlates of prejudice, Reduction of Prejudices.

6.  Group: Meaning, Kinds, Structure and functions of group, group formation.

7.  Leadership: Nature, dimension, emergence, types and functions of a leader.

8.  Public opinion and propaganda-Meaning of public opinion, formation, change measurement. Technique of propaganda.

9.  Social Change: Meaning and factors leading to social change-economic development, modernization and social identity.

10. Social Tension: Kinds, Causes, reduction-Nation Integration.


Full Marks-50

Group-A-Intelligence Test marks -20

(1)  Mohsin’s General Intelligence Test,

(2)  Joshi’s Samanya Buddhi parikshan.

(3)  Alexander’s Battery performance Test.

Group-B-Personality inventory marks-20

(1)  E.P.I. Any Hindi Adaptation

(2)  Mohsin’s Shamsad and Khurshid Jahan adjustment Inventoy.

(3)  Anxiety Test – Any Hindi Anxiety inventory.

© Note Book :- marks-10

Students are required to submit the report on the administered tests in class before the examination.


Students are required undergo an education tour alongwith a teacher either in T.D.C. part-II or part-III and submit their reports before university examination.

PSYCHOLOGY (General & Subsidiary)

Full Marks-75


1.  Distinction between normal and abnormal, different views about abnormality.

2.  Topographical aspects of mind nature and proofs of unconscious.

3.  Dynamic aspects of mind-Id. Ego &super Ego.

4.  Psychosexual development.

5.  Psychopathology of everday life and mental mechanism – Repression, sublimation, projection and rationalization.

6.  Dreams: Mechanism and wishfulfilment theory of dreams.

7.  Difference between neuroses and psychoses, diseases-symptoms & etiology of Hysteria, obsessive compulsive neurosis.

8.  Psychoses: Symptoms and etiology of paranoia and manic depressive psychoses.

9.  Mental Retardation: clinical types and causes.

10. Psychotherapy: Meanings and aims of psychology.


Full Marks-25

1.  statistics……. 10 Marks

2.  testing…….. 10 Marks

3.  Note-book & Viva voice … 5 Marks


Preparation of frequency table, Frequency polygon and histogram, Mean, Median AD and S.D.


Students will be required to administer and one test out of any set iin the examination from the fillowing :(1) passalong (2) Block-Design and(3) cube construction.