____Enter the prospect’s contact information into
Contact Management System.____ N/A 

Get e-mail address(Admin)

____Document referral information – call referee

if necessary to qualify referral.____ N/A 


Setting Opener Appt:

____Schedule a call on Advisor’s calendar immediately.____ N/A 


____Schedule 3 days out for the Scheduling Manager to

follow-up with the Advisor on progress made on call.____ N/A 


____If a referral: Send “Thank You: to

client who provided the referral upon contacting prospect.____ N/A 

(PRL I)(Planner)

____Scheduling Manager to follow-up with Advisor on progress

made toward scheduling first appt.____ N/A 


Opener Appt.Set:

____Send prospect packet with letter and e-mail

link to website for directions.____ N/A 

(PRL II A, call in)(Admin)

(PRL II B, a referral)

____Set reminder to send postcard to confirm and looking

forward to meeting, 4 days before appt.____ N/A 


____Call day before appt. to confirm time and directions.____ N/A 


Opener Not Set:

____Determine if prospect is converted to DRIP____ N/A 


____Enter into DRIP system____ N/A 


____If not a DRIP, refer to another advisor, or make inactive

inactive in Contact Management System.____ N/A 


Opener/Factfinder appt.:

____Admin to prepare file with ADV Part II and fee schedule

and any information already gathered.____ N/A 


____Planner meets with client to agree on process and fee

structure, if client is not sure, planner schedules a follow-up

phone call in 1 week.____ N/A 


____Reminder is set to call prospect in 1 week.____ N/A 


____If client wants to proceed and has not brought in

worksheet, planner sets next appt. and reviews

information requires.____ N/A 


____If client has brought in worksheet, planner review

information and asks other pertinent questions, family

issues, etc.____N/A 


____Planner sets next appt. and sends home list of additional

information needed (if any).____ N/A 


____If unable to schedule next appt., follow-up is set to

call next day to schedule next appt.____ N/A 


____Set reminder to follow-up on additional information

(if any) needed to complete plan…note what is needed

in Contact Management System notes.____ N/A 


____Initiate “Thank You/Meeting Summary letter”.____ N/A 

(PRL III)(Admin)

Proposal Process:

____Enter information from confidential worksheet into

financial planning software.____ N/A 


____Check all inputted information for errors and tweak

as necessary.____ N/A 


____Write list of all new accounts that will be established

and transfer forms needed and quotes needed.____ N/A 


____Request quotes for all term life, LTD, or LTC

being presented.____ N/A 


____Run illustration for any permanent life insurance

being presented.____ N/A 


____Print financial plan and bind.____ N/A 


____Prepare and fill out all applications necessary to

implement recommendations.____  N/A 


Implementation Appt.:

____Call the day before appt. to confirm appt.

(if necessary, reschedule appt.)____ N/A 


____Present plan, all recommendations and get

all necessary paperwork filled out and signed.____ N/A 


____If there are more recommendations to discuss,

schedule another appt. or discuss finishing

through the mail.____ N/A 


____Initiate meeting summary letter and mail to client.____ N/A 

(PRL IV)(Admin)

____If completing in mail, send all necessary forms

to be filled out, sign, with return postage paid envelope

with meeting summary letter.____ N/A 


____Initiate “Thank you/became client” letter to referee____ N/A 

(PRL V)(Admin)

____If necessary, call in one week to see if mailed

applications were received, completed and returned.____ N/A 


____If another appt. had been scheduled, call the day before

Appt. to confirm appt. (if necessary, reschedule appt.)____ N/A 


____Complete additional applications to complete

implementation.____ N/A 


Proceed to New Business Processing

Proceed to Service Model