Minutes, Planning and Zoning Commission

Proposed Zoning Map Hearing, July 17, 2008

After the 6:30 to 7:00 PM open house for citizens to review and ask questions regarding the proposed zoning maps, Vice-chairperson Kathy Palmer called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:05 PM. The quorum included Coms. Palmer, Dale Prince, Louise Martin, Ellen Swetman, Roy Garza, Allen Moredock, and Larry Strzelczyk.

Com. Palmer gave a brief description of the four zoning plans, presented as four maps, i.e., four zoning options with the differences of each map pointed out. Copies of the maps will be posted outside until August 17th. The larger maps currently posted inside City Hall will be taken down for a week or so because of other things going at City Hall, but will be back up for the e August 7 public hearing.

Map/option one: A commercial district is along 1346 coming down to 1518 and ending at the St. Hedwig Feed Store. There is light industrial/commercial along 1604 and 87. There is a proposed downtown historic district between Pittman Road basically and the American Legion. The commercial district in red is 200 feet from the centerline of FM 1346.

Map/option two: Option two are the same things as on option one as well as the three existing commercial businesses that we have in the city limits of St. Hedwig, Concepts in Cabinetry, Marty Wernle’s Training Stables, and Aurora’s Café.

Map/option three: There are the same commercial districts described in option two, less the three commercial structures just referenced. The light blue is a 2-½ acre proposed area that is a thousand feet from the back of the commercial area, 1200 feet from the centerline of 1346 and 1518. What that means is if anybody wants to divide their land, the minimum they could have in that particular area would be 2 ½ acres. The blue area encompasses the school property as well as flanking the proposed commercial district. One of the reasons this area is proposed is that it is scaled down from the proposed 2 and ½ acres that we had at last year’s hearing. It is basically cut in off. This proposed 2 and ½ acre area is approximately five per cent of the total acreage of the City. One of the reasons this section is proposed in this area is because it flanks the state highways, 1346 and 1518, which means that any repairs or maintenance done on these highways are done by the state and not coming out of the City taxes. We wanted to drive any traffic from that type of a real estate area to roads that would not be in the infrastructure in the back areas of the City and have to be maintained by the City and by our taxes. The other reason we put it there is because it made sense to have a higher density residential development closer to the proposed commercial district, again, for the same reasons of the infrastructure, but also because the reason we’re proposing a commercial district, and we want it, if it is accepted that people begin to build commercial structures in that area. We want them to succeed because what that does is helps the tax base to prevent us all from being taxed out of our land in the future, the way the appraisals and the tax values are going. The only way we’re going to be able to keep our taxes down is by incorporating commercial taxes. This is future. Even though it would go into effect the day the map is adopted, whatever map is chosen, we don’t have any developers, we don’t have any sub-dividers out here waiting to come in. This a five, ten, fifteen year map that we’re looking at to keep the LaVernias and the Converses and the Schertzes type of developments from happening here in St. Hedwig.

Map/option four: The only difference (between three and four) is the three commercial businesses, Concepts in Cabinetry, Marty Wernle’s Training Stables, and Aurora’s Café.

There were no questions on the maps.

Visitors present: Mayor Dylla and Councilwoman Baker

Com. Palmer explained that each citizen wishing to speak would have a timer set for five minutes and that the speaker would be alerted at the four minute mark so that any statement could be finished. She asked that should there be statements agreed or disagreed with, that out of respect of others, comments are held until time to speak. Com. Palmer clarified that due to limits placed on the Commission by the State of Texas in the open meetings act, questions to the Commission could not be answered except for questions for factual information related to the clarification of city policies or the maps. Specific property questions could not be answered because those items would not be on the agenda. She informed those present that comments from any citizen speaking at this hearing or at the August 7th hearing would be part of the public record. Citizens may submit written comments (mail, drop off, or bring August 7th); make verbal comments, or both. Written comments will be accepted until August 18, 2008. Comments will be taken into account when the Commission formulates a recommendation to present to City Council.

