Provisional programme

Sunday, 23 September

Day: 2:30 - 6:30pm. Excursion to Aynhoe Park. Departure from Gloucester Green Bus Station, at Worcester College, Oxford.

Evening: 7:00 - 8:00pm, reception in Worcester College and registration.

Monday, 24 September 2007

9:00 Registration

Chair: Donna Kurtz (Beazley Archive, Oxford)

Opening lecture,

9:30 R.R.R. Smith (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), Classical Sculpture and the Cast of the Aphrodisias Fisherman.

Casts and antiquity

9:50 Rune Frederiksen (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), Plaster Casts in Antiquity.

10:10 Christa Landwehr (Freiburg), The Baiae Casts and the Uniqueness of Roman Copies.

10:30 Discussion

10:50 Break

Chair: Eckart Marchand (University of Reading)

The European nobility and plaster casts in the 16th- to 18th centuries

11:10 Walter Cupperi (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), Multiple Castings and the first princely collections of casts from the antique.

11:30 Martin Biddle (University of Oxford), "...makinge of moldes for the walles..." the stuccoes of Nonsuch: materials, methods, and origins.

11:50 John Kenworthy-Browne (London), The Duke of Richmond's Gallery at Whitehall.

12:10 Christoph Frank (Università della Svizzera italiana, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio), Under Winckelmann's Spell: Presence and Purpose of Italian Plaster Casts in 18th-Century German and Russian Collections.

12:30 Discussion

12:50 Break

Chair: Valentin Kockel (Universität Augsburg)

Production and distribution of casts

14:00 Jan Zahle (Copenhagen), Laocoon in Scandinavia-uses and workshops 1587 onwards.

14:20 Charlotte Schreiter (Humboldt-Universtät zu Berlin), Moulded on the Best Originals of Rome - 18th Century Production of Plaster Casts of Antique Sculptures and their Trading in Germany.

14:40 Michael Neilson (British Museum), A Lasting Connection: A history of mould making and casting within the British Museum.

15:10 Discussion

15:30 Break

Chair: Malcolm Baker (University of Southern California)

Academies and plaster casts

16:00 Tomas Macsotay (University of Amsterdam), Plaster Casts and Memory Technique: The Display of Cast Collections after the Antique in the French Academies of Paris and Rome (1658-1793).

16:20 Claudia Sedlarz (Akademie der Natur- and Geisteswissenschaften, Berlin-Brandenburg), The Collection of Plaster Casts of the Berlin Academy of Arts 1786-1820.

16:40 Elizabeth Fuentes Rojas (Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico), Art and Didactics in the Plaster Cast Collection of the Mexican Academy of San Carlos.

17:00 Discussion

Tuesday, 25 September

Chair: Greg Sullivan (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)

Artists and plaster casts I

9:30 Leon Lock (University College London and the Low Countries Sculpture Society), Picturing the use, collecting and display of plaster casts in 17th and 18th -century artists- studios in Antwerp and Brussels.

9:50 Martha Gyllenhaal (Temple University and Bryn Athyn College), Rembrandt's artful use of plaster casts: New Insights into seventeenth-century studio practices and working methods.

10:10 Johannes Myssok (Universität Münster, Germany), Modern Sculpture in the making - Antonio Canova and plaster casts.

10:30 Jean-François Corpataux (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland), Life Casts as "maternal devotedness" in the studio of Marcello.

10:50 Discussion

11:10 Break

Chair: Jonathan Wood (Henry Moore Institute, Leeds)

Artists and plaster casts II

11:40 Sharon Hecker (Milan), Shattering the Mold: Medardo Rosso and the poetics of plaster.

12:00 Maria Elena Versari (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), "Impressionism solidified" Umberto Boccioni's plaster casts and the definition of modernity in sculpture.

12:20 Sue Malvern (University of Reading), Outside in: The after -life of the plaster cast in contemporary culture.

12:40 Jane McAdam Freud (Artist/Sculptor, London), Inside out as process for production - making positive and negatives casts for coins, medals and reliefs.

13:00 Discussion

13:20 Break

Chair: Daniel Bone (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)

Techniques of conservation

14:30 Angeles Solis, Judit Gasca and Silvia Viana (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid), The restoration of two plaster casts acquired by Velazquez in the XVII century: Hercules and Flora Farnese.

14:50 Maria Kliafa and Michael Doulgeridis (The National Gallery of Greece), The contribution of plaster sculptures and casts to successful conservation interventions.

15:10 Sam Sportun (Liverpool Conservation Technologies), The benefits of laser cleaning plaster at 1064nm/532nm.

15:30 Discussion

15:50 Break

Chair: Christoph Frank (Università della Svizzera italiana, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio)

Models of architecture and collections of casts after gems

16:20 Valentin Kockel (Universität Augsburg), Plaster models and plaster casts of classical architecture and its decoration.

16:40 Daniel Graepler (Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen), The Dactyliotheca of James Tassie and other Collections of Gem Impressions at Göttingen University.

17:00 Gertrud Seidmann (Wolfson College, Oxford) and Claudia Wagner (Beazley Archive, Oxford), A Munificent gift: cast collections of gem impressions from the Sir Henry Wellcome Trust.

17:20 Discussion

17:40 Close

19.00 Dinner in Worcester College for speakers and delegates.

Wednesday, 26 September

Chair: Jan Zahle (Copenhagen)

Casting Nations I

9:30 Diane Bilbey and Marjorie Trusted (Victoria and Albert Museum, London), "The Question of Casts": Collecting and later reassessment of the cast collections at South Kensington.

9:50 Malcolm Baker (University of Southern California), The Reproductive Continuum: Plaster Casts, Photographs and Modes of Reproduction in the Nineteenth-Century Museum.

10:10 Dana Stehlikova (The National Museum, Prague), More Valuable than Originals: The plaster cast collection in the National Museum, Prague.

10:30 Discussion

10:50 Break

Chair: Marjorie Trusted (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)

Casting Nations II

11.10 Tobias Burg (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden), "Building in Moscow a small Albertinum" The correspondence between Georg Treu and Ivan Cvetaev.

11:40 Stephen L. Dyson (University at Buffalo), Ancient Plasters to American Shores: Cast Collecting and the Origins of American Classical Archaeology.

12:00 Ian Cooke (London), Colonial Contexts: The Changing Meanings of the cast collection of the Auckland War Memorial Museum.

12:20 Alessandra Menegazzi (Università degli Studi di Padova), The museum as a manifesto of taste and ideology: the 20th century plaster cast collection of archaeology and art at the University of Padua.

12:40 Discussion

13:00 Break

Chair: Rune Frederiksen (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)

Display and future use of plaster casts

14:30 Stephan Schmid (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III), On the Constitution and Display of the Plaster Cast Collection of Montpellier University.

14:50 Bernard van den Driessche (University Museum Louvain-la-Neuve; Association Internationale pour la Conservation et la Promotion des Moulages), The Garden of Plaster Casts: a different view on Cast collections.

15.10 Helen Dorey (Sir John Soane's Museum, London), From the Apollo Belvedere and the Pantheon to early 19th century sculpture: Sir John Soane's casts as part of his Academy of Architecture' at 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields (Sir John Soane's Museum).

15.30 James Perkins (Aynhoe Park), Casts in Contemporary Countryhouses.

15:40 Donna C. Kurtz (Beazley Archive, Oxford), Plastercasts on the Internet.

15.45 Discussion

16:30 End of conference

Thursday, 27 September

Optional visits to London plaster cast venues, including the Sir John Soane's Museum and the Royal Academy of Arts.