Provide definitions or explain the meaning of the following terms:
2.0The Static Electric Field
-Coulomb’s law
-Definition of Electric field intensity, E
-Electric field Intensity, E, due to
- Line charge
- Surface charge
- Volume charge
-Electric flux Density, D
-Gauss’s law
-Gauss’s law in point form
-E-field solved by Gauss’s law
- point charge
- infinite line charge
- surface charge
- uniformly charged sphere
-Electric potential, V
- Definition
- Potential gradient
-V-field calculated from charge distribution
-Electric dipole
-Electric flux line
-Energy density of an electric field
3.0 Electric Fields in Material Space
-Conductor and insulator, σ
-Current and current density
- conduction current
- convection current
-Ohm’s law
-Joule’s law
-Power density
-Procedure of finding resistance R
-Polarization in Dielectric
- Bound surfaced charge density, ps
- Bound volume charge density, pv
- D in dielectrics
- Polarization, P
- Electric susceptibility, χe
- Electric permittivity, ε
- Relative electric permittivity, εr
- Dielectric strength
-Continuity equation
-Relaxation time
-Boundary conditions
- Normal components
- Tangential components
- Conductor-dielectric boundary
4.0Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems
-Poisson’s Eq.
-Laplace’s Eq.
-Boundary-value problems
- Differential eq.;
- Field region;
- Boundary conditions
-Procedure of solving a boundary problem
- Solve differential eq.
- Apply boundary conditions to find constants
- Find E from
- Find D from
- If required find (ρs-free surface charge density)
- Find Q by
(also the procedure of determining C by assuming V and find Q)
-The Capacitance
(assuming Q and find V)
- Choose a suitable coordinates
- Let conducting plates carry +Q and –Q
- Determine E using Coulomb’s or Gauss’s law
- Find V form
- Obtain C from C=Q/V
-Method of Image
Replacing the charge configuration by itself, its image and an equipotential surface in the place of the conducting plane
-5.0 The Magnetic Field
-Definition of H-field :
-Biot-Savart’s law ,
-H-field from a finite line current
-H-field from an infinitive line current
-H-field from a circular current loop
-Ampere’s circuital law
- Infinitive line current…
- Infinitive sheet of current
- Coaxial cable,
-Two Examples
- Solenoid
- Toroid
-Magnetic flux density
-Magnetic flux
-Non-existence of magnetic monopole, or
-Maxwell’s Eqs. (point and integral forms)
-Magnetic vector potential A
6.0 Magnetic Forces, material and devices
-Magnetic flux density B in term of I∙dl
-Lorentz force Eq.
-Force on a current loop
-Magnetic dipole moment
-Magnetic torque
- General definition
- In term of magnetic dipole moment
-Magnetization in Materials
- Atomic model of magnetic dipoles
-A-field due to a magnetic dipole
-Magnetization vector M
- The bound volume current density Jb
- The bound surface current density Kb
- Magnetic susceptibility χm
-Magnetic boundary conditions
- Normal components
- Tangential components
- A magnetic flux linkage
- Definition of inductance
- Magnetic energy stored in an inductor
-Procedure of calculating self-inductance L
-Internal inductance
-External inductance
-Magnetic energy in a Magnetic field
7.0 Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations
-Faraday’s law;
-Electromotive force Vemf
- Transformer emf
- Motional emf
-Lenz’s law
-Faraday’s law-point form
-Displacement current
-Maxwell’s Eqs - point form
-Maxwell’s Eqs - integral form
-Derivation of Wave Eqs. from Maxwell’s Eqs.
-Solutions ofWave Eqs. In free space;
- Phase
- Angular frequency
- Wavelength
- Period
- Wave velocity
- Forward and backward propagating wave
- spectrum