EddlemanSpring 2011English 1301

Proposal Peer Review

1. Who is the specific audience for this proposal? How do you know?

The specific audience for this proposal seems to be about a middle aged adult group. I know because she seems to target that area.

2. Does the introduction hook the reader? What exactly hooks you?

The introduction does hook the reader. What hooked me was she gave some specific facts about the drinking age years back, which I was unaware of.

3. Is the problem clearly stated in the introduction?

The problem is clearly stated in the introduction.

4. Does the writer use logos (facts, statistics, studies, graphics) to support the problem? Give an example. Yes. According to the National Youth Rights Association, researchers Peter Asch and David Levy did a study proving that “raising the drinking age merely transferred lost lives from the 18-20 bracket to the 21-24 age group”.

5. The problem section should include research (credible sources) that helps demonstrate the scope and seriousness of the problem. Is this section supported by credible sources and if so, how many does the author use here? Yes, they used about two sources.

6. Does the writer use pathos (appeals to emotion) in the proposal? Give an example.

Yes. Adults who are of the age of 18 can make all of these important legal decisions such as buying houses, signing contracts, and getting married. However, when it comes to having a beer at the end of a long day, we are forced to legally say no.

7. What is the solution being proposed? Does the solution seem practical and feasible?

To lower the drinking age and put in alcohol education classes. The solution does seem practical.

8. Is the solution supported by credible sources? How many does the author include in this section? There were no sources in the solution.

9. What are the benefits of the solution? If other benefits occur to you while reading (that have not been explained), mention those here. N/A

10. Does the conclusion remind the reader why the problem needs to be addressed and thank the reader for considering the proposal? N/A

11. Does the paper include a Works Cited page? Are the sources cited correctly both in text and in the Works Cited page? The paper does not include a Works Cited page.