Proposals from the Executive Committee to the Board of Directors.
Team Eligibility Rules –
Proposed for teams for the Regular Season and the IYLA Tournament as applicable:
1. The team and Member Program it represents must be in good standing, with the IYLA.
2. The team must have paid appropriate IYLA team fee by the required deadline.
3. The team must have played no less than 6 games against fellow IYLA teams. (Includes enforcement of current IYLA travel rule). The Executive Committee may relieve a team from this rule if it is shown that the team did not play 6 games through no fault of its own and it played teams that were willing to play them during the season.
4. Any out-of-IYLA games will not count towards the6-game minimum or inseeding of the tournament.
5. The team may not have any pending or IYLA investigations into eligibility issues.
6. Team roster must be comprised of only members from that program. At no time is a player from another program to be listed on a playoff team's roster. The only exception would be a player who is properly playing for that team under the under the eligibility guidelines adopted by the IYLA (pursuant to the IYLA By-laws. This must have been approved BEFORE the official start of the IYLA season (March 15)
7.Programsthat voluntarily excuse themselves/withdraw a teamfrom IYLA participation at any timebefore orduring the current season may not enter any teamor participateat that age group into the tournament.
8. Programs must determine, prior to the official start of the IYLA season (March 15), which team and roster will be participating in the tournament. All rosters must be complete and submitted to the IYLA before the official start of the IYLA season (March 15). The only exception to this would be if a program has more than one rostered and registered team at the same level that has otherwise played a qualifying schedule at that level, the program may request review and substitution of that team for approval by the Executive Committee.
9. Teams may NOT combine rosters oftwo or moreteams to form an "All-star" team, or for any purpose, for tournament participation. A "Team" consists of players that have played on the same team together, against the minimum number of IYLA member programs at the level they are to be seeded in the tournament. Additionally, that team must be submitted to IYLA as the rostered tournament team, with all players on it, by the tournament registration deadline (April 15). Such a team may add up to 5 players to its tournament rostered team after that deadline and on or before April 30, provided that each such player must be rostered and eligible for IYLA on a lower level team in their program (the intent of this exception to add up to 5 players is to permit teams to replace injured/missing players from its Tournament rostered team or to reward players from lower level teams for their play during the season). The maximum tournament roster for the team shall be 35 players.
10. All teams must strictly adhere to the current IYLA age-group classifications. No exceptions will be permitted.
11. The IYLA Executive Committee shall have the authority to address, seek resolution, and grant exceptions for good cause shown, to any issues, topics, or agenda's related to tournament eligibility. Any actions of the Executive Committee shall be binding under IYLA guidelines in lieu of formal board of directors’ action.
12. Players may play for one teamduring each season. No double-rostered players are permitted.
13. Any violation of rules shall result in immediate forfeiture and disqualification from current season tournament and possible suspension from the next IYLA tournament for that program’s age group team.
Proposed Team Fees 2018 and after (until changed by Board(All teams and programs – boys and girls):
14U - Tournament Team Registration - $225
14U - Each additional team registration - $75
12U - Tournament Team Registration - $225
12U - Each additional team registration - $75
10U - Program Registration (unlimited teams) - $100
Note: If a program has insufficient players to divide a team into 2 teams but has rostered enough players that they plan to ‘divide’ the team for A & B games – that team must pay team registration fees ($75 extra for the ‘second’). Example – a program has 26 players rostered and will schedule 2 games -one for each ‘half’ of the roster, the second fee must be paid – to cover scheduling fees.
Alternate – if we decide to have a separate registration date for the tournament, we could make it $75 for all teams in 14U and 12U – and have a separate registration for the tournament (separate date) with a $150 per team registered fee.
2017 Boys Team Fees # of teams CostAMOUNT U14 Program$200/teamU12 Program$100/teamU10 Program$100/programTOTAL
2017 Girls Team Fees # of teams CostAMOUNT U14 Program$200/teamU12 Program$100/organizationU10 Program$100/organization
-IYLA Executive Committee Will Seed the Teams with the assistance/recommendations of the Scheduling Committee (and Tournament Subcommittee).
-IYLA will pay for and provide:
- Officials (and assigning fees)
- Trophy (travelling trophy only) and T-shirts for A & B division champs from each age group (and only for the winner of the first/top bracket at each level -if multiple brackets in the A & B division)
- Tournament Bracket sheet
- Trainer at tournament site