Provider Registration Guide

Check Levels 1 and 2 - Safeguarding Adults with care and support needs, Children and Young People

Safeguarding is the term used to describe all work to protect the right of adults with care and support needs, and children, to live in safety, free from abuse or neglect. Abuse can be something that is done to a person or a failure to do something. It is a violation of an individual’s rights and can happen anywhere, and can occur once or repeatedly. Abuse includes physical, domestic violence, sexual, psychological, emotional, financial or material, modern slavery, discriminatory,organisational, neglect or acts of admission and self-neglect.

Providers registering on the website to deliver services under Levels 1 and 2 are required to have a Safeguarding Policy,or policies, relevant to both adults with care and support needs and children and young people and must comply with/ reflect the requirements of:

1)The "Adult Safeguarding: multi-agency policy & procedures for the protection of adults with care and support needs in the West Midlands". This may be accessed at:

Further information is available via:

(Please note, as a result of the implementation of parts of The Care Act 2014, some variation in terminology will be found as information is updated / implemented.)

2)The "Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Boards (WSCB) Inter-Agency Child Protection Procedures for Safeguarding Children and Worcestershire Council for Voluntary Youth Services Guidance" which can be accessed via:

As part of the registration process you are required to upload your policy or policies and/or procedures. These will be checked prior to confirmation of your registration. If you are signed up to multi-agency partnership arrangements for Safeguarding, you are expected to submit the internal policies and/or procedures that provide the details of how your organisation, and not the partnership, will recognise and respond to Safeguarding concerns.

The checklistbelow will enable you to self-assess your policy and/or procedures. All of the areas in the checklist are essential and must be evidenced for both children's and adults safeguarding. The Council's expectation is that the provider will require both adults and children safeguarding policies and procedures, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please print and complete it, stating where in the document(s) each area is covered. The completed checklistshould then be uploaded so that it can be used in the checking process.

Note: if a particular area included in the checklist is not covered in your main Safeguarding policy and/or procedure, but is covered in another policy and/or procedure, please also upload that policy and/or procedure and notethis in the table.

What will happen next?

If, as part of the checking process, it is agreed that your policy is appropriate for the service(s) you provide and also complies with the above requirements, your application for registration will be progressed through the registration process. If not, we will contact you, using the contact information you have entered for your business, and let you know which areas you need to amend in order to reach the required standard and to progress your registration.

Children and Young People and Adult SafeguardingArea / Which policy / procedure? / Which page(s)?
1 / Contains a statement of the organisation's basic philosophy and principles relating to children and young people and adult safeguarding ensuring a commitment to participating in a multi-agency approach to all safeguarding arrangements / Safeguarding Policy / Page 1 Introduction
2 / Identifies the role which carries lead responsibility for safeguarding arrangements / Safeguarding Policy / Section 5 Page 5 Responsibilities
3 / Defines the meaning/coverage of adults with care and support needs and children and young people / Safeguarding Policy / Section 4 Page 3 and 4 Definitions
4 / Identifies the following types of abuse for adults -1) physical, 2)domestic violence, 3) sexual, 4) psychological, 5) financial or material, 6) modern slavery, 7) discriminatory, 8) organisational, 9) neglect and acts of omission and self-neglect: and promotes an understanding of abuse and exploitation
Identifies the following types of abuse for children and young people -1) physical, 2) sexual (including child sexual exploitation), 3)emotional, 4) neglect / Safeguarding Policy / Section 4 Page 3 and 4 Definitions
5 / Describes what staff and volunteers must do if they see/suspect abuse, including "whistle blowing" arrangements for circumstances where normal reporting lines cannot be followed / Safeguarding Policy / Page 6 Implementation Stages, Page 9 Reporting and Page 10 Allegation Management
6 / Sets out how the organisation will inform service users (or their representatives, parents, carers) of safeguarding awareness and what they should do if concerned about possible abuse or neglect by a staff member, volunteer or any other person. / Safeguarding Policy / Page 9 Reporting
7 / Identifies how concerns reported by staff, volunteers , services users (or others acting on their behalf) will be dealt with within the organisation / Safeguarding Policy / Professional Boundaries Page 8
8 / Identifies how and when concerns should be reported/ referred to appropriate statutory bodies / Safeguarding Policy / Page 9 Reporting
9 / Sets out the organisation’s response to the PREVENT agenda where applicable. (PREVENT is part of the Government counter-terrorism strategy) / Safeguarding Policy / Page 7 Communications, training, support and staff
10 / Covers arrangements for ensuring safe recruitment of staff and volunteers (to include staff employed on a temporary basis or via an agency) / Safeguarding Policy / Page 6 Implementation Stages
11 / States the mandatory induction training arrangements for staff and volunteers ensuring they are made aware of and understand their professional boundaries and that their practice reflects this / Safeguarding Policy / Pages 6,7 and 8.
12 / Describes the preventative measures taken in relation to safeguarding / Safeguarding Policy / Pages 6,7 and 8.
13 / Identifies arrangements for reviewing policies and procedures regularly to ensure they are relevant and in line with current legislation. / Safeguarding Policy / Page 11 Reviewing the policy.
14 / Describes arrangements for dissemination of policies and policy reviews to staff and assurance processes that assure they are being adhered to. / Safeguarding Policy / Communications training and support staff page 7
Monitoring Page 10
Additionally for services delivering to service users aged 16+
15 / Identifies that safeguarding decisions should take account of the ability to give informed consent and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. / Safeguarding Policy / Page 9 Reporting

Safeguarding levels 1&2 published 2015-04