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Some days I find myself standing on a ledge looking down on the raging sea of,disappointment, anger, and despair. I feel like jumping in to this raging storm that a broken and lost world has created, to strike out and swim in the mass of struggling and sinking humanity! When I find myself in times like this I can see that I am not alone, I look to my side and see other Christians who must feel the same pain, and anger I feel, they are my ChristianBrothersandSisters. As Believers, we must hold on to The Good Newsof,The Gospel of Jesus Christ, thentightly hold on to each other so that we are not tempted to jump or fall where The Creator of All Lies,Satanwould want us to waste our time, and efforts in this troubled word. Do not look down, look for help from your ChristianBrothers and Sistersin JesusChrist, take the time to reach out to the person who is on the same ledge as you. Reach out and take hold of them, remindeach otherabout,TheLoveOur LordandSavior Jesus Christ has for AllHisFlock. True Faith in The Gospel of Jesus Christ andyour Love forJesus Christ will be The Island ofRecue for you, andAllTrue Believers. This Island of Rescue will provide the solid Spiritual Foundation for you and other Believersto find shelter from the stormy seas that surround you in this Lost and Troubledworld. Don’t be distracted by the turmoil of aCondemned World that is falling headlong into, The EndTime of, ---Father God’s,FinalJudgement!
Psalm 62:6–8 (NLT) Our island of Salvation
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken.
My victory and honor come from God alone.
He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.
O my people, trust in him at all times.
Pour out your heart to him,
for God is our refuge.
Life is a path we walk on as it moves forward to the point of its creation, we can look back and see the past, but we cannot look ahead to the next day. All of us are moved ahead in time by The Flowing Waters of Time, controlled byThe Creator of Time and Life, --- God The Father. Even If you do not believe in God The Father you must move along as part of The Flowing Waters of Time. The frail pointless act of non-belief will not change the flow of time, or The FinalDestination for you and all mankind. Our Lost World is filled with so much hate, pain, and greed that the good things in this life are lost in the roar of voices of the lost and hurting. The Thunderous and Frightful sounds of war and conflict can cause us to react sometimes with a Non-Christianresponse. When The Profound Darkness of the world drags you down, Pray and look up, reach up with your hands to graspTheLoving handsof Your Risen Savior,Jesus Christ! HisLove,andHispromiseofSalvationcan,always be found in, The Power of Prayer. OurPeace and Salvation areGuaranteed by TheTruth found in The Holy Word of God,The Bible. This wonderful gift ofPeace and Comfort from TheHoly Spirit is ThePowerthat will provide the help and strength you will need to find Grace, Love, Peace,andUnderstanding in a world of war, turmoil, and pain.
John 14: 15-19 (NLT) Jesus, The Way of The Father
“If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.”
Romans 15: 13(NLT) Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The previousBible Quotes from Jesus Christ, and theApostlePaul teachAll True Believers about The Holy Spirit, and how we can be filled with The Holy SpiritandHisPower. Prayand ask for The Power of The Holy Spirit, it is not your power or wisdom, --- It IsThePower of The Holy Spirit, that will bring you Joy and Peace! The Holy Spirit can use you as aPowerful Witness to The Lost World, you canbring to them,The Redemptive MessageofThe Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can tell everyone about the free gifts ofGrace,Salvation,and TheForgiveness of Sin. Father God’s gifts that will bring Genuine Joy andPeace to, The Broken andSuffering of the world. Jesus ChristIsThe Truth, and TheLightof The World, who will bringEternal Life to all that will hear, ---Hiscall of Salvation. TrustinThe Power of The Gospel of JesusChristandLive!
Christopher blog post 07/12/2016