- Purpose
1.1This report proposes new arrangements for the management of Adult Social Care at Head of Service level.
- Decision
Cabinet is asked to recommend to Council
2.1That new job titles and roles are approved for the Heads of Adult Social Care as follows:
Head of Adult Social Care – Services
Head of Adult Social Care - Commissioning and Improvement
2.2That the title of the Strategic Director (Adult Social Services) is changed to Strategic Director (Adult Social Care)
- Context and Background
3.1The Strategic Director (Adult Social Services) has conducted a review of the management structure of Adult Social Care at Head of Service level with the support of the Interim Deputy Director of Social Services who has been seconded from Dorset County Council from July 2009 to March 2010.
3.2The key drivers for the review included:
- Requirements to make improvements in the delivery of services (particularly adult safeguarding) and in the commissioning of services in line with the Care Quality Commission’s Inspection of Adult Social Services reported to Cabinet on 14th July 2009.
- The need to make the most effective and efficient use of resources in the context of increased demographic demand for social services for older people and people with complex disabilities and no commensurate additional funding from central Government to match this demand.
- Increased collaboration with NHS Bournemouth and Poole and Bournemouth Borough Council in the commissioning and contracting for health and social care services.
- Increased integration in the delivery of services with local health services.
3.3In developing the proposals for the new posts, the Strategic Director (Adult Social Services) has held discussions with senior Social Services staff; the Unison Branch Secretary, and colleagues in NHS Bournemouth & Poole and Bournemouth Borough Council.
3.4The proposals are to re-configure the two Heads of Adult Social Care roles to better align with the future agendas in adult social care and health and to create two Heads of Service roles as follows:
i)Head of Adult Social Care – Services
This Head of Service will be accountable for:
- The delivery of assessment, care management and treatment services for all service user groups which include older people; people with physical disabilities, long-term conditions and learning disabilities and people who require treatment, social care and support due to mental ill health and substance misuse.
- The management of the care, support, employment and catering services provided directly by the Borough, including day centres, home care and supported living services.
- Management of Adult Safeguarding.
ii)Head of Adult Social Care – Commissioning & Improvement
This Head of Service will be accountable for:
- Identifying and analysing the needs of local people for health, adult social services and support services in partnership with NHS Bournemouth & Poole.
- Developing and ensuring the implementation of Commissioning plans to meet identified local needs for health, social care and support services together with NHS Bournemouth & Poole and other relevant partners.
- Managing the local social care and support services market and contracting for services to ensure residents can access good quality personalised services which deliver value for money for individuals and the council.
- Implementing major change through programme and project management including the current programme of Personalising Social Care.
- Managing performance and quality assurance to ensure continuous improvement in Adult Social Care, including managing complaints and compliments from the public.
- Ensuring that the views of the public, carers and users are gained and acted upon in both the commissioning and delivery of services.
- Developing and implementing effective Workforce and Training plans for Poole Adult Social Care and for the whole social care sector in Poole.
- Managing effective business systems dedicated to Adult Social Care (including administration and IT systems) so that Adult Social Care is commissioned and delivered in the most effective and efficient way.
3.5The advantages of the new Head of Service roles for Adult Social Care will be:
- Greater clarity in the roles of the two Heads of Service.
- A structure which is aligned to the way in which the health service is structured nationally and locally. This will aid partnership working in both commissioning and the delivery of services.
- Having all services managed by one Head of Service means that resources will be deployed effectively across services and reduce the risk of any one team or service area becoming disproportionately affected by increased demands or difficulties in staff recruitment or retention.
- Having a Head of Service focussed on Commissioning & Improvement will ensure that the Borough can address the deficits identified in the Care Quality Commission Inspection Report relating to business planning; written Commissioning Plans and lack of workforce plans which led to a judgement that Adult Social Services had “uncertain” prospects for improvement.
- A separation of the line management of service delivery and quality assurance ensures greater objectivity in evaluating performance and value for money.
3.6Senior Managers in Social Care have proposed that a change of title from Adult Social Services to Adult Social Care for the Heads of Service roles and Service Units would provide a more positive and easily understood name for the public and employees. It is, therefore, further proposed that the Statutory Director’s title is changed to be in line with new Heads of Service and it becomes Strategic Director (Adult Social Care).
3.7In terms of appointing to the new posts, the Chief Executive will recommend to Council on 15th December 2009, the appointment of John Dermody as the new Head of Adult Social Care – Services.
3.8The Head of Adult Social Care – Commissioning and Improvement post will be advertised in early January 2010.
4.Further development of the staffing structures of Adult Social Care
4.1The Strategic Director (Adult Social Services) and Interim Deputy Director of Adult Social Services are working with senior managers and partners to develop proposals for the middle management structure of Social Services and also to introduce locality health and social care teams for older people and people with long-term conditions.
4.2The further review of structures is aimed to both:
- Contribute to the efficiency programme of the Borough of Poole and that of all partners through the Government’s ‘Total Place’ pilot in Dorset which is focussed on services for older people.
- Improve the integration of local health and social care services and improve access to services and outcomes for local people.
4.3Further proposals for re-structuring of Adult Social Care will be developed and consulted on with employees and Trade Union representatives from December 2009 to January 2010.
John McBride, Chief Executive, Borough of Poole
Contact Officer
Jan Thurgood, Strategic Director (Adult Social Services)
Background papers
Care Quality Commission – Independence, Choice and Well-being Inspection Report, Adult Social Services, Borough of Poole July 2009
CQC Inspection Report Borough of Poole 2009