PSY 370: Environmental Psychology

Practice Test #1

  1. On the Environmental Response Inventory, which two disposition or personality characteristics are most related to one another:
  2. Antiquarianism and Pastoralism
  3. Urbanism and Need for privacy
  4. Stimulus Seeking and Environmental Adaptation
  5. Antiquarianism and Need for Privacy
  1. Sonnenfield’s Environmental Personality Inventory includes:
  2. Person Specialists, Thing Specialists, Generalists
  3. Sensitivity, Mobility, Control, Risk Taking
  4. Person-Thing orientations
  5. Person and environment holism
  1. In Roger Baker’s Behavior Settings theory, the environment includes:
  2. Rules for behavior; phsycal surroundings
  3. Natural surroundings; physical surroundings
  4. The actual setting; the perceived setting
  5. Actions; reactions
  1. Arousal theory states that:
  2. Too much stimulation can change behavior
  3. Too little stimulation can change behavior
  4. Each individual adapts uniquely to environmental stimulation
  5. Too much or too little arousal can change behavior
  1. Ambient stressors are:
  2. Long lasting but out of awareness
  3. Long lasting and in awareness
  4. Short duration and in awareness
  5. Short duration but out of awareness
  1. Which of the following is not a major concern with self report measurements in environmental psychology?
  2. Misrepresentation
  3. Honesty
  4. Memory
  5. Controlability
  1. Environmental perception differs from traditional perception in that environmental perception emphasizes:
  2. Complexity in scenes
  3. Properties of individual stimuli
  4. Motion
  5. Stationary objects

  1. Gibson’s Affordance Theory suggests that certain arrangements of “cues” give/afford the perceiver:
  2. A perfectly valid perception of cues
  3. Direct and immediate perception
  4. Elementary building blocks of perception
  5. Faulty information
  1. Lynch’s concept of ______refers to the ease with which a setting may be recognized and organized.
  2. Paths
  3. Cognitive maps
  4. Legibility
  5. Achievement
  1. Research shows that when people are learning the layout of a building on their own, they tend to:
  2. Move toward a location that allows the best surveillance of the building as a whole
  3. Read signs less
  4. Avoid that building
  5. Life people who live or work in that building less
  1. Research on environmental concern indicates that:
  2. Men are generally more concerned than women
  3. Women are more concerned than men and do more about it
  4. Women are more concerned than men but do less about it
  5. Women are more knowledgeable about environmental issues
  1. Which of the following are NOT one of the three primary emotional responses to the environment originally proposed by Mehrabian and Russell?
  2. Fear
  3. Dominance
  4. Pleasure
  5. Arousal
  1. According to the Environmental Personality Inventory, environmental sensitivity describes a person’s:
  2. Perceptions of amount and complexity of environmental impact on people
  3. Ability to notice environmental problems
  4. Sensitivity to the magnitude of environmental problems
  5. Awareness of the magnitude of environmental control on people
  1. In terms of political orientation, those that are more conservative have been found to show:
  2. More environmental concern
  3. Less environmental concern
  4. More proactive behaviors
  5. More concern and more proactive behaviors
  1. Generally, one sided arguments work to change a person’s environmental attitudes when they:
  2. Already agree with your position
  3. Have a strong position of their own on the issue
  4. Don’t care
  5. Disagree with you


  1. Explain, using examples, the three aspects of the Environmentalism Scale (Banerjee & McKeage) used to measure environmental attitudes.
  1. You have been hired by a company to help solve their problem of employees wasting paper. Using the Operant Behavior theory, explain how you would address this problem (use specific examples).

PSY370: Environmental Psychology

Practice Test Answers

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. C
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. A
  1. Explain, using examples, the three aspects of the Environmentalism Scale (Banerjee & McKeage) used to measure environmental attitudes.

Internal Environmentalism

Personal beliefs about env

Person – env relationships

External Environmentalism

Issues outside self

e.g. consumer goods, legislation, economics

Substantive Environmentalism

Severity of problem

e.g. greenhouse, deforestation, pollution

used to measure attitudes .

  1. You have been hired by a company to help solve their problem of employees wasting paper. Using the Operant Behavior theory, explain how you would address this problem (use specific examples).

Positive Punishment – add something to decrease behavior

Fine those that use too much paper

Negative Punishment – remove something desirable to decrease behavior

Remove copying privileges for excessive use

Positive Reinforcement – give something pleasurable to increase behavior

Give a bonus to that use least paper

Praise - recognition

Negative Reinforcement – take away something negative to increase behavior

Remove sanctions or threats of punishment when they recycle