Citizens to Be Heard: Roy A. Zaiontz, Glenn Robertson, Cynthia Burgin, and Wes Clark

Roy A. Zaiontz: Mr. Zaiontz presented and read a letter to the Commission in which he asked “…that only those proposals designating the property of Concepts in Cabinetry, Aurora’s Café, & Marty Wernle Stables for spot zoning as “commercial” with no limitations be proposed and adopted….” The undated letter signed by Roy A. Zaiontz, President, Concepts in Cabinetry, is attached to these notes.

Glenn Robertson: Mr. Robertson passed out some pictures of 1346 and his driveway off 1346 that showed “what planning could do if it is not watched closely”. The pictures showed high water flowing on 1346 and into his yard. He stated he is for existing two and half acres. He is concerned that so many new septic tanks from new development might create a problem with contamination of water supplies through water infiltration and that five acre minimum lots should be considered.

Cynthia Burgin: Mrs. Burgin wished to pass on speaking because her issue did not concern the zoning maps. However, Com. Palmer reminded Mrs. Burgin that the meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and Mrs. Burgin did address the Commission. Her concern regarded the five-acre minimum. The residents of the property next to her had two manufactured homes recently installed on a five-acre lot. Both homes are close to the Burgin property line (14750 Miller Road). She checked with the County and three septic tank permits were obtained (for the manufactured homes and another home on an adjacent five acres not yet on the property). Com. Palmer explained that she could address the issue since it is a factual statement regarding policies of the City. Mr. Schaefer sold a 10-acre tract to a Mr. Anderson, who subdivided the tract into two five-acre lots. Mr. Anderson is keeping the back five acres. The appropriate documentation and survey information was provided to the City. The Zoning Ordinance adopted in 2003 has an allowance for a primary structure and a secondary no greater than 1000 square feet. The primary structure on the property in question is about 1400 square feet; the secondary structure is 1000 square feet. Mrs. Burgin stated she could see that a survey post cut through the front porch. Com. Palmer explained that the survey post was for the 100’ easement for access to the back five acres. The easement is a joint deed from the front five acres and the back five acres. The back property has a residence; a secondary 1000 square foot residence could be added.

Wes Clark: Mr. Clark has lived on 1604 for a couple of years. He questioned if the City had a map of current, existing zones. He was shown the present map that indicates the current agriculture and residential zones. He wondered if the new changes would affect his taxes. He was told that taxes are based on land use, and as long he abides by Bexar County and St. Hedwig requirements and restrictions, he should not have an issue.

There were no other comments. The next step in the zoning map approval process will be the public hearing on for August 7, to follow the City Council meeting that date. Comments will be accepted at that meeting. There will not be an open house prior to the meeting. At the August Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission will discuss the recommendation to be sent to City Council for the Council’s September meeting. At that meeting Council will be discussing and taking action on adoption of the new zoning map.

Once a map is adopted, the Planning and Zoning Commission will be addressing the Subdivision Ordinance, bring the Zoning Ordinance up to match the adopted map, if there are any changes, and working on some more specific items that are not incorporated into the current Zoning Ordinance, such as junk yards and things along that line. Citizens are encouraged to attend meetings to give input to the Commission.

The next Planning and Zoning meeting will be August 21, 2008 at 7 PM. Agenda items will include TTC update, phone calls, and any map changes. New business will include the recommendation to Council on the zoning map and election of officers. Com. Palmer stated that Dale Thomas would be stepping down as Chairman effective August 31, 2008. Com. Palmer introduced Commissioners present (all present except Chairman Thomas).

Announcements: St. Hedwig VFD picnic August 17, 2008.

Adjournment was at 7:29 pm on a motion from Com. Strzelczyk with a second from Com. Swetman.

Respectfully submitted,

Louise Martin

Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission