RPEMS Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 11, 2014
PRPEMS Principal’s Conference Room
Elisha talked about the Back-School-Night presentations. The Wellness Flyer was handed out at all nights (to include this evening as well)
Marathon Kids (Nancy Lewin)
Towson Sports Medicine reached out to Marathon Kids to team up with public school in Baltimore and Roland Park was chosen. They are an umbrella organization that includes Towson Orthopedic and they are specifically looking to do outreach. Dr. Terry McCambridge is the pediatric orthopedic doctor and John Bielawski does outreach for the practice through the University of Maryland, Department of Sports Medicine. They would like to be a resource for the school, at no cost to us, and perhaps do workshops for teachers, students, parents. Nancy and Mr. Schwegler are meeting with them next Thursday. Nancy will see if they can do anything for middle school since Marathon Kids is only for elementary students. Chad Mann, the regional director of Marathon Kids for Baltimore, will also be in town for the meeting next week. Amy asked if the practice might have used sports equipment that could be donated to the middle school and Nancy will check with them. She’ll report back to Wellness about the relationship but at this point it is informal with no contract. The kick-off for Marathon Kids is 9/20 at Poly.
Staff Wellness (Jane Marinelli)
Jane Marinelli talked about having to beef up that component of our wellness initiative and both Jane and Clare Grizzard are stepping out of leadership roles and we need to recruit so they can pass the mantle.
Wellness Handbook/Procedure Update (Emily Aubrey)
Emily Aubrey is working on the handbook with information received from Elisha and Maiju. She’s creating a “recipe” for how to do certain events so call her when you need help with an event that has been staged previously. Nancy Lewin has information on the 5th grade run and she’ll forward that to Emily. Emily will continue to establish a framework for the different events with contact names, and other pertinent information
Fire Up Your Feet (Amy)
Amy talked about this program and gave out flyers and example of tracking online. Families, individuals, and groups can walk and track their activity online and the more people that walk/exercise and track online, the greater the chance that our school will win some money. The month of October is Fire up your Feet month and if we can identify coordinators for different neighborhoods and they commit to track 5 students we’ll be great! Every Wednesday in October will have a theme: Crazy Feet, Green Shirt Day, Crazy Hat Day, Mustache Day, and Crazy Hair Day. 10/8/2014 is also International Walk to School Day, so for that day Amy would like to get fruit donations, but too much to do that for every Wednesday. And Amy reiterated that any activity can be logged for Fire up your Feet, not just walking. Last year there were 24 participants and Amy would like to double, triple, or quadruple that number for this year.
Amy also provided 2 updates for spring – there’s a $1000 RFP for bike to school week and there’s also a fundraising component to fix up bikes.
Salad Bar (Michele Ferris)
Ms. Ferris let us know that the salad bar is not up and running yet. Melina and Nancy Kass will look into the issues with it and report back for next meeting.
Budget (Elisha)
There’s a skeleton budget right now, mostly just money from Amy’s efforts with Fire up your Feet and Safe Routes to School. We also got, unbeknownst to us, a small grant from BMore Fit Baltimore and will have to see how to use that (they did the BMore Fit cards from last year). Money from Running Festival is going to technology this year.
We will need more budget discussion at the October 2nd Wellness Committee meeting.
Running Festival Challenge 2014 Update, October 18 (Elisha)
Elisha let us know that there are about 306 people registered on Eventbrite but they also have to sign up on the festival site – about 25 people have not done that yet but are getting reminders. Some teams are setting up fundraising sites on Razoo and Elisha will send out emails highlighting different teams to encourage donations.
Wellness Resources website tab (Elisha)
We will have to cover that next meeting but Elisha does know how to upload links and pdf documents on the website.
Emily Aubrey’s son is interested in earning service learning hours by working on our website. Elisha will continue to upload content and work with him to improve it.
Wellness Fitness & Sports (Mr. Wais)
Mr. Wais is organizing sports teams for baseball and football. He and the other PE Ms. Ketterer are teaching 1st period PE to elementary students every other week this year and that will add minutes to their fitness and keep us at bronze level (and maybe higher?).
Review Subcommittee Work to make sure we have someone leading each one.
Next meeting: 8:15 October 2, principal’s conference room.