UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund

Proposal Process and Executive Summary Checklist

FY 2016


  1. The PI should contact Paola Buitron, Technology Manager, OTD at to schedule a preliminary meeting to discuss the format of the written proposal and should work with her and the UMBC Site Miner, David uring the drafting process.
  1. The PI should draft an Executive Summary including all of the items in the checklist below. The Executive Summary should not exceed 3 pages. Fonts should be at least 12point and margins should be at least 1 inch on each side.
  1. An initial draft Executive Summary as outlined below must be submitted to Wendy Martin, Director, OTD at by Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
  1. For the final submission, applicants must provide a completed Cover Form with submission. Proposals should be submitted electronically as a combined PDF (Cover Form, Executive Summary, Addendum)to Wendy Martin. The deadline is Wednesday,October 21, 2015. Submissions will receive an email acknowledgement.

Executive Summary Checklist:

1. Technology Description and Status of Development

Description of the Technology

Description of how the Technology is unique in its approach relative to other approaches

Description of the status of the Technology’s development

Preliminary data suggesting that the Technology is likely to work

2. Application of Technology as a Product and Market Assessment.

Description of potential commercial products or services based on the Technology

Description of how these products will solve a problem/meet a market need

Description of market segmentation analysis and segments that can/will be targeted

A brief summary of the estimated size of the market opportunity for the described products/services

Description of their competitive advantages over competing products and services

3. Project Description, Milestones and Detailed Budget/Justification

Detailed summary of the proposed project.

List of anticipated milestones and their significance in the commercialization process

Detailed budget of the costs required to conduct the project and a justification of costs *

Addendum (not to exceed 10 pages)

Additional information may be included in an addendum such as references and other literature cited and a detailed technical description of the technology. The same fonts and margins should be used.

* For the budget and justification - award expenditures might include: research materials; animal expenses; external consultants/contractual expenses; equipment; domestic travel; salaries and benefits for graduate students, post-docs and undergraduate stipends, but not PI summer salaries. Indirect costs should not be included. Consult with your department’s staff or the Shared Services Center for any questions on business process-related matters. The period of the project should not exceed 12 months.

The project budget should be in tabular form as indicated in the sample below.

Personnel - Salaries
Technician (rate, hours/ week, #weeks) / $
Graduate student (rate, hours/week, #weeks) / $
Personnel -Fringe Benefits
Technician / $
Graduate student / $
Equipment / $
Materials and Supplies
Animal study costs / $
Cell culture supplies / $
Other Direct Costs
Subcontract for services to XYZ, Inc. / $


Finalists will be invited to give a 10- minute presentation to the Review Committee. The object is to tell a compelling story, given in layman’s terms, remembering that the committee members are not likely to be experts in your technical field. There will be 20 minutes allotted for Q&A. Presentation format and instructions will be provided. If you will be traveling during the month of November please let us know as soon as possible.