PSC Questionnaire for CIC on Maritime Labour Convention
Questionnaire for Port State Control Concentrated Inspection Campaign in China on compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006) from 12 Nov 2016 till 11 Dec 2016
Focus areas:
- Is any seafarer below the age of 18 years old, engaged in any work that may jeopardise their health or safety?
- Do all seafarers hold valid medical certificates?
- Have all the seafarers successfully completed training for personal safety on-board ship?
- Do all the seafarers hold copies of their employment agreements that meet the minimum requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention?
- Is there any crew member working on-board who was employed through private seafarer recruitment and placement services whoseoperational practices do not meet the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention?
- Does the Master or crew authorized by the Master, carry out frequent inspections of the seafarers’ accommodation and maintain records of such inspections?
- Does the Master or crew authorized by the Master, carry out frequent inspections of the supplies of and storage and handling of food and drinking water, as well as meals preparation equipment,and maintain records of such inspections?
- Is a Ship’s Safety Committee set up on-board a ship on which there are five or more seafarers? Is there any documentary evidence of regular inspections, reports and correction of unsafe conditions on-board and the investigation and reporting of on-board occupational accidents?
- For ships which are not required to carry a medical doctor on-board, is there at least one seafarer on-board who has valid training certification according to the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (“STCW”) to provide medical care or medical first aid?
- Are all seafarers provided with a copy of the on-board complaint procedures applicable on the ship?
- Are all seafarers given a monthly account of the wages paid and payments due?
Issued in Chinese by China PSC on 3 November 2016
The above is a translation provided by INTERTANKO of the statement issued by China Port State Control, the Chinese version is available at